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[Support] binhex - Emby

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On 7/21/2022 at 7:02 AM, PeterZ said:


I have the same problem.

The error occurs when process runs the 'ImageExtraction'.

My Emby version is 4.7.5 and Unraid version is 4.10.3.

i have updated the image to now use emby supplied ffmpeg, can you pull down the latest image and let me know if it improves things.

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36 minutes ago, binhex said:

i have updated the image to now use emby supplied ffmpeg, can you pull down the latest image and let me know if it improves things.


After the update, the problem still exists.

2022-07-22 18:29:32.129 Error ImageExtraction: ffmpeg image extraction failed for file:"/media/Video/MyVideo_49.mp4" (output file not found)
2022-07-22 18:29:32.130 Error ImageExtraction: Thumbnail-Filter extraction failed, will attempt standard way. Input: file:"/media/Video/MyVideo_49.mp4"
2022-07-22 18:29:32.132 Info App: ProcessRun 'quick-extract-image' Execute: /usr/bin/ffmpeg -skip_list 39 -f mp4 -threads 1 -copyts -i file:"/media/Video/MyVideo_49.mp4" -an -sn -update 1 -vf "scale=trunc(min(max(iw\,ih*dar)\,min(600\,0*dar))/2)*2:trunc(min(max(iw/dar\,ih)\,min(600/dar\,0))/2)*2" -vsync 0 -f image2 "/config/cache/temp/62b659aa-e724-4c2a-b4fe-21cacfffe9aa.jpg"
2022-07-22 18:29:32.174 Info App: ProcessRun 'quick-extract-image' Process exited with code 1 - Failed
2022-07-22 18:29:32.645 Error ImageExtraction: ffmpeg image extraction failed for file:"/media/Video/MyVideo_49.mp4" (output file not found)
2022-07-22 18:29:32.647 Error App: Error in Screen Grabber


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Still the same issue for me (using


I turned on debug logging in Emby in hopes it might make it easier for troubleshooting and ran screen grabber on the same file twice. https://pastebin.com/W5HV2eM5 https://pastebin.com/RfBkQqyh


I left the full log just in case there's anything related to ffmpeg versions or dependencies. The screen grabber itself is at the bottom.


Thanks for looking into this, binhex ❤️



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Still the same issue for me (using
I turned on debug logging in Emby in hopes it might make it easier for troubleshooting and ran screen grabber on the same file twice. https://pastebin.com/W5HV2eM5 https://pastebin.com/RfBkQqyh
I left the full log just in case there's anything related to ffmpeg versions or dependencies. The screen grabber itself is at the bottom.
Thanks for looking into this, binhex [emoji3590]
I think this might be a question for emby support, the docker image is using emby version of ffmpeg as far as I can tell so there isn't a lot I can change on my end, maybe it's a known bug in 4.7.x

Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've had this issue now for a while, but only on certain video files, not all. take a look at this thread here: https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/110537-image-extraction-error/&do=findComment&comment=1169206


I was able to get things working again by going to binhex/arch-emby:


I also just noticed from post above that binhex/arch-emby: works, so i tried that and can confirm this works for me as well.

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Updating to fixed my image extract issue. At the time i tried, the binhex image hadn't updated to yet, so i just switched to the official docker image. I simply had to point it to the previous appdata location and it fired right up.

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10 hours ago, JDK said:

Updating to fixed my image extract issue. At the time i tried, the binhex image hadn't updated to yet, so i just switched to the official docker image. I simply had to point it to the previous appdata location and it fired right up.

its flagged out of date upstream, once its updated the image will be auto built:- https://archlinux.org/packages/community/x86_64/emby-server/


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  • 2 weeks later...


Like mentioned elsewhere in thread, I'm getting issues with thumbnail extraction when new content is added.


