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4 hours ago, SimonF said:

The reason the container can see both drives is if the docker is running in priviledged mode it has complete access to all devices, so will ignore the device statements. I dont know any other effects of turning off privileged mode with the docker. @rix DM me if you want me to to any testing for you.




# makemkvcon -r --cache=1 info disc:9999
MSG:1005,0,1,"MakeMKV v1.16.5 linux(x64-release) started","%1 started","MakeMKV v1.16.5 linux(x64-release)"
MSG:5074,0,0,"Automatic checking for updates is enabled, you may disable it in preferences if you don't want MakeMKV to contact web server.","Automatic checking for updates is enabled, you may disable it in preferences if you don't want MakeMKV to contact web server."
DRV:0,0,999,0,"BD-RE ASUS BW-16D1HT 3.01 SIK9GH6KA463","","/dev/sr0"
DRV:1,0,999,0,"BD-RE HL-DT-ST BD-RE BU40N 1.03 MZUJ5KF3531","","/dev/sr1"
MSG:5010,0,0,"Failed to open disc","Failed to open disc"






# makemkvcon -r --cache=1 info disc:9999
MSG:1005,0,1,"MakeMKV v1.16.5 linux(x64-release) started","%1 started","MakeMKV v1.16.5 linux(x64-release)"
MSG:5074,0,0,"Automatic checking for updates is enabled, you may disable it in preferences if you don't want MakeMKV to contact web server.","Automatic checking for updates is enabled, you may disable it in preferences if you don't want MakeMKV to contact web server."
DRV:0,0,999,0,"BD-RE HL-DT-ST BD-RE BU40N 1.03 MZUJ5KF3531","","/dev/sr1"
MSG:5010,0,0,"Failed to open disc","Failed to open disc"


Outstanding! I will test that out. I never turned it on, as it was enabled by default for me. Thank you! I was pounding my head against a wall because I just couldn't wrap my head around why either would show up at all!

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1 hour ago, SimonF said:

One issue I how found so far, it is not ejecting the drive. But will need to check out that further.

I your drive inside docker is anything other than /dev/sr0, you will need to edit the beginning of ripper.sh under the # Paths section


# Paths

it does the eject command based on the DRIVE variable.

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32 minutes ago, SimonF said:

Yes I have changed, but eject doesnt seem to work if priv mode is turned off.

Ill test that out. I have made tremendous headway since your mention of the priv mode. I think we, well at least me have been passing through the wrong device. Once I turned off priv mode, docker wasn't getting any devices. So I saw a mention of /dev/sg0 somewhere. I passed thru /dev/sg0 instead of /dev/sr0, and it picked up just the one drive.



lsscsi -g

in an unraid console, and it iwll give some out put similar to

[0:0:0:0]    cd/dvd  hp       DVDRAM GT20L     DC05  /dev/sr0   /dev/sg0 
[1:0:0:0]    disk    PNY      USB 2.0 FD       PMAP  /dev/sda   /dev/sg2 
[2:0:0:0]    cd/dvd  Memorex  MRX-650LE v7     1.00  /dev/sr1   /dev/sg1 
[6:0:0:0]    disk    ATA      WDC WD80EFAX-68L 0A83  /dev/sdb   /dev/sg3 
[7:0:0:0]    disk    ATA      WDC WD80EMAZ-00W 0A83  /dev/sdc   /dev/sg4 
[8:0:0:0]    disk    ATA      WDC WD80EMAZ-00W 0A83  /dev/sdd   /dev/sg5 
[11:0:0:0]   disk    ATA      WDC WD80EMAZ-00W 0A83  /dev/sde   /dev/sg6 
[12:0:0:0]   disk    ATA      WDC WD80EFAX-68L 0A83  /dev/sdf   /dev/sg7 
[13:0:0:0]   disk    ATA      WDC WD140EDFZ-11 0A81  /dev/sdg   /dev/sg8 
[13:0:1:0]   disk    ATA      ST5000DM000-1FK1 CC44  /dev/sdh   /dev/sg9 
[13:0:2:0]   disk    ATA      ST5000DM000-1FK1 CC49  /dev/sdi   /dev/sg10

so in my first instance under extra parameters I did


and in my second instance


verified the container still saw /dev/sr0, and it does

DRV:0,1,999,0,"DVD+R-DL Memorex MRX-650LE v7 1.00 SSG1B02846","","/dev/sr0"



Now to try 2 discs 1 cup, er 2 discs 2 containers and see how it goes. I DONT think there will be any file issues with the output, but I suppose it is possible in some random scenarios.

