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(Support) Aptalca's docker templates

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That folder didn't exist before. I let the docker installation create the config directory, and it stuck some files and directories into there.


EDIT: Got it working. I guess the newest version creates the config correctly without needing to set the library to /config on first setup. Or maybe because I set the EDGE variable to 1. Either way, it works, and the wireless content server works as well. Thanks for talking me through it and the pointers!

Edited by Eyeheartpie
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Now I'm having another odd problem. Whenever I try to access the calibre web UI, it gets passed the calibre selection dropdown,but then when I actually hit OK, it opens an xclipboard window, and that's it. It never loads the UI and just sits at the xlicpboard window and never loads the UI. Whenever I close the xclipboard window, it just reopens in another place. I tried restarting the docker, but no joy. It was working fine yesterday, and I haven't changed any settings besides activating the wireless content server, which still works. Any ideas?

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I'm reading the instructions... i'm trying to install the calibre-server, it works, but it says to click install, says to put library location and port, but I don't have any box to put the location in...

Installing it anyway, running the webui shows me an empty library since i didn't specify where it's located...  


I have a user share called Calibre where it's located. After adding it as another available share, it's the same deal, I don't see where i can specify to the docker to use THAT location.  Any idea what I missed?

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5 minutes ago, Eyeheartpie said:

There's an option when you're installing to add another path. That's where you define the host path. You have to click the plus at the bottom of the server config page. You can add it after the fact by going back into the docker config page. 

Well I did that, i added my library location there... but where do I specify to the docker that I want to use that path for my library?  Or is there a specific container path to use and it'll be automatic?

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This is what I have in the docker config :




This is what i see in the web ui :




When I click on All books, I don't see anything, its empty.  Notice at the bottom the /config path... well, this one is not editable.  It's almost like i'd have to move my library to /mnt/user/appdata/Calibre-server

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1 hour ago, stefer said:

imageproxy.php?img=&key=00b562fcac28e727imageproxy.php?img=&key=00b562fcac28e727This is what I have in the docker config :




This is what i see in the web ui :




When I click on All books, I don't see anything, its empty.  Notice at the bottom the /config path... well, this one is not editable.  It's almost like i'd have to move my library to /mnt/user/appdata/Calibre-server


Calibre server has no gui to change settings. It looks for the library at /config. Set that to your existing library location. It has to already be set up with calibre prior. Otherwise use the rdp version and create a new library and set it however you like

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HELP, I'm trying to get my USB camera (logitech c270, locally attached to unraid machine) working with Zoneminder. From what it looks like it does not show anything under /dev/video0 becuase I dont have cheese installed? but i cant install cheese because there is no apt-get for unraid, cant install that because there is no dpkg ether. It does show up under usb devices though bus 003 device 009.

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HELP, I'm trying to get my USB camera (logitech c270, locally attached to unraid machine) working with Zoneminder. From what it looks like it does not show anything under /dev/video0 becuase I dont have cheese installed? but i cant install cheese because there is no apt-get for unraid, cant install that because there is no dpkg ether. It does show up under usb devices though bus 003 device 009.
In order to use a device in docker, the host would need to load either the drivers or the kernel modules. I don't believe unraid supports any USB cameras
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Hello Aptalca and thank you very much for your work.
Just wondering if you had any plans to update the Digikam Docker? I've been using your 4.9 version but the latest 5.6 version seems really good and would love to run it on my server.
Thank you again
It was supposed to auto update to the latest version. I'll look into it
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Hi! I'm having an internal debate that is getting stuck at the moment.  I'm using the calibre rdp dockers with the content server enabled.


It's working great but I have one problem in that my kobo's Web browser can't handle the built in authentication that calibre uses.


Additionally,  I'm using the linuxserver version of letsencrypt to access the content server, but again the same kobo browser can't handle the basic auth. 


So I'm wondering,  will I be opening myself up to significant risk by having the content server running at https://books.domain.com running without auth? I just don't know about the risks when it comes to a docker like this. 


As further info, I've also run ubooquity with auth successfully on kobo, but want to switch to calibre because ubooquity often can't transfer book files to the kobo. I'd switch to kindle but the rest of the family all have kobos now too. Sigh..



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  • 1 month later...

Hi guys - A quick question about bulk book import... 


I'm currently suffering from having my docker.img file totally fill up on large ebook imports...


I run a 50gb Docker ISO image... And when i point a large zip file of comics etc to Calibre it fills it up very quickly... Would i be right in assuming that /tmp for calibre needs to be mapped outside of the image? It seems cailbre ebook import grinds to a half when the docker image is totally full (not to mention it effects other running containers) 


Havnt been able to confirm which temp folder calibre uses to do its mass imports but was assuming /tmp from within the container. I know calibre also has variables that can define this path https://manual.calibre-ebook.com/customize.html but not sure whether they are available to be used when running calibre as a container and whether they need to be built/passed through the unraid template to be used?


Any help would be awesome...

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9 hours ago, thestraycat said:

Hi guys - A quick question about bulk book import... 


I'm currently suffering from having my docker.img file totally fill up on large ebook imports...


I run a 50gb Docker ISO image... And when i point a large zip file of comics etc to Calibre it fills it up very quickly... Would i be right in assuming that /tmp for calibre needs to be mapped outside of the image? It seems cailbre ebook import grinds to a half when the docker image is totally full (not to mention it effects other running containers) 


Havnt been able to confirm which temp folder calibre uses to do its mass imports but was assuming /tmp from within the container. I know calibre also has variables that can define this path https://manual.calibre-ebook.com/customize.html but not sure whether they are available to be used when running calibre as a container and whether they need to be built/passed through the unraid template to be used?


Any help would be awesome...


If calibre is indeed using the /tmp location (I don't know whether it does or not) you can simply map it to any location on your unraid in the container settings. No need to mess with calibre settings

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  • 4 weeks later...

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