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[Deprecated] Linuxserver.io - airsonic

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Has anyone else had issues updating the container and the container just disappearing after saying Successfully updated? Every update I've done it always downloads everything, updates accordingly and says successfully, the page refreshes and then its just gone.


I do delete the CONTEXT_PATH, and I only keep the Media path field box. Any chance this could be a cause? To get it running again I just Add Container and select the my-airsonic, delete the unneeded fields and apply.




I just double checked the version within Airsonic and it wasn't even updated, so I've no idea what changing here that requires me to update it at all.

Edited by iarp
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  • 1 month later...

Was trying to get airsonic working with my Sonus Connect, but no luck.


I found this on Reddit:



I quoted some of that below. I followed the github link, but could not find the referenced file inside the docker to make this patch. My intended use is strictly behind my firewall, so security concerns not a big concern.


Any help appreciated!




From Reddit:


"The underlying problem is that the sonos api has a major security vulnerability ...


With that said, one could easily make the sonos work again in theory with the existing airsonic code with a one line patch. Simply add '/ws/**' to the list here https://github.com/airsonic/airsonic/blob/17915d908152aafcbda5693da190e14158ff064c/airsonic-main/src/main/java/org/airsonic/player/security/GlobalSecurityConfig.java#L128. To be clear, this change has not been made in the actual source because it allows anyone to access the sonos api. However if you don't have airsonic exposed over the internet, you may not care.

I'm really sorry for breaking it, but I can't in clear conscience go back to what it was before knowing that lots of people have airsonic exposed."

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17 hours ago, drzaph said:

This any better than Plex Music?


That's kind of a loaded question, so I'm going to say... it depends.


I have Plex Pass and tried to load up my music into Plex and it frustrated me. I have pretty meticulous tagging including embedded artwork and all I really wanted it to do was just use what was already there. It tries to be "helpful" and download all sorts of info for you on the songs and completely overwrites a bunch of the info for you and grabs whatever artwork it decides it should use, etc. That was especially annoying for me as I have a lot of anime music and it replaced my artists, song titles, etc that I had tagged in romanji (basically English letters representing the Japanese words) with actual Japanese text. Needless to say, while I enjoy anime and its music, I can't read a lick of Japanese and it rendered it completely useless to me. There is a way to try to get Plex music to just use the embedded metadata, but even when I turned those settings on, it still seemed to be grabbing the wrong artwork for some things and messing up some titles etc so I'm not sure what it is doing.


That led me to subsonic, then to libresonic, and now finally to airsonic (this docker container). I like that it uses my embedded artwork and metadata and so far has not tried to "help" me by grabbing a bunch of extra crap I don't need. I did have to redo my folder structure as it is very stringent/dependent/expected on that being in a specific format, but once I did so it has been working well for me. It is nice now as I don't have to manually copy music to my phone anymore either. I can install DSub on a new device and sync playlists very easily with minimal effort. And the nice thing about DSub is it stores mp3s as mp3s actually on the device (can't say about non-mp3 because that is all I have) so you can see them with other music players as well. The one thing I don't like about airsonic goes back to the folder structure and why I had to redo it. It takes all files in a single folder as an album, so it just grabs the artwork out of the first file as the artwork and applies it to everything in there. So I couldn't have stuff from different albums in the same folder. As I said though after I re-did my folder structure to be more "standard", it works great.


So TL;DR would be that if you have spent a lot of time making your metadata and tags perfect and want to use it, then don't use Plex and use something like *sonic (I recommend airsonic, given the issues the others have). On the other hand, if your music is pretty messy and you haven't spend any time organizing or tagging it (and it is in English or a language you understand/can read), then Plex music might be a good way to have it organize it for you.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys,


Airsonic isn't working (for me) since the recent update. Got this error (repeating into infinity) today:

Too small initial heap

Error occurred during initialization of VM

Restarted the container, no joy. Forced an update, no joy.


What else can I provide you to help diagnose?

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17 minutes ago, ridge said:

Hey guys,


Airsonic isn't working (for me) since the recent update. Got this error (repeating into infinity) today:

Too small initial heap

Error occurred during initialization of VM

Restarted the container, no joy. Forced an update, no joy.


What else can I provide you to help diagnose?

