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I was hoping someone could help me with my Sonarr config.  Everything actually works ok but it only works if I have Drone Factory pointing to my downloads and a the interval set to 1.  When processing the download I actually get an error 'Intermediate Download Path inside Drone Factory, Ignoring'.  The error quickly goes away and everything is then processed, renamed etc.


I've read that Drone Factory should not be used as it is a legacy import system but if I remove the above from the Drone Factory setting I get an error and processing, renaming doesn't happen.  I have attached a screenshot of my setup.  Any help would be appreciated.






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I was hoping someone could help me with my Sonarr config.  Everything actually works ok but it only works if I have Drone Factory pointing to my downloads and a the interval set to 1.  When processing the download I actually get an error 'Intermediate Download Path inside Drone Factory, Ignoring'.  The error quickly goes away and everything is then processed, renamed etc.


I've read that Drone Factory should not be used as it is a legacy import system but if I remove the above from the Drone Factory setting I get an error and processing, renaming doesn't happen.  I have attached a screenshot of my setup.  Any help would be appreciated.






Post your nzbget config.

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/downloads should be the same folder in both containers, change the Sonarr one to match NZBget.  Otherwise it's like this:


NZBGet:  I put that file in /downloads/somefolder/ for you:  (/mnt/cache/appdata/NZBGet/downloads/somefolder/)

Sonarr:  Thanks I'll take a look in /downloads/somefolder/: (Looking in /mnt/cache/appdata/NZBGet/downloads/completed/Series/somefolder/)

Sonarr:  I can't see it in /downloads/somefolder/

NZBGet:  You fricking blind or something?!  It's right there!


You get my drift?


And remember Linux is case sensitive, so I always recommend keeping folders lowercase, makes for less confusion in the long run.

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/downloads should be the same folder in both containers, change the Sonarr one to match NZBget.  Otherwise it's like this:


NZBGet:  I put that file in /downloads/somefolder/ for you:  (/mnt/cache/appdata/NZBGet/downloads/somefolder/)

Sonarr:  Thanks I'll take a look in /downloads/somefolder/: (Looking in /mnt/cache/appdata/NZBGet/downloads/completed/Series/somefolder/)

Sonarr:  I can't see it in /downloads/somefolder/

NZBGet:  You fricking blind or something?!  It's right there!


You get my drift?


And remember Linux is case sensitive, so I always recommend keeping folders lowercase, makes for less confusion in the long run.

This is GOLD, my friend, PURE GOLD.


You need to put this in the docker FAQ, it perfectly sums up the what, how, and why on docker mapping issues. I realize it's already explained there, but the comedy really highlights what's going on.

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I have no idea then.


Although this looks like some windows path?!




Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk


hey thanks for trying, I thought Id use some of my windows logic and reset everything, deleted the docker image... not my best decision...

right now I have:


/tv/ is not writeable by user abc

abc is not a user when I tried to give ownership by the command line so I think i've made it worse...


abc is just a pseudonym for nobody from the group users which is the default user for Unraid......


I can't think much more about it right now, I'm kinda drunk...  :P


lmao happy new year mate.

/tv/ is not writeable by user abc

I have tried chowning the actual folder on disk to nobody, chmod 777'd it , chowning the link in docker to nobody and abc and none of them help..

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lmao happy new year mate.

/tv/ is not writeable by user abc

I have tried chowning the actual folder on disk to nobody, chmod 777'd it , chowning the link in docker to nobody and abc and none of them help..


Yeah it was pretty cool, out for a nice dinner with the wife, then beer, lots of beer.  No raging party as Mrs CHBMB is with child and resembling a marine mammal at the moment.  But a good night nonetheless.  ;D


Can you do a ls -la on /tv please? and post the results (redact it if you need to, only wanna see file permissions not filenames.)

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lmao happy new year mate.

/tv/ is not writeable by user abc

I have tried chowning the actual folder on disk to nobody, chmod 777'd it , chowning the link in docker to nobody and abc and none of them help..


Yeah it was pretty cool, out for a nice dinner with the wife, then beer, lots of beer.  No raging party as Mrs CHBMB is with child and resembling a marine mammal at the moment.  But a good night nonetheless.  ;D


Can you do a ls -la on /tv please? and post the results (redact it if you need to, only wanna see file permissions not filenames.)

drwxrwxrwx 1 abc users 12288 Dec 31 23:53 tv

-R'd so same deal inside

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lmao happy new year mate.

/tv/ is not writeable by user abc

I have tried chowning the actual folder on disk to nobody, chmod 777'd it , chowning the link in docker to nobody and abc and none of them help..


Yeah it was pretty cool, out for a nice dinner with the wife, then beer, lots of beer.  No raging party as Mrs CHBMB is with child and resembling a marine mammal at the moment.  But a good night nonetheless.  ;D


Can you do a ls -la on /tv please? and post the results (redact it if you need to, only wanna see file permissions not filenames.)

drwxrwxrwx 1 abc users 12288 Dec 31 23:53 tv

-R'd so same deal inside


OK, so is that outside of the docker container? 

