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Guacamole, wallabag, Observium, Paperwork (Zuhkov's Docker Template Repository)

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Is the config and database supposed to stay cache only?


The general advice is that for appdata folders then it it advisable to map them to a cache only share.


So all my docker configs go in a cache only share called appdata.





As examples.

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Ok I will try that and see if it makes any difference.

Just setting the path to /mnt/cache/appdata is not enough. You have to go to the Shares page and set the appdata share to Use cache disk: Only or mover will move it to the array.
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Ok I will try that and see if it makes any difference.

Just setting the path to /mnt/cache/appdata is not enough. You have to go to the Shares page and set the appdata share to Use cache disk: Only or mover will move it to the array.


I can confirm from personal experience after a fresh reinstall this weekend that mover moving it to the array is not a good thing for docker containers. 


It took a while for the penny to drop as well.

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Im Still getting the same error im not sure but it looks like the database is having a problem starting.


Right, I can't explain this, i just completely deleted my container and all the config files, started from scratch and it's loaded up no problems.


Here's my log file:

*** Running /etc/my_init.d/firstrun.sh...
Creating properties from template.
*** Running /etc/rc.local...
* Starting Tomcat servlet engine tomcat7
guacd[64]: INFO:	Guacamole proxy daemon (guacd) version 0.9.5 started
Starting guacd: SUCCESS
*** Booting runit daemon...
*** Runit started as PID 66
Initializing Data Directory.
May 19 18:41:44 451a2a2bb9b6 syslog-ng[75]: syslog-ng starting up; version='3.5.3'
Installation complete.
May 19 18:41:47 451a2a2bb9b6 mysqld_safe: Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /config/databases
May 19 18:41:47 451a2a2bb9b6 mysqld: 150519 18:41:47 InnoDB: The InnoDB memory heap is disabled
May 19 18:41:47 451a2a2bb9b6 mysqld: 150519 18:41:47 InnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use GCC atomic builtins
May 19 18:41:47 451a2a2bb9b6 mysqld: 150519 18:41:47 InnoDB: Compressed tables use zlib 1.2.8
May 19 18:41:47 451a2a2bb9b6 mysqld: 150519 18:41:47 InnoDB: Using Linux native AIO
May 19 18:41:47 451a2a2bb9b6 mysqld: 150519 18:41:47 InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, size = 256.0M
May 19 18:41:47 451a2a2bb9b6 mysqld: 150519 18:41:47 InnoDB: Completed initialization of buffer pool
May 19 18:41:47 451a2a2bb9b6 mysqld: InnoDB: The first specified data file ./ibdata1 did not exist:
May 19 18:41:47 451a2a2bb9b6 mysqld: InnoDB: a new database to be created!
May 19 18:41:47 451a2a2bb9b6 mysqld: 150519 18:41:47 InnoDB: Setting file ./ibdata1 size to 10 MB
May 19 18:41:47 451a2a2bb9b6 mysqld: InnoDB: Database physically writes the file full: wait...
May 19 18:41:47 451a2a2bb9b6 mysqld: 150519 18:41:47 InnoDB: Log file ./ib_logfile0 did not exist: new to be created
May 19 18:41:47 451a2a2bb9b6 mysqld: InnoDB: Setting log file ./ib_logfile0 size to 5 MB
May 19 18:41:47 451a2a2bb9b6 mysqld: InnoDB: Database physically writes the file full: wait...
May 19 18:41:47 451a2a2bb9b6 mysqld: 150519 18:41:47 InnoDB: Log file ./ib_logfile1 did not exist: new to be created
May 19 18:41:47 451a2a2bb9b6 mysqld: InnoDB: Setting log file ./ib_logfile1 size to 5 MB
May 19 18:41:47 451a2a2bb9b6 mysqld: InnoDB: Database physically writes the file full: wait...
May 19 18:41:48 451a2a2bb9b6 mysqld: InnoDB: Doublewrite buffer not found: creating new
May 19 18:41:48 451a2a2bb9b6 mysqld: InnoDB: Doublewrite buffer created
May 19 18:41:48 451a2a2bb9b6 mysqld: InnoDB: 127 rollback segment(s) active.
May 19 18:41:48 451a2a2bb9b6 mysqld: InnoDB: Creating foreign key constraint system tables
May 19 18:41:48 451a2a2bb9b6 mysqld: InnoDB: Foreign key constraint system tables created
May 19 18:41:48 451a2a2bb9b6 mysqld: 150519 18:41:48 InnoDB: Waiting for the background threads to start
May 19 18:41:49 451a2a2bb9b6 mysqld: 150519 18:41:49 Percona XtraDB (http://www.percona.com) 5.5.41-MariaDB-37.0 started; log sequence number 0
May 19 18:41:49 451a2a2bb9b6 mysqld: 150519 18:41:49 [Note] Plugin 'FEEDBACK' is disabled.
May 19 18:41:49 451a2a2bb9b6 mysqld: 150519 18:41:49 [Note] Server socket created on IP: ''.
May 19 18:41:49 451a2a2bb9b6 mysqld: 150519 18:41:49 [Note] Event Scheduler: Loaded 0 events
May 19 18:41:49 451a2a2bb9b6 mysqld: 150519 18:41:49 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld: ready for connections.
May 19 18:41:49 451a2a2bb9b6 mysqld: Version: '5.5.42-MariaDB-1~trusty-log' socket: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' port: 3306 mariadb.org binary distribution
Creating user and database.
Database created. Granting access to 'guacamole' user for localhost.
Shutting down.
May 19 18:41:54 451a2a2bb9b6 mysqld: 150519 18:41:54 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Normal shutdown
May 19 18:41:54 451a2a2bb9b6 mysqld: 
May 19 18:41:54 451a2a2bb9b6 mysqld: 150519 18:41:54 [Note] Event Scheduler: Purging the queue. 0 events
May 19 18:41:54 451a2a2bb9b6 mysqld: 150519 18:41:54 InnoDB: Starting shutdown...
May 19 18:41:55 451a2a2bb9b6 mysqld: 150519 18:41:55 InnoDB: Shutdown completed; log sequence number 1669141
May 19 18:41:55 451a2a2bb9b6 mysqld: 150519 18:41:55 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Shutdown complete
May 19 18:41:55 451a2a2bb9b6 mysqld: 
May 19 18:41:55 451a2a2bb9b6 mysqld_safe: mysqld from pid file /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid ended
chown time
Initialization complete.
Starting MariaDB...
150519 18:42:02 mysqld_safe Logging to '/config/databases/451a2a2bb9b6.err'.
150519 18:42:02 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /config/databases