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5 minutes ago, SimonF said:

You need sr0 and sg0 or sr1 and sg1 for other drive

1) thanks for the sg_map command! 2) Oddly enough with just /dev/sg0 the one drive was just ripping away, the second drive was finnicky. Went back and altered accordingly with 



And everything appears to ripping along gloriously! So the template should definitely be updated to include /dev/sg*, as by default it isn't in the parameters. I do it mentioned on the main github repo. I hesitate to mention it on the github, as I was an ass yesterday and feel bad about it.

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Well I resolved the issue with disc ejection. Edited the necessary files and attempted to create a pull request. I am not allowed. So if anyone needs help with ejecting discs, they can grab ripper.sh from here https://github.com/stayupthetree/docker-ripper/blob/master/root/ripper/ripper.sh


Currently it installs sdparm when the container loads, a package needed for it. I have edited the Dockerfile to have it installed on container creation, so if want that, it is here https://github.com/stayupthetree/docker-ripper/blob/master/manual-build/Dockerfile



Repo was updated and will now eject using sdparm method if initial method fails.


2 Burners successfully working.


Recommended steps for those doing multiple containers for multiple drives. YMMV and will gladly help troubleshoot any issues.


Have your drives plugged into your server and run either  

lssci -g



both will show the mappings of sr* to sg* that you will need, but the first one will show the specific drive as well in case you want that information for your container naming or what have you.


When installing, by default it "Privileged Mode" is checked, and will need to be unchecked.

Change the view from "Basic View" to "Advanced View" in the top right corner. 

Some extra lines will appear on the page. 


The "Extra Parameters" line by default is 



and will work best changed to 

--device=/dev/sr0:/dev/sr0 --device=/dev/sg0:/dev/sg0

Left side of the : is the device in host(Unraid), and the right side is the device inside your Docker container.


You will need to change the left side for each container you add after. Example, my second container "Extra Parameters looks like this 

--device=/dev/sr1:/dev/sr0 --device=/dev/sg1:/dev/sg0



The left side of the : is going to change based on what your results were from the Unraid host when you ran either of those commands mentioned above 'lssci -g' or 'sg_map'.



Additionally if you want the WebUI Icon to show on your Docker tab for the containers, you will need to add the following to WebUI line 




DONT FORGET to change the port down below when you add your 2nd container. The WebUI line will remain the same, just change the "Webserver:" line for your 2nd container.

Edited by stayupthetree
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, i have massiv Problems with this Container. Maybe someone can help me. I have a Licens for Makemkv and i done this:


after starting the container, go into the config directory you created, edit the file called enter-your-key-then-rename-to.settings.conf, and add your key between the quotes app_Key = "[ENTER KEY HERE]" then save and rename the file to settings.conf


In the Log File i still get the error that the application is to old and i should use a valid key or update to the newest makemkv.


Can someone help?



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  • 4 months later...
3 hours ago, tuxbass said:

Anyone knows how does the ripper image compare to https://github.com/jlesage/docker-makemkv?

Interesting, I'm not sure other than that docker also has a webUI? The scripts have similar lines, (they are effectively doing similar/the same thing) but that docker breaks it up into a few scripts rather than 1.  If you test it let us know how it works. My only issue with rix docker is that if I try to use a full key, it doesn't work, it only uses the beta key even though I have entered the purchased key. Not really an issue as re-installing/updating the docker fixes the betakey problem.

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  • 1 month later...
6 minutes ago, JonathanM said:

Edit the container, look for the path mapping that references /config on the container side, whatever is filled in on the host side is where you look. You may need to change from basic to advanced in the top right.

But, how do I move the file? It seems to be implied knowledge that I lack. I "turn on access" to the folder via Unraid and browse to it via Windows but can't copy the file. I am not sure I am even in the correct location as I do not see any file/folder "config." I guess I will sell this and just switch to an external drive.

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57 minutes ago, phxtravis said:

how do I move the file? It seems to be implied knowledge that I lack.

You asked how to find the location, not how to move the file. It's not implied knowledge, but I can't know you don't know until you ask.


The easiest way is probably put the file into a share that you CAN access from your windows machine, then use the plugin file manager in Unraid to move it to the final location.


Many times containers need restricted permissions which mean you need to use a different method besides windows accessible shares to work within their configs.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Would anyone happen to know, fresh install of ripper, loaded a disc, worked a treat, ripped FLAC and MP3 with the file/folder names as per the sources,


One issue which I noticed, the MP3 files seem to have no meta data unlike the FLAC file seems to have all the details such as artist and album etc,


Do I need to change something out of the gate to make the MP3 files save with this data?

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  • 2 months later...