I am on the latest version


Some help will be appreciated. Thanks


*** Error Report ***
Command line: /usr/lib/emby-server/EmbyServer.dll -programdata /config -ffdetect /usr/bin/ffdetect-emby -ffmpeg /usr/bin/ffmpeg -ffprobe /usr/bin/ffprobe -restartexitcode 3
Operating system: Linux version 5.15.46-Unraid (root@Develop) (gcc (GCC) 11.2.0, GNU ld version 2.37-slack15) #1 SMP Fri Jun 10 11:08:41 PDT 2022
Framework: .NET 6.0.8
OS/Process: x64/x64
Runtime: usr/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/6.0.8/System.Private.CoreLib.dll
Processor count: 6
Data path: /config
Application path: /usr/lib/emby-server
System.Exception: System.Exception: ffmpeg image extraction failed for file:"/media/plex/movies/[movie].mkv" (output file not found)
at Emby.Server.MediaEncoding.ImageExtraction.ImageExtractionManager.ExtractImageInternal(ReadOnlyMemory`1 inputPath, ReadOnlyMemory`1 container, MediaStream videoStream, Nullable`1 streamIndex, Nullable`1 threedFormat, Nullable`1 offset, Boolean useThumbNailFilter, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at Emby.Server.MediaEncoding.ImageExtraction.ImageExtractionManager.ExtractImage(ReadOnlyMemory`1 inputPath, ReadOnlyMemory`1 container, MediaStream videoStream, Nullable`1 streamIndex, MediaProtocol protocol, Boolean isAudio, Nullable`1 threedFormat, Nullable`1 offset, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at Emby.Providers.MediaInfo.ThumbnailGenerator.RefreshChapterImages(Video item, MediaStream videoStream, ReadOnlyMemory`1 inputPath, MediaProtocol protocol, IDirectoryService directoryService, List`1 chapters, Boolean extractImages, Boolean saveChapters, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
Source: Emby.Server.MediaEncoding
TargetSite: Void MoveNext()



This command fails


 /usr/bin/ffmpeg -skip_list 15 -f matroska -threads 1 -copyts -i file:"/media/plex/movies/[movie]/[movie].mkv" -an -sn -update 1 -vf "scale=trunc(min(max(iw\,ih*dar)\,min(600\,0*dar))/2)*2:trunc(min(max(iw/dar\,ih)\,min(600/dar\,0))/2)*2" -vsync 0 -f image2 "/config/cache/temp/bf4db904-3f43-4b32-8af6-0ec606871dfb.jpg"


When I run the above command in the docker container - I get an error:


Unrecognized option 'skip_list'.
Error splitting the argument list: Option not found


If I remove the skip_list argument then ffmpeg starts to do its work.




Seems like this is an issue with the container version. Moving to the official docker version does not have these problems.





Edited by dreamsy
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22 hours ago, dreamsy said:


Like mentioned elsewhere in thread, I'm getting issues with thumbnail extraction when new content is added.


I am on the latest version


Some help will be appreciated. Thanks


*** Error Report ***
Command line: /usr/lib/emby-server/EmbyServer.dll -programdata /config -ffdetect /usr/bin/ffdetect-emby -ffmpeg /usr/bin/ffmpeg -ffprobe /usr/bin/ffprobe -restartexitcode 3
Operating system: Linux version 5.15.46-Unraid (root@Develop) (gcc (GCC) 11.2.0, GNU ld version 2.37-slack15) #1 SMP Fri Jun 10 11:08:41 PDT 2022
Framework: .NET 6.0.8
OS/Process: x64/x64
Runtime: usr/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/6.0.8/System.Private.CoreLib.dll
Processor count: 6
Data path: /config
Application path: /usr/lib/emby-server
System.Exception: System.Exception: ffmpeg image extraction failed for file:"/media/plex/movies/[movie].mkv" (output file not found)
at Emby.Server.MediaEncoding.ImageExtraction.ImageExtractionManager.ExtractImageInternal(ReadOnlyMemory`1 inputPath, ReadOnlyMemory`1 container, MediaStream videoStream, Nullable`1 streamIndex, Nullable`1 threedFormat, Nullable`1 offset, Boolean useThumbNailFilter, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at Emby.Server.MediaEncoding.ImageExtraction.ImageExtractionManager.ExtractImage(ReadOnlyMemory`1 inputPath, ReadOnlyMemory`1 container, MediaStream videoStream, Nullable`1 streamIndex, MediaProtocol protocol, Boolean isAudio, Nullable`1 threedFormat, Nullable`1 offset, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at Emby.Providers.MediaInfo.ThumbnailGenerator.RefreshChapterImages(Video item, MediaStream videoStream, ReadOnlyMemory`1 inputPath, MediaProtocol protocol, IDirectoryService directoryService, List`1 chapters, Boolean extractImages, Boolean saveChapters, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
Source: Emby.Server.MediaEncoding
TargetSite: Void MoveNext()



This command fails


 /usr/bin/ffmpeg -skip_list 15 -f matroska -threads 1 -copyts -i file:"/media/plex/movies/[movie]/[movie].mkv" -an -sn -update 1 -vf "scale=trunc(min(max(iw\,ih*dar)\,min(600\,0*dar))/2)*2:trunc(min(max(iw/dar\,ih)\,min(600/dar\,0))/2)*2" -vsync 0 -f image2 "/config/cache/temp/bf4db904-3f43-4b32-8af6-0ec606871dfb.jpg"


When I run the above command in the docker container - I get an error:


Unrecognized option 'skip_list'.
Error splitting the argument list: Option not found


If I remove the skip_list argument then ffmpeg starts to do its work.