And logged in with guacadmin\guacadmin


Post a screenshot of your config and check that you definitely deleted all the folders mapped to /config.  You did delete container and image right?

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  • 1 month later...

regarding guacamole:


I have this docker up and running (thanks!).  I'm able to connect to my windows 8 VM from my laptop, using RDP, thru Guacamole.


But, when I try to connect as a separate user than the one the VM defaults to, it tells me it will log off the other user.  I'd rather not have this happen.  So, I set Guacamole to connect as the same user, which works, but when it connects, it turns the monitor to the weird rainbow/login screen, making the VM session useless/inactive while I'm connected via Guacamole.


I used to use RDP a few years ago, and remember I had it set so that I could connect to a session without disrupting that session, but I can't figure out how to do it now.


Does anyone know how I can connect to the VM session with RDP (Guacamole) without disrupting the VM session/appearance.


Basically, i want to be able to login to the VM to use it to manage some files (since it's way faster), but still let the family continue watching Movies/TV while I do my thing.

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regarding guacamole:


I have this docker up and running (thanks!).  I'm able to connect to my windows 8 VM from my laptop, using RDP, thru Guacamole.


But, when I try to connect as a separate user than the one the VM defaults to, it tells me it will log off the other user.  I'd rather not have this happen.  So, I set Guacamole to connect as the same user, which works, but when it connects, it turns the monitor to the weird rainbow/login screen, making the VM session useless/inactive while I'm connected via Guacamole.


I used to use RDP a few years ago, and remember I had it set so that I could connect to a session without disrupting that session, but I can't figure out how to do it now.


Does anyone know how I can connect to the VM session with RDP (Guacamole) without disrupting the VM session/appearance.


Basically, i want to be able to login to the VM to use it to manage some files (since it's way faster), but still let the family continue watching Movies/TV while I do my thing.


I had the same problem and installed TightVNC on my machines and connect via VNC with not user login/lock screen issue.

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regarding guacamole:


I have this docker up and running (thanks!).  I'm able to connect to my windows 8 VM from my laptop, using RDP, thru Guacamole.


But, when I try to connect as a separate user than the one the VM defaults to, it tells me it will log off the other user.  I'd rather not have this happen.  So, I set Guacamole to connect as the same user, which works, but when it connects, it turns the monitor to the weird rainbow/login screen, making the VM session useless/inactive while I'm connected via Guacamole.


I used to use RDP a few years ago, and remember I had it set so that I could connect to a session without disrupting that session, but I can't figure out how to do it now.


Does anyone know how I can connect to the VM session with RDP (Guacamole) without disrupting the VM session/appearance.