I've just installed and run GooglePhotosSync docker. When I ran my first sync with command inside Unraid console:

docker exec -it GooglePhotosSync gphotos-sync /storage

I got the authorize link that brought me to choosing my gmail account, got the "Google hasn’t verified this app" page, but I proceed with it anyway, then checking access to Google Photos. After that, it brought me to a url that can't be reached:

http://localhost:8080/?state=MRSMyRUIBAl2ZyClPdyR3krdYbKcSe&code=4/0AfgeXvu9VuPnkzwbsQiMWjY2vMGu2xYsCXFdCDzkCxzx_GVWYOVWq96X10ajzCwU9dC5jA&scope=https://www.googleapis.com/auth/photoslibrary.sharing https://www.googleapis.com/auth/photoslibrary.readonly
and nothing was going on after this point on my Unraid console. I performed this process on my Windows 11. Trying it on my Debian also produced the same results.
Did I do something wrong?

Edited by bthoven
adding more information
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On 12/4/2022 at 11:20 AM, bthoven said:

I've just installed and run GooglePhotosSync docker. When I ran my first sync with command inside Unraid console:

docker exec -it GooglePhotosSync gphotos-sync /storage

I got the authorize link that brought me to choosing my gmail account, got the "Google hasn’t verified this app" page, but I proceed with it anyway, then checking access to Google Photos. After that, it brought me to a url that can't be reached:

http://localhost:8080/?state=MRSMyRUIBAl2ZyClPdyR3krdYbKcSe&code=4/0AfgeXvu9VuPnkzwbsQiMWjY2vMGu2xYsCXFdCDzkCxzx_GVWYOVWq96X10ajzCwU9dC5jA&scope=https://www.googleapis.com/auth/photoslibrary.sharing https://www.googleapis.com/auth/photoslibrary.readonly
and nothing was going on after this point on my Unraid console. I performed this process on my Windows 11. Trying it on my Debian also produced the same results.
Did I do something wrong?

As eventually I want to run it headless on Unraid server, the only way to get the Google authorized token is by installing gphotos-sync app on my Windows (or Linex/Mac) first, and then follow the whole process on Windows until I get the similar link as above. Now clicking the link on Windows can complete the authorization process and a token was created inside my Windows storage folder. I then copied the token file to my Unraid GooglePhotosSync storage folder (the folder where all the photos will be downloaded to). It's now working.image.png.e5a0e94edd2f2129f9a416fd2d0e86ce.png

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 12/4/2022 at 11:30 PM, bthoven said:

As eventually I want to run it headless on Unraid server, the only way to get the Google authorized token is by installing gphotos-sync app on my Windows (or Linex/Mac) first, and then follow the whole process on Windows until I get the similar link as above. Now clicking the link on Windows can complete the authorization process and a token was created inside my Windows storage folder. I then copied the token file to my Unraid GooglePhotosSync storage folder (the folder where all the photos will be downloaded to). It's now working.image.png.e5a0e94edd2f2129f9a416fd2d0e86ce.png

you beautiful SOB thank you!

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  • 2 weeks later...

While not necessarily an issue, per se, is there a reason that Ripper has updates basically daily? 


If it is for incremental changes, that's fine, but seems to be the container that wants to update far more frequently than anything else, and not really able to pinpoint why.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 12/5/2022 at 1:30 AM, bthoven said:

As eventually I want to run it headless on Unraid server, the only way to get the Google authorized token is by installing gphotos-sync app on my Windows (or Linex/Mac) first, and then follow the whole process on Windows until I get the similar link as above. Now clicking the link on Windows can complete the authorization process and a token was created inside my Windows storage folder. I then copied the token file to my Unraid GooglePhotosSync storage folder (the folder where all the photos will be downloaded to). It's now working.image.png.e5a0e94edd2f2129f9a416fd2d0e86ce.png


This makes no sense to me.  The redirect_uri part of the URL is always going to say localhost:8080, but there are no ports exposed to this container.  When it redirects to localhost, it's always going to fail.  I ran it on Unraid and Windows both with the same result.  What is running on your machine at port 8080 that it's able to receive that request?

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  • 1 month later...

hi all,


I'm having some issues with Ripper...


I'm running 3 separate containers with 3 DVD-ROM drives,

sr0, sr1, and sr2, passed through respectively to containers Ripper, Ripper1, and Ripper2 respectively, with ripper.sh adjusted to highlight which drive to use, 

But.... Ripper1 and Ripper2 are trying to rip CDs as DATA Disks, and hanging, please could somebody help me get this working?

any logs and dignostics required, please let me know.


hoping to get this working ASAP as i have thousands of CDs to rip, and I've not even started the DVDs yet,


thanks in advanced,


Edited by Jaylouisw
specified ripper container
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