Seems like this is an issue with the container version. Moving to the official docker version does not have these problems.





this should now be fixed, please pull down the latest image.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I just installed Emby on my unRAID server after Plex got borked a while back.  I didn't have the patience to troubleshoot Plex to get it working again so I thought I'd give Emby a try.  I was just using the free version of Plex so I haven't lost anything in that regard.  I got the Emby binhex docker installed and configured along with my HDHR tuners.  I can get live TV fine and it plays videos and movies from the libraries I set up.  I unlocked the app for Premiere but I can't seem to get the default recording folder configured correctly.  I assume the recording folder has to be placed on the unRAID server but I'm unclear as to the proper path designation.  I have lots of shares setup on my server with one for TV shows so I'd like to point it to that share if possible.


On another note, the guide just seems to list channels in a random sequence.  Is there a way to show the listing in numerical order?  I missed the part about channel mapping during setup so I may have to do that to get the correct channel designations for my OTA locals.  The actual and virtual channel numbers for several stations in my area have changed so they aren't matching up with the channel numbers in the guide.  I'm just not sure how to go about mapping the channels after the fact.


Also, when I select the Channels tab at the top it just lists the channels by name and doesn't show the corresponding channel numbers.  Is there a way to get them to show up?


Update:  Right after I posted this I went back and checked the guide and now everything seems to be in numerical sequence so I have no idea what is going on there.


I decided to leave the recording path blank as it says if you do that it will place the recordings in the Program Data folder on the server.  I have no idea where that is in unRAID, but right now it's recording a show and I have no idea where it's being placed on the server.


I forgot to mention that I'm using nVidia Shields with Emby for live TV and playback of movies and TV shows.


Further update:  I did some digging and discovered that the show being recorded is being stored on my cache drive in unRAID.  I would like for any recordings to be placed on the server instead but I'm not sure of the proper path name.  It doesn't seem to like it when I use the path \\tower\TV Shows\Emby Recordings.  Should I be using the server IP address instead of "tower" in the path?  Do I need to include the port number as well?  I haven't had to dabble in any of this for quite some time so I'm a bit rusty on the proper syntax.


Still further update:  I was finally able to get it set up with a proper path to record shows.  I had to use one of the libraries that I had set up for my TV shows.  The only issue I still have is that I need to map the local channels that had changed their virtual channels when a few of our local channels switched broadcast frequencies.  The guide is showing the actual channels instead of the virtual ones (i.e channel 13 changed to channel 12 but all of our channel guides still show it as channel 13 whereas Emby is showing it as channel 12).

Edited by captain_video
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  • 7 months later...
On 7/14/2023 at 10:57 PM, jcofer555 said:

i can't get my igpu to be detected and work with the docker, i've added /dev/dri as a device and it just doesn't work, any ideas? i'm using a 13700k and it works via plex just fine.

Have you installed plugin 'Intel-GVT-g' as that maybe required for the igpu to be detected.  

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1 hour ago, binhex said:

Have you installed plugin 'Intel-GVT-g' as that maybe required for the igpu to be detected.  

i ended up needing to use the emby-beta docker which ended up working with the igpu, hopefully this can get incorporated into the binhex docker and not being on beta.

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9 hours ago, jcofer555 said:

i ended up needing to use the emby-beta docker which ended up working with the igpu, hopefully this can get incorporated into the binhex docker and not being on beta.

i dont know where you are installing the emby beta from but its possible it includes the igpu drivers, going back to my question, do you have the 'Intel-GVT-g' plugin installed?, if not then install it and try my docker image again.

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12 hours ago, binhex said:

i dont know where you are installing the emby beta from but its possible it includes the igpu drivers, going back to my question, do you have the 'Intel-GVT-g' plugin installed?, if not then install it and try my docker image again.

from the community apps, it's an official emby beta docker. no i don't have the plugin installed but i'd rather not have to have a plugin to make it work. does all igpu of any generation have to virtualize the igpu to work with your docker? linuxserver docker has the /dev/dri setup by default but doesn't work with my 13th gen igpu either. makes me think it's just the 13th gen that's not supported and the containers need to update whatever to have the 13th gen to work. if i can provide anything to help to get the igpu natively supported by your docker i'd be willing to but i'll stick with the beta for now until then as i don't want to virtualize my igpu with the plugin to have it work.

