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FileBot containers

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Any reason a Deluge folder move from /incomplete to /complete wouldn't trigger the auto rename/move?  Restarting the container moves it right away.


Can you PM me your log? Also mention when a move from /incomplete to /complete happens (timestamp).


Edit: Also note that if there is other activity going on in the watched folder, the monitor will wait for MAX_WAIT_TIME for the changes to stop. (Default 1 minute.)

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Thanks for the great docker been working well. I have one issue where subtitles won't download. I can login to open subtitles no problem and I have double and triple checked the config, my username and password are correct. Any ideas?


You and I both suspect that your password has "special characters" in it that are causing problems. $ " \ are examples of characters that can cause you grief. Example of how you need to put a backslash before those characters:







If you're still having trouble, I could put a message in the log to show you what password the code sees.

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For some reason my filebot (non-UI) will not automatically pickup on changes to the input directory. If I restart the docker container, it will pick up the new stuff, but anything added after it has started does not get noticed or processed.


PM me your log.

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Changing the input folder fixed for me.


Change from /mnt/user/Media/Downloads/completed/ to /mnt/cache/Media/Downloads/completed/


Hm... I opened two shells on my server. I ran this in one:


inotifywait -r -m -q --format 'EVENT=%e WATCHED=%w FILE=%f' /mnt/user/temp


Then I ran this in the other:


echo foo > /mnt/user/temp/a


The inotifywait command saw the change:



EVENT=OPEN WATCHED=/mnt/user/temp/ FILE=a




I also tried subdirectories, and it worked fine. Maybe you could run my experiment yourself, using /mnt/user/Media/Downloads/completed/?

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I have filebot Docker running in Unaid and it looks like it is running on files before they are finished being moved to that directory. this is occurring with Zip files. it extracts before all rar files are present in the folder. The input location is set up with syncthing so rar files can take some time to populate in the folder. How can i maybe schedual or hold filebot from running until all rar files are present?


Increase MAX_WAIT_TIME in the config file. Or unpack into a temp directory, then move into the directory that filebot is monitoring.

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i just updated the filebot container, i believe this update was pushed within last few days.

i'm getting following mediainfo errors now:


{duration} => Expression yields empty value: Binding "duration": Unable to load library 'mediainfo': Native library (linux-x86-64/libmediainfo.so) not found in resource path ([file:/usr/share/filebot/FileBot.jar])
{duration} => Expression yields empty value: Binding "duration": Could not initialize class net.filebot.mediainfo.MediaInfoLibrary
Failed to read video properties: Unable to load amd64 (64-bit) native library libmediainfo.so: Could not initialize class net.filebot.mediainfo.MediaInfoLibrary


is there anything i can do on my end to fix it?


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I'm having the same problems as joyless after the last update.


{duration} => Expression yields empty value: Binding "duration": Unable to load library 'mediainfo': Native library (linux-x86-64/libmediainfo.so) not found in resource path ([file:/usr/share/filebot/FileBot.jar])
{duration} => Expression yields empty value: Binding "duration": Could not initialize class net.filebot.mediainfo.MediaInfoLibrary

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I'm having the same problems as joyless after the last update.


{duration} => Expression yields empty value: Binding "duration": Unable to load library 'mediainfo': Native library (linux-x86-64/libmediainfo.so) not found in resource path ([file:/usr/share/filebot/FileBot.jar])
{duration} => Expression yields empty value: Binding "duration": Could not initialize class net.filebot.mediainfo.MediaInfoLibrary


I'm facing the same issue after the update too

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i have some question about filebot and what is possible to change via the config.


1. output folders, looks hardcoded to "Movies" and "TV Shows", possible to change these in the config ? or may possible to use "links" if thats easier ?

2. Movies dont have an directory, possible to change so it would end like /Movies/Movienamehere/movie.mkv as example ?

3. well, dont rename anything, just move to the recognized output like a movie to /Movies, a episode to /TV Shows/name/season/ ...


thanks ahead for any hints ;)

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1. output folders, looks hardcoded to "Movies" and "TV Shows", possible to change these in the config ? or may possible to use "links" if thats easier ?

2. Movies dont have an directory, possible to change so it would end like /Movies/Movienamehere/movie.mkv as example ?

3. well, dont rename anything, just move to the recognized output like a movie to /Movies, a episode to /TV Shows/name/season/ ...


In your config dir, after you start the container for the first time, will be a filebot.sh file. You can edit MUSIC_FORMAT, MOVIE_FORMAT, and SERIES_FORMAT there. It's a bash script, so be careful about your syntax.


Unfortunately, the AMC plugin for filebot doesn't have the greatest documentation. But you should be able to get "Movienamehere" and whatever else you want.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi again, got it sorted so far and is a really nice tool when u know what u doing ;)


keep original i couldnt figure out, but nevermind, renaming is ok now ;)


may one question though, is filebot renaming and moving ? to me it looks more like copy to new location with new name and the delete the original files ?

just wondering cause its using double diskusage ...


i changed in .sh to "--action move" ... still looking to me it would copy and delete ...

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Hi again, got it sorted so far and is a really nice tool when u know what u doing ;)


keep original i couldnt figure out, but nevermind, renaming is ok now ;)


may one question though, is filebot renaming and moving ? to me it looks more like copy to new location with new name and the delete the original files ?

just wondering cause its using double diskusage ...


i changed in .sh to "--action move" ... still looking to me it would copy and delete ...

I don't use the app, but I will say that since its moving from /input to /output, it will always do a copy / delete because they are different mount points and that's just how every OS in the world works


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On 2/3/2017 at 1:59 PM, rednoah said:

Alternatively, you can try these:


@rednoah good to see you in this forum! How can i install your docker on Unraid if its not on the community repository? I have the coppit version but i have an issue that after a period of time it doesn't pickup the new files and i have to restart the docker to fix it. 

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If you want to use my docker images, then you need basic command-line skills.


Running docker will automatically download images from Docker Hub. It'll work on any Linux device regardless of whether or not it's Unraid.



docker run -it -v $PWD:/volume1 -v data:/data rednoah/filebot -script fn:sysinfo





Creating docker-template files for the community repository for my docker containers is left to the unRAID community. I'm happy to accept pull requests.

Edited by rednoah
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9 hours ago, rednoah said:

If you want to use my docker images, then you need basic command-line skills.


Running docker will automatically download images from Docker Hub. It'll work on any Linux device regardless of whether or not it's Unraid.



docker run -it -v $PWD:/volume1 -v data:/data rednoah/filebot -script fn:sysinfo





Creating docker-template files for the community repository for my docker containers is left to the unRAID community. I'm happy to accept pull requests.

I tried this:


docker run -it -v $PWD:/mnt/user/Media -v data:/data -p 5452:5452 rednoah/filebot:node fn:sysinfo


But when i run the script it doesn't find the path to media. 


Screen Shot 2017-02-26 at 2.34.34 PM.png

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On 19.2.2017 at 6:14 AM, Squid said:

I don't use the app, but I will say that since its moving from /input to /output, it will always do a copy / delete because they are different mount points and that's just how every OS in the world works



well, my mount points are physically on the same drive, as example, a cut and paste from a 50 gig file takes 1 second in file explorer, a move here takes a little until its copied and then deleted ... i agree when its physically different drives, but i assume thats how filebot works ;) nvm, just would be alot nicer ...

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