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[Support] Linuxserver.io - NZBHydra

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Application Name: NZBHydra

Application Site: https://github.com/theotherp/nzbhydra

Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/hydra/

Github: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-hydra


Please post any questions/issues relating to this docker you have in this thread.


If you are not using Unraid (and you should be!) then please do not post here, instead head to linuxserver.io to see how to get support.

Edited by linuxserver.io
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Thanks for putting this together!


Anyone else having trouble with hydra displaying properly behind a reverse proxy?




I have no trouble with it locally and no trouble with any other of my apps




settings for apache reverse proxy

<Location /hydra/>


and in hydra you have to put  in the base url setting




substituting example.com for your domain.

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Still can't get it to work. Maybe this is the problem?


2016-01-27 12:00:24,144 - ERROR - nzbhydra - Fatal error occurred
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/config/hydra/nzbhydra.py", line 151, in run
    web.run(host, port, basepath)
  File "/config/hydra/nzbhydra/web.py", line 875, in run
    app.run(host=host, port=port, debug=config.mainSettings.debug.get(), threaded=config.mainSettings.runThreaded.get(), use_reloader=config.mainSettings.flaskReloader.get())
  File "/config/hydra/libs/flask/app.py", line 772, in run
    run_simple(host, port, self, **options)
  File "/config/hydra/libs/werkzeug/serving.py", line 625, in run_simple
  File "/config/hydra/libs/werkzeug/serving.py", line 603, in inner
    passthrough_errors, ssl_context).serve_forever()
  File "/config/hydra/libs/werkzeug/serving.py", line 512, in make_server
    passthrough_errors, ssl_context)
  File "/config/hydra/libs/werkzeug/serving.py", line 440, in __init__
    HTTPServer.__init__(self, (host, int(port)), handler)
  File "/config/hydra/libs/SocketServer.py", line 420, in __init__
  File "/config/hydra/libs/BaseHTTPServer.py", line 108, in server_bind
  File "/config/hydra/libs/SocketServer.py", line 434, in server_bind
  File "/config/hydra/libs/socket.py", line 228, in meth
    return getattr(self._sock,name)(*args)
error: [Errno 98] Address already in use


I assume its complaining about the port? I left it as default and I don't have anything else running on that port that I'm aware of.



Still have no trouble locally and I do get some respsonce as seen by the screenshot. One other thing I should mention is I did find this on docker before it was made offical and had that docker installed but it has been removed

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Still can't get it to work. Maybe this is the problem?


2016-01-27 12:00:24,144 - ERROR - nzbhydra - Fatal error occurred
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/config/hydra/nzbhydra.py", line 151, in run
    web.run(host, port, basepath)
  File "/config/hydra/nzbhydra/web.py", line 875, in run
    app.run(host=host, port=port, debug=config.mainSettings.debug.get(), threaded=config.mainSettings.runThreaded.get(), use_reloader=config.mainSettings.flaskReloader.get())
  File "/config/hydra/libs/flask/app.py", line 772, in run
    run_simple(host, port, self, **options)
  File "/config/hydra/libs/werkzeug/serving.py", line 625, in run_simple
  File "/config/hydra/libs/werkzeug/serving.py", line 603, in inner
    passthrough_errors, ssl_context).serve_forever()
  File "/config/hydra/libs/werkzeug/serving.py", line 512, in make_server
    passthrough_errors, ssl_context)
  File "/config/hydra/libs/werkzeug/serving.py", line 440, in __init__
    HTTPServer.__init__(self, (host, int(port)), handler)
  File "/config/hydra/libs/SocketServer.py", line 420, in __init__
  File "/config/hydra/libs/BaseHTTPServer.py", line 108, in server_bind
  File "/config/hydra/libs/SocketServer.py", line 434, in server_bind
  File "/config/hydra/libs/socket.py", line 228, in meth
    return getattr(self._sock,name)(*args)
error: [Errno 98] Address already in use


I assume its complaining about the port? I left it as default and I don't have anything else running on that port that I'm aware of.


