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[Support] Linuxserver.io - Transmission

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I'm having a peculiar problem. I want to run transmission without a username and pass. If I remove the USER and PASS variables from the docker container, all my torrents disappear. As in, I just get an empty interface if I go to the Transmission web address. If I then put the USER and PASS back, my torrents reappear. This happens regardless of what user and pass I use. It also happens when I leave them both blank, or leave either blank.


What am I doing wrong?

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  • 2 months later...

Hello, I just switched from the Transmission-NZBToMedia Docker to this one, and I'm having issues with verifying the existing local data from the previous installation. The content is there and accessible, but Transmission is unable to access it.


The configuration is the default,

PUID: 99

PGID: 100

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11 hours ago, cherrybullet said:

Maybe it uses a different `appdata` folder? Doesn't the other docker save it in a `transmission-nzbtomedia` folder, and this one in `transmission`? try finding the settings for both and copy the old settings to the new one.

seems like the problem comes from the umask, by default is 022 but I dont know if this is ok with files generated by other applications

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  • 2 weeks later...

Every time I want to change the download location outside of /downloads/ I get a 'permission denied (13)' error. I have tried resetting the permissions in unraid for user 99/100, and I have tried making a new user specifically for Transmission with explicit access to the folders I want to use. I still keep getting the error.


What can I do to fix this?

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It depends on where exactly in your server you want to move the data to. If you have another share you want to save data on, you'd have to add that share's path to the container. For example, I have the following `download` share mapped to `/media` on the container so I can save data anywhere in `/mnt/user/download`



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  • 3 months later...

I'm trying to enable a username and password but the changes that I make to the settings.json file are overwritten when I restart the docker. Here's what I'm doing:

  • Stop docker container
  • Edit the following in settings.json:
    • "rpc-authentication-required": false,   
      • change to true
    • "rpc-password": "{d2d17aa67888522aec0d8e32e29a7326d47da9e0M2Ii1HSn",
      • change to "transmission"
    • "rpc-username": "",
      • change to "transmission"
  • Save settings.json

At this point I can reopen the file and confirm that the changes I've made were saved, but once I restart the docker all of these values are changed back to the default values. What am I missing?


Edited by Drogon
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I wondered about that based on some of the other responses in this thread. I don't have those variables though (up-to-date according to unraid).


EDIT: This was posted elsewhere in the thread and fixed my issue.


Edit container

click on "Add another Path, Port, Variable, Label or Device" --> config type: Variable - name: USER - key: USER  - value: usernameofyourchoice - description: leave empty

Repeate the same for PASS

Restart docker.


Edited by Drogon
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  • 6 months later...
On 12/11/2022 at 3:14 AM, tshorts said:

I really hoped it could be bad cable Disk -> Processor and not the other way around but I verified a torrent that ended up 99.9%, and reverified it and it failed again, so it's written error as you say. 


Cables, then memtest it is. 
I really hope it's one of those. But it's probably a bad motherboard if I know my luck with motherboards correctly. 

Thanks for the help!

I see it took me over a year to find out...
It's no hardware issue at all, it's jellyfin overwriting .nfo's, and when a peer request that file it doesn't match what's requested and transmission set the torrent in error mode. That's why it happens so randomly and no found hardware issues. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Since transmission forum is broken for new users, I'll ask here. 

I there a possible to make transmission automatically stop/start (restart) a torrent that went into error? 
I have an issue caused by another docker I can't fix. The workaround is simple though, it is just to stop and start the torrent in transmission. (edit: it's the above issue lol)

But I'd like it to do so automatically. Say a cron-job that checks for errored torrents once an hour, if errored: stop and start that torrent. 



Anyone here who have scripted anything for transmission that might be able to help? 


Edited by tshorts
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