Basically, i want to be able to login to the VM to use it to manage some files (since it's way faster), but still let the family continue watching Movies/TV while I do my thing.


I had the same problem and installed TightVNC on my machines and connect via VNC with not user login/lock screen issue.


Thanks for the feedback.  Did you have to install TightVNC on the VM also, or just the computer you wish to connect with (my laptop)?


I just connected with my windows 8 laptop RDC and it worked okay.  it disconnected the Guacamole session, and allowed me to see the VM in full screen, which was nice, but it was really laggy, and didn't seem to allow the VM to run programs at VM native speed.  it seemed to slow down what I was doing quite a bit; which I suspect is because it was going thru my wifi to my laptop; which is exactly what I'm trying to avoid by RDC.


Also, when I disconnected the windows RDC, the login screen on the VM didn't go away, which is disappointing.  Oh well.


I'll look into TightVNC and see if it will do what I'm wanting.


thanks again.

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Installed TightVNC on the VMs I want to connect to and in guacamole set the protocol to VNC and connect


I'm not getting this to work.


I installed tightvnc on the windows vm, set a password for user and admin, then tried to connect to it with guacamole, but it just never connects.


I suspect I'm missing some crucial step, but so far, I'm stuck.

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neglected to set port 5900 in guacamole setup.  I'm connected now.


Is there any way to connect without mirroring the VM?


Ideally I'd like to be able to work on the VM from my laptop without the monitor connected to the VM seeing what I'm doing.


Sometimes I just need to do some file maintenance, and it's MUCH faster if I can do it on the VM, than over wifi on my laptop; but I don't want the family to have to stop using the TV while I do my work.


Is this possible, either with tightvnc, or some other method?  I used to be able to do this with a hack for windows7, but it seems not possible with windows8.


Maybe logging in as a different user than the main user on the VM, for example?

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neglected to set port 5900 in guacamole setup.  I'm connected now.


Is there any way to connect without mirroring the VM?


Ideally I'd like to be able to work on the VM from my laptop without the monitor connected to the VM seeing what I'm doing.


Sometimes I just need to do some file maintenance, and it's MUCH faster if I can do it on the VM, than over wifi on my laptop; but I don't want the family to have to stop using the TV while I do my work.


Is this possible, either with tightvnc, or some other method?  I used to be able to do this with a hack for windows7, but it seems not possible with windows8.


Maybe logging in as a different user than the main user on the VM, for example?


hmm All of my VMs are on ESXi and are headless....  So I don't need to do anything with a monitor.  Do you have it installed as a service?

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Yeah, it's installed as a service.


My Windows 8 VM is my HTPC replacement.  I've run a long HDMI cable from the server in the attic to the TV in the living room.  Works great, just this 'issue' with mirroring.


Not a big deal really, as it's better than what I had been doing, which was shut down the VM with GPU passthru, then relaunching it with VNC on my laptop so i could do what I needed, then closing that and relaunching with GPU passthru.  At least this way, i can just access it in place, so I have less "hoop-jumping".


I was just hoping there was another/better way to let me have full access while the VM was in use as an HTPC.

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Yeah, it's installed as a service.


My Windows 8 VM is my HTPC replacement.  I've run a long HDMI cable from the server in the attic to the TV in the living room.  Works great, just this 'issue' with mirroring.


Not a big deal really, as it's better than what I had been doing, which was shut down the VM with GPU passthru, then relaunching it with VNC on my laptop so i could do what I needed, then closing that and relaunching with GPU passthru.  At least this way, i can just access it in place, so I have less "hoop-jumping".


I was just hoping there was another/better way to let me have full access while the VM was in use as an HTPC.


OOOOHhhh I miss-read your question.  Sorry, no help with that.

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for anyone following along, I got it resolved.  Here is a wrapper which circumvents the RDP restrictions on most/all versions of windows...


I had to register to get the links, but here is the download...


Quick instructions are, download version 1.5, unzip it to the computer which you want to remote into, run the RDPConf.exe - which lets you set some options (like shadowing, and multiple connections),  open a command prompt as administrator on the client machine, cd to the unzipped directory, run RDPWInst.exe -i and it should install everything necessary for it to work.  I restarted the machine, but I'm not sure if it was necessary.


Once restarted, I used the RDP built into windows to connect to the machine, and confirmed it did not disrupt the session in progress on the VM.  I played a movie on the VM, extracted an MKV in one session, and installed and started configuration of a Plex docker on a 3rd connection.  All worked great.


In the end, it seems I didn't/don't need Guacamole for any of this (although it did work fine).  The windows RDP program displays in full screen at a higher resolution, and ran at nearly full speed, even over wifi.


Thanks again for all the help.

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