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Virtualize a Rasberry Pi?

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I currently have a few raspberry pi projects on the go.  I maintain a few different images that I flip between PIs and test.  I'm wondering if anyone has virtualized the hardware of a Pi in KVM/Unraid as to run Raspian,Rasplex,RetroPi and other projects?  I'd like to be able to do all my setup/configuration/maintenance of the software in a virtualized environment so that when I'd done I could take that image I developed, drop it on an SD card, plug into a pi and off it goes.


Does anyone have such experience configuring a Pi virtualized environment?  is it even possible?

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How would that work with GPUs?


Passthrough: Very unlikely.


Virtual GPU (CPU/VNC): Should be possible.


Doesnt look like anytime soon as no word from limetech  :(

Maybe something to look in to for unRAID 6.4.  Should be pretty simple to build ARM guest binary for QEMU.  My original goal was to slim down the binaries for QEMU and that's why there is only x86-64bit support today but it sounds like there's some interest in ARM guests.


I have a few Raspberry Pi projects I'm working on as well :)


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Only thing to bear in mind with this, and i love a rasp pi as much as the next man, I got four of them, but I'm not sure I'd be willing to sacrifice a core of my server's processor to save the cost of a Pi though.  Be useful for testing and I'm sure we could leverage it to make some more ARM docker builders.....

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Only thing to bear in mind with this, and i love a rasp pi as much as the next man, I got four of them, but I'm not sure I'd be willing to sacrifice a core of my server's processor to save the cost of a Pi though.  Be useful for testing and I'm sure we could leverage it to make some more ARM docker builders.....


Yeah, I love the PI and like it because it's so small. I like to game stream to the pi from my gaming VM, when I'm in bed!

So I can't replace that with emulation!

But I would love to emulate a PI for fun!  :)

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