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[Plugin] controlrd

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5 hours ago, Shyrka973 said:

I dont use SSL to connect to the server.

The thing is that it's very likely that your SSL Setting is set to 'auto'.


Can you confirm that ?


Look in the Settings page or in /boot/config/ident.cfg.


When set to 'auto', unRAID redirects http -> https  transparently for you, and in this scenario, the plugin listens only on https (that's what the FAQ tries to describe).


There's a debug mode, but for connection issues, not your case, since you added the server already.


From the /boot/log/controlr.log you sent, there's no "talk" between the app and the plugin.


I'll look into adding a redirect for the app connection.

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You are right. SSL Settings Is set to "auto".

But I can't add the server with port 443 ans SSL on in app.


If I connect to http://tower:2378,  i am redirected to https://tower:2379/#/permissions and I get this error after login:

welcome root ! (log out)

Unable to connect to server
(1001) - Unable to get unRAID state (dockers): Get dial tcp connect: connection refused



I: 2018/08/29 22:55:21 server.go:173: Server started listening http on :2378
I: 2018/08/29 22:55:21 server.go:185: Server started listening https on :2379
I: 2018/08/29 22:55:21 api.go:46: Starting service Api ...
I: 2018/08/29 22:55:21 api.go:90: Api started listening https on :2382
I: 2018/08/29 22:55:21 app.go:85: Press Ctrl+C to stop ...
W: 2018/08/29 22:56:06 core.go:153: Unable to get unRAID state (dockers): Get dial tcp connect: connection refused


SSL Settings is set to 'auto' and https port to 443. Why can not I connect to unraid on port 443 ? 

This may be the problem that prevents the proper functioning of Controlr.

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On 8/28/2018 at 8:18 PM, jbrodriguez said:



Send me /boot/logs/controlr.log (pm if you prefer).


But, in the simplest terms, the plugin looks at (tail -n 40)

/var/log/syslog (system)
/var/log/docker.log (docker)
/var/log/libvirt/libvirtd.log (vms)

for the server logs.

Hi , I just send to you a PM about it.

thank you

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On 8/29/2018 at 11:34 PM, VirtualL said:

Hi , I just send to you a PM about it.

Thanks !


I checked the files.


It's a bit baffling, because the log shows that the app is communicating with the plugin (the "received /info" lines).


Can you make sure the password is correct for root ?


Can you try accessing the log from the app again and then send me the /boot/log/controlr.log ?

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10 minutes ago, jbrodriguez said:

Thanks !


I checked the files.


It's a bit baffling, because the log shows that the app is communicating with the plugin (the "received /info" lines).


Can you make sure the password is correct for root ?


Can you try accessing the log from the app again and then send me the /boot/log/controlr.log ?

I was recheck root Password = made a logout in my unraid web ui and login agin (same in the ControlR app)

the log file is send to you in PM

thank you

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29 minutes ago, Shyrka973 said:

I did a test by disabling the container: it's same problem.

Is it probable there was some caching when it was disabled ?


It does look like there are issues in a plugin + letsencrypt docker scenario.


It happens to both VirtualL and Shyrka973.


With VirtualL, I found that within the server, there doesn't seem to be a route to unRAID's https port (wget localhost:443 ....).


Additionally, the app connects to the plugin via port 2382 and that doesn't seem to work either.


Not sure if you need to set up a subdomain/virtual route in the nginx config to make it work.


I'll try to install the letsencrypt docker to try and figure it out.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've got the same issue. It redirects me to 2379 and then can't connect. I am running an nginx/let's encrypt container as a reverse proxy for a bunch of docker containers and a VPN. So all 443 traffic goes to this container.


I am not sure why ControlR is trying to do anything with SSL/443 at all, I specified port 80 in the app and I have unRAID set to https = no in settings.

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  • 2 weeks later...



With this latest version, I have the same access problem.




I: 2018/10/03 22:27:30 app.go:57: controlr v2.14.0-394-675a295-v2018.10.03 starting ...
I: 2018/10/03 22:27:30 app.go:65: No config file specified. Using app defaults ...
I: 2018/10/03 22:27:30 core.go:73: starting service Core ...
I: 2018/10/03 22:27:30 core.go:266: Created system sensor ...
I: 2018/10/03 22:27:30 core.go:287: Created apc ups ...
I: 2018/10/03 22:27:30 server.go:94: Starting service Server ...
I: 2018/10/03 22:27:30 server.go:113: Serving files from /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/controlr
I: 2018/10/03 22:27:30 server.go:173: Server started listening http on :2378
I: 2018/10/03 22:27:30 server.go:185: Server started listening https on :2379
I: 2018/10/03 22:27:30 api.go:46: Starting service Api ...
I: 2018/10/03 22:27:30 api.go:94: Api started listening https on :2382
I: 2018/10/03 22:27:30 app.go:85: Press Ctrl+C to stop ...
W: 2018/10/03 22:27:40 core.go:153: Unable to get unRAID state (dockers): Get dial tcp connect: connection refused
W: 2018/10/03 22:27:47 server.go:291: error reading from connection: EOF


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  • 3 weeks later...

As seen in the attached iPhone (iOS 12.0.1) screenshot, the scrolling summary data displays only partially.  If I close the app and reopen it, the text begins to scroll normally and all information is visible for the first time through.  After it begins repeating (on either the second or third cycle), much of the text is cut off and the labels and data only partially appear.



File Oct 30, 11 55 06 AM.jpeg

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Hi, thanks for the report.


This just started happening ? Did you upgrade iOS ?


Just looking for something that may have triggered it.


I'll take a look.


I've been thinking to make that section fixed, but scrollable, for a while, mostly considering battery consumption.


If I can reproduce the issue, I'll probably end up doing it.

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6 hours ago, jbrodriguez said:

This just started happening ? Did you upgrade iOS ?


Just looking for something that may have triggered it.

I upgraded to iOS 12.0.1 a couple of weeks ago, but, I cannot recall if I noticed the scrolling problem immediately after the upgrade or not.  I did notice it about a week ago, but, just reported it yesterday.  If I recall correctly, I do not remember seeing the scrolling text problem until recently.


Updating now to iOS 12.1.  I will update this post with the results post upgrade.


12.1 iOS update did not change anything.  First time scrolling through everything is readable, starting with the second cycle much of the text is cut off.

Edited by Hoopster
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  • 2 weeks later...
5 hours ago, jbrodriguez said:

I've published an update for the app, this should fix the issue with the scrolling stats.


They will not auto scroll anymore (if there are enough separate stats), you now scroll it manually.



Works great!  I like it better than the auto-scrolling stats since I can manually scroll to the info I am looking for and it does not scroll away.

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On 10/3/2018 at 6:33 PM, Shyrka973 said:



With this latest version, I have the same access problem.





I'm having this exact same problem.


Nothing is installed except controlR, my windows VM. No dockers, no other plugins. Also I'm runing version 6.6.5


I seemed to have fixed this issue by forcing SSL from auto to Yes in Identification.  Have to enable HTTPS when adding the server from the phone app. Seems to be working okay.

Edited by sudodrew
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