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  • 1 month later...

I just saw this over at the AVS forum:




The Emby developer has come up with a new server version that emulates the old WMC UI, but with a lot of added features.  It's still in beta and was only just released yesterday.  I'm curious is anyone is considering developing a docker for this.


Nevermind.  Just found out that this can be updated by downloading the beta APK for my nVidia Shields.  This does not affect the Emby server docker.

Edited by losing-impropriety8083
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Good morning,

I'm having problems with Emby since yesterday. I'm believing it's a corruption issue. I downloaded some torrent files, and inadvertently filled my cache drive to 100%. After running the mover to create free space again, I can no longer access Emby. Here's the contents of my Emby log:


2023-10-05 14:36:25,719 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
Error Main: Error in appHost.Init
        *** Error Report ***
        Command line: /usr/lib/emby-server/EmbyServer.dll -programdata /config -ffdetect /usr/bin/ffdetect-emby -ffmpeg /usr/bin/ffmpeg-emby -ffprobe /usr/bin/ffprobe-emby -restartexitcode
2023-10-05 14:36:25,731 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
        Operating system: Linux version 6.1.49-Unraid (root@Develop-612) (gcc (GCC) 12.2.0, GNU ld version 2.40-slack151) #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Wed Aug 30 09:42:35 PDT 2023
        Framework: .NET 6.0.21
        OS/Process: x64/x64
        Runtime: usr/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/6.0.21/System.Private.CoreLib.dll
        Processor count: 8
        Data path: /config
        Application path: /usr/lib/emby-server
        SQLitePCL.pretty.SQLiteException: NotDatabase: file is not a database - PRAGMA journal_mode
        SQLitePCL.pretty.SQLiteException: Exception of type 'SQLitePCL.pretty.SQLiteException' was thrown.
           at SQLitePCL.pretty.SQLiteDatabaseConnection.PrepareStatement(String sql, String& tail)
           at SQLitePCL.pretty.DatabaseConnection.PrepareStatement(IDatabaseConnection This, String sql)
           at Emby.Sqlite.BaseSqliteRepository.CreateConnection(Boolean isReadOnly)
           at Emby.Server.Implementations.Data.SqliteItemRepository.Initialize(SqliteUserDataRepository userDataRepo, IUserManager userManager)
           at Emby.Server.Implementations.ApplicationHost.InitDatabases()
           at Emby.Server.Implementations.ApplicationHost.Init()
           at EmbyServer.HostedService.StartAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        Source: SQLitePCL.pretty
        TargetSite: SQLitePCL.pretty.IStatement PrepareStatement(System.String, System.String ByRef)

Info Main: Shutdown complete

2023-10-05 14:36:25,771 DEBG fd 8 closed, stopped monitoring <POutputDispatcher at 22954879699664 for <Subprocess at 22954871239184 with name start-script in state RUNNING> (stdout)>
2023-10-05 14:36:25,772 DEBG fd 10 closed, stopped monitoring <POutputDispatcher at 22954871240144 for <Subprocess at 22954871239184 with name start-script in state RUNNING> (stderr)>
2023-10-05 14:36:25,772 INFO exited: start-script (exit status 0; expected)
2023-10-05 14:36:25,773 DEBG received SIGCHLD indicating a child quit
2023-10-05 15:13:24,083 WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request

** Press ANY KEY to close this window ** 

Thanks in advance for any help

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17 minutes ago, losing-impropriety8083 said:

Probably a dumb question, but have you tried rebooting the server to restart everything?  Have you checked the docker status to make sure it's running?

Yes, I should have said that. I have tried rebooting the server. I also removed the container and reinstalled.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Is this still being updated?  I'm having an issue with Emby and Roku not playing certain files with captions.  If I turn the captions off and then play it plays fine.  But if I start with captions it get to 33% and never loads.  This used to work fine. Files that used to play fine with captions don't now! 😡. From some other threads on the emby forum it's something with ffmpeg.  I'd really like to be able to see my captions again! My version is Version  and it looks like there is a "Emby Server is Available"  I'm wondering if the latest version will fix my issue...




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11 hours ago, jbuszkie said:

My version is Version  and it looks like there is a "Emby Server is Available"  I'm wondering if the latest version will fix my issue...

its automated, there is a slight delay of an hour or so, so expect an update soon.

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