Currently installed dockers (all default ports and ls.io where possible)












Still have no trouble locally and I do get some respsonce as seen by the screenshot. One other thing I should mention is I did find this on docker before it was made offical and had that docker installed but it has been removed


Yeah, I'd set this up to test, I can't reproduce here, and managed to reverse proxy it as per Sparklyballs post above (Incidentally I'm very proud of him... I remember all the swearing when he was setting up a reverse proxy the first time  ;D )


Where is your config mapped to?


Also might be worth trying to delete the container AND the appdata folder and starting again.


EDIT: Actually the reverse proxy isn't working quite right, although I can access the app fine on my LAN...

Will do some investigating.

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Config mapped to:




Removed everything and reinstalled. Oddly made it worse.... now I get "530 service unavailable"  :(

Another piece of the puzzle might be I'm trying over SSL


Yeah, if I'm reverse proxying anything then I let Apache handle the SSL.  My rationale being I trust Apache way more than any of these apps and it's only one SSL thing to worry about rather than 20...


I'm just messing around with this at the moment.

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This looks interesting.... thank you.


Can this be used by SOnarr/Sickrage/Couchpotato to search all my indexers? So I centralize my indexer accounts?


Or is it simply as a manual search engine when I go looking for something specific.


Dunno tbh, I'm just testing out the reverse proxy.... It's got an api so I assume you can centralise...

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OK reverse proxy figured out...


Slightly different to Sparklyballs in terms of trailing slashes...


In the base url put



In default.conf

	<Location /nzbhydra>


This means that if you enter www.server.com/nzbhydra without the trailing slash it will still work properly.


bnevets27 delete appdata folder and the docker image.  Try /mnt/cache/appdata rather than /mnt/user/appdata as that sometimes causes problems.


Get it working without SSL and then take it from there.  At least then when you're trying to figure stuff out you've got a working http config to begin with.



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This looks interesting.... thank you.


Can this be used by SOnarr/Sickrage/Couchpotato to search all my indexers? So I centralize my indexer accounts?


Or is it simply as a manual search engine when I go looking for something specific.


Dunno tbh, I'm just testing out the reverse proxy.... It's got an api so I assume you can centralise...


Looks like you can centralize your indexers... have to figure out how to configure Sickrage and Couchpotato.

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OK reverse proxy figured out...


Slightly different to Sparklyballs in terms of trailing slashes...


In the base url put



In default.conf

	<Location /nzbhydra>



Wow thanks CHBMB! After trying too many different things, I ended going from many apps working behind a reverse proxy to non of them working at all, even locally. Nuked the docker, started from scratch so far so good building everything back up. But the root of my problem was one little /!


Thanks for the heads up on the /mnt/cache as apposed to /mnt/user. While building back up I'll change to that config. I just started with v6 and dockers and have been trying to figure out best practices.

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I think I spotted it - had accidentally set a timer setting to -7 (likely while pressing arrow-down on the config page while being stuck in the selection box) and that didn't sit to well with hydra.


Removed that and it started working :-)


Damn, that's more impatient than my wife...  ;D

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I had this docker running perfectly a few days ago! however i chanaged something yesterday i dont know what i done so i have removed the docker deleted the container and image i deleted the folder on my cache drive of settings everything i could think of to wipe everything!


Now my problem! i reinstall the docker and somehow its still got my old settings in it! its driving me abit nuts i even have resorted to deleting my docker.img to try and get rid of it still didnt work!!

is there anything im missing to completely delete and start afresh with this?



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I had this docker running perfectly a few days ago! however i chanaged something yesterday i dont know what i done so i have removed the docker deleted the container and image i deleted the folder on my cache drive of settings everything i could think of to wipe everything!


Now my problem! i reinstall the docker and somehow its still got my old settings in it! its driving me abit nuts i even have resorted to deleting my docker.img to try and get rid of it still didnt work!!

is there anything im missing to completely delete and start afresh with this?




Deleting the container and the appdata folder should be sufficient.  Just tested it here and no problems.  No need to delete docker.img, only other thing I can think of is browser caching issue.  Can't help any more than that I'm afraid.

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