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This is mine from the Unraid terminal


root@server:/mnt/user/tv# ls -la
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users  117 Jan  3 00:40 ./
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users  126 Jan  3 00:27 ../
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users  143 Feb 18 


And then from within the docker container


root@server:/mnt/user/tv# docker exec -it sonarr bash
root@a563c780b363:/# cd /tv
root@a563c780b363:/tv# ls -la
drwxrwxrwx 1 abc  users  117 Jan  3 00:40 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root   230 Dec 31 00:53 ..
drwxrwxrwx 1 abc  users  143 Feb 18


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This is mine from the Unraid terminal


root@server:/mnt/user/tv# ls -la
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users  117 Jan  3 00:40 ./
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users  126 Jan  3 00:27 ../
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users  143 Feb 18 


And then from within the docker container


root@server:/mnt/user/tv# docker exec -it sonarr bash
root@a563c780b363:/# cd /tv
root@a563c780b363:/tv# ls -la
drwxrwxrwx 1 abc  users  117 Jan  3 00:40 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root   230 Dec 31 00:53 ..
drwxrwxrwx 1 abc  users  143 Feb 18


outside of docker its

drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 12288 Dec 31 23:53 TV\ shows/

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This is mine from the Unraid terminal


root@server:/mnt/user/tv# ls -la
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users  117 Jan  3 00:40 ./
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users  126 Jan  3 00:27 ../
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users  143 Feb 18 


And then from within the docker container


root@server:/mnt/user/tv# docker exec -it sonarr bash
root@a563c780b363:/# cd /tv
root@a563c780b363:/tv# ls -la
drwxrwxrwx 1 abc  users  117 Jan  3 00:40 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root   230 Dec 31 00:53 ..
drwxrwxrwx 1 abc  users  143 Feb 18


outside of docker its

drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 12288 Dec 31 23:53 TV\ shows/


What about the folders within?  The same?

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This is mine from the Unraid terminal


root@server:/mnt/user/tv# ls -la
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users  117 Jan  3 00:40 ./
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users  126 Jan  3 00:27 ../
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users  143 Feb 18 


And then from within the docker container


root@server:/mnt/user/tv# docker exec -it sonarr bash
root@a563c780b363:/# cd /tv
root@a563c780b363:/tv# ls -la
drwxrwxrwx 1 abc  users  117 Jan  3 00:40 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root   230 Dec 31 00:53 ..
drwxrwxrwx 1 abc  users  143 Feb 18


outside of docker its

drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 12288 Dec 31 23:53 TV\ shows/


What about the folders within?  The same?


yeah they are :/

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I got no idea.  You are mounting the folder as rw aren't you?


Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk


like this??

-v "/mnt/user/TV shows/":"/tv":rw


Yeah, everything looks fine, but tbh I got no idea what's going on, I'm a bit lost on what you've actually done through the terminal as I've never known anyone have to chown the share before to get stuff working,  Install the fix common problems plugin and lets see if that sheds any light on it.

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I got no idea.  You are mounting the folder as rw aren't you?


Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk


like this??

-v "/mnt/user/TV shows/":"/tv":rw


Yeah, everything looks fine, but tbh I got no idea what's going on, I'm a bit lost on what you've actually done through the terminal as I've never known anyone have to chown the share before to get stuff working,  Install the fix common problems plugin and lets see if that sheds any light on it.


I installed that plug in, only thing of interest is there are two sonnar appdata folders, one is sonarr and one is Sonarr but surely that wouldnt cause a folder to "not be writeable" would it??

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I got no idea.  You are mounting the folder as rw aren't you?


Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk


like this??

-v "/mnt/user/TV shows/":"/tv":rw


Yeah, everything looks fine, but tbh I got no idea what's going on, I'm a bit lost on what you've actually done through the terminal as I've never known anyone have to chown the share before to get stuff working,  Install the fix common problems plugin and lets see if that sheds any light on it.


I installed that plug in, only thing of interest is there are two sonnar appdata folders, one is sonarr and one is Sonarr but surely that wouldnt cause a folder to "not be writeable" would it??


Sent you a PM

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I got no idea.  You are mounting the folder as rw aren't you?


Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk


like this??

-v "/mnt/user/TV shows/":"/tv":rw


Yeah, everything looks fine, but tbh I got no idea what's going on, I'm a bit lost on what you've actually done through the terminal as I've never known anyone have to chown the share before to get stuff working,  Install the fix common problems plugin and lets see if that sheds any light on it.


I installed that plug in, only thing of interest is there are two sonnar appdata folders, one is sonarr and one is Sonarr but surely that wouldnt cause a folder to "not be writeable" would it??


Not quite sure what caused this issue, but it's solved now.  Turns out that nothing could write to the TV Shows share, either directly on the array or via a docker mount.  Fixed by running docker safe new perms.

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I have come to realize there is something wrong with the permissions of all my files being pulled.


It is the same with all my containers, so if I can fix one I can fix them all.


My folders are created as:

drwxr-xr-x 1 nobody users 


and my files:

-rw-r--r-- 1 nobody users 


If I run newperms then I can fix the issue, but I am certain that this is not needed.


When I add my LSIO containers, I have always used the default settings, besides the ports.


so I say add <container>, set my port, set my paths and go.


I have never tried or looked at the user/group settings/permissions, but I am guessing I have to do something there, the question is what.




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Only thing I can think of, is go to settings ==> media management and switch on advanced view.  If enabled the setting for permissions would give 644 for files and 755 for folders by default.  If you feel the need to change the permissions then change file chmod mask to 0666 and folder chmod mask to 0777, which should give the same results as new perms.  There shouldn't be a need to alter the chown user or group setting as that is handled by PUID and PGID in the docker setup.


When you say there's something wrong with them?  What problems is it causing?  You also say all your containers?  Can you be more specific, which containers are you using?





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Hey everyone. First time poster so be gentle plz.


My mate recently convinced me to change over my Plex server to unRAID from Windows, it's been great so far except for one little snag that has really thrown a spanner in the works.

He's been using unRAID for years now and he can't figure out what the issue is so there's little to no help for a newbie like myself.


Basically Sonarr and NZBGet are all working great, except when a download is completed, Sonarr is unable to move it to my TV Shows folder.

In the logs I get the error 'Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Sonarr:'


We've checked all the paths and they are fine. He's also checked the permissions using putty and that didn't work either. I've also tried the permissions from within Sonarr, but to no avail.


I'm able to provide logs, screenshots, etc if needed.



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