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[Support] Linuxserver.io - Sonarr

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just upgraded to v6 and also switch from sab/SB to nzbget and sonarr. I am getting a "No files found are eligible for import in..." error. on newly downloaded files. I verified the path and the permissions for the download location based on what I have read in other posts. If I try to manually import the files I get "No video files were found in the selected folder." There are mkv files in the folders and their size does fall within the quality limits so I am at a loss. Any suggestions?

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See the faq on linking containers


Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk

I found the FAQ and it finally clicked for me. Files are now being found as they should be. Thanks a TON.


I love it when people make the effort to solve their own problems!  It'll stand you in very good stead for any other container setups in the future and will be time well spent.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am in the process of trying to switch from sickrage to sonarr, and because i am having problems with sonarr and nzbget, it looks like i am switching to sonarr with sabnzbd.


Question is:  why would sonarr be changing permissions on my files that it handles.  as far as i can tell i am unable to move files via my windows box and network share.  I shut rebooted both machines (windows that normally has full access and my unraid 6.21) and told all dockers not to autostart - it will not let me move the files anymore.


So i am running docker safe new permissions which looks like it is going to take a long time.  Pretty sure as soon as sonarr process or handles a file it will do it again.


Any ideas?


Edit - I haven't enabled the set permissions under media management.  Should i do that to have it fix it after it changes the permissions?


Edit again - Looks like setting permissions might be working.

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Sonarr likes to spin my disks up every 12 hours due their "Refresh Series" schedule task. Unfortunately it's not possible to turn this off or customize when it runs. Has anyone found a creative solution to prevent this task from spinning up disks?

Are you using the cache directories plugin? It may help you in this situation.


Sent from my HTC One M9 using Tapatalk



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Getting an import error when trying to import from "tv" directory below:


Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Sonarr:


I have correct mapping and directory permission with 777 and owner name: nobody; Group name: users


This directory also happens to deny me access via SMB share when logged in as user with read/write access.


total 16K
drwsrwsrwx 1 nobody users   16 Oct 24 20:39 ./
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users   60 Oct 20 21:49 ../
-rwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users  11K Oct 24 21:15 .DS_Store*
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users   10 Jan 10  2016 ebook/
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users  103 Oct  8 08:35 movie/
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users   31 Oct  8 08:35 music/
drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users 4.0K Oct 24 21:08 tv/


What am I missing?

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Sonarr likes to spin my disks up every 12 hours due their "Refresh Series" schedule task. Unfortunately it's not possible to turn this off or customize when it runs. Has anyone found a creative solution to prevent this task from spinning up disks?

Are you using the cache directories plugin? It may help you in this situation.


Sent from my HTC One M9 using Tapatalk


I am. Doesn't seem to make a difference.

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I posted this in the master thread, but anyway we can get support for mp4 automator built in (or maybe a second container)?



Please  make a issue on github. And I'll look into it tomorrow.



Thanks! Issue posted along with this comment:


it might make sense to have NZBGet / SABnzbd support this rather than each PVR application. Ultimately I'm looking for a way to automate the remux process to help out my processor and limit transcoding requirements for Plex. Where that lives, I'm not sure I care too much (personally).




I was wondering if this was ever integrated in one or the other way?

right now I'm trying to find a docker for it, but till now without much success.


since I have not seen anything since my post I decided to look into it myself and came up with the attached script which is installing all dependencies for mp4_automator. currently I'm using it with a local build docker file based on need's sonar dockerfile.

also it still require the manual download of the scripts itself. I'm sure the specialists here could fine tune the script.

anyhow just in case someone is interested in integrate it to the docker.


This came up in a search. I just got Sonarr and SAB running and I'm looking for a way to auto convert MKV to MP4.


Is there an easier way to do this? Has sickbeard_mp4_automator been implemented in any of the Sonarr or SAB dockers?

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I posted this in the master thread, but anyway we can get support for mp4 automator built in (or maybe a second container)?



Please  make a issue on github. And I'll look into it tomorrow.



Thanks! Issue posted along with this comment:


it might make sense to have NZBGet / SABnzbd support this rather than each PVR application. Ultimately I'm looking for a way to automate the remux process to help out my processor and limit transcoding requirements for Plex. Where that lives, I'm not sure I care too much (personally).




I was wondering if this was ever integrated in one or the other way?

right now I'm trying to find a docker for it, but till now without much success.


since I have not seen anything since my post I decided to look into it myself and came up with the attached script which is installing all dependencies for mp4_automator. currently I'm using it with a local build docker file based on need's sonar dockerfile.

also it still require the manual download of the scripts itself. I'm sure the specialists here could fine tune the script.

anyhow just in case someone is interested in integrate it to the docker.


This came up in a search. I just got Sonarr and SAB running and I'm looking for a way to auto convert MKV to MP4.


Is there an easier way to do this? Has sickbeard_mp4_automator been implemented in any of the Sonarr or SAB dockers?


mp4_automator is not in linuxserver download type containers

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mp4_automator is not in linuxserver download type containers


I'm completely new to this so pardon me if I'm misunderstanding.


Are you saying mp4_automator is not a Docker and cannot be installed?


So there's no way to get this running on unRAID?


Is there something else we can do in unRAID that does the same thing, auto-convert MKV to MP4?

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As I understand it mp4 automater is a program which does something to do with mp4 but we don't include it in our container.


Docker is a way of packaging apps essentially into their own little ecosystem.


There may be an mp4 automater docker but we don't have one, you could search on docker hub.


Sent from my C6903 using Tapatalk



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