Okay, after removing the new JAVA_OPTS optional field the container was able to start, and I'm back up and running. I have to assume it's somewhat important to keep it in, but for now it doesn't seem to do any harm to delete it. 

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2 hours ago, ridge said:

Okay, after removing the new JAVA_OPTS optional field the container was able to start, and I'm back up and running. I have to assume it's somewhat important to keep it in, but for now it doesn't seem to do any harm to delete it. 


JAVA_OPTS is not new in the template, but it wasn't working before. So I fixed it and broke the template as there should be an m after the numbers. 

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On 2/20/2018 at 8:48 PM, iarp said:

Has anyone else had issues updating the container and the container just disappearing after saying Successfully updated? Every update I've done it always downloads everything, updates accordingly and says successfully, the page refreshes and then its just gone.


I do delete the CONTEXT_PATH, and I only keep the Media path field box. Any chance this could be a cause? To get it running again I just Add Container and select the my-airsonic, delete the unneeded fields and apply.




I just double checked the version within Airsonic and it wasn't even updated, so I've no idea what changing here that requires me to update it at all.

I can also confirm this behavior and I'm also removing the extra paths except /media. 

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2 hours ago, joelones said:

I can also confirm this behavior and I'm also removing the extra paths except /media. 


I can not confirm this behaviour..... whatever extra paths you put it, aren't what's causing the issue.


Here's mine.

docker run -d --name='airsonic' --net='bridge' -e TZ="Europe/London" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e 'PUID'='99' -e 'PGID'='100' -e 'CONTEXT_PATH'='airsonic' -e 'JAVA_OPTS'='-Xms256m -Xmx512m' -p '4041:4040/tcp' -v '/mnt/user/music/':'/music':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/music/1. Playlists/':'/playlists':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/books/audiobooks/podcasts/':'/podcasts':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/music':'/media':'rw' -v '/mnt/disks/virtualisation/.appdata/airsonic':'/config':'rw' 'linuxserver/airsonic'


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I had the same heap too small problem and adding an m onto the end of the params fixed it for me.


Just wanted to say what a marvellous community this is, by the time I had noticed the problem and was about to post there is already a discussion going on and a fix for me! Makes me really glad I bought unRaid!


Thanks guys keep up the great work!

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I got same issue, but after adding the "m" to the Java options, I get this new error:


e":"No such container: c50cb464ce26"}


UPDATE: Seems the log window I had opened was dismissed after restarting the docker. Airsonic is back and working again. Can I ask what that setting does? I mean the "JAVA_OPTS". I guess it's meant to limit the amount of RAM used?


Edited by almarma
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10 hours ago, almarma said:


I got same issue, but after adding the "m" to the Java options, I get this new error:


e":"No such container: c50cb464ce26"}


UPDATE: Seems the log window I had opened was dismissed after restarting the docker. Airsonic is back and working again. Can I ask what that setting does? I mean the "JAVA_OPTS". I guess it's meant to limit the amount of RAM used?



When you edited the container template, you deleted the old container and created a new. That's why you got the error in the log window.. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

New problem after this week's update: I can't access Airsonic at all.


Without my reverse proxy (by accessing the docker via the internal IP and assigned port) I get this displayed in the browser:

Error 404 - Not Found.
No context on this server matched or handled this request.
Contexts known to this server are:

/music ---> o.e.j.w.WebAppContext@769c9116{/music,file:///tmp/jetty-,AVAILABLE}{file:///app/airsonic/airsonic.war}
 Powered by Jetty:// 9.3.14.v20161028



And with the reverse proxy in use (proxied to mydomain.com/music) I just get this displayed in the browser:

Directory: /music/

I've tried forcing an update, but nothing has changed.




User uid: 99
User gid: 100

[cont-init.d] 10-adduser: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 20-config: executing...
[cont-init.d] 20-config: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] done.
[services.d] starting services
[services.d] done.
2018-05-05 01:24:41.542:INFO::main: Logging initialized @317ms
2018-05-05 01:24:41.553:INFO:oejr.Runner:main: Runner
2018-05-05 01:24:41.854:INFO:oejs.Server:main: jetty-9.3.14.v20161028
2018-05-05 01:24:42.150:INFO:oeja.AnnotationConfiguration:main: Scanning elapsed time=1ms
2018-05-05 01:24:42.274:INFO:oejsh.ContextHandler:main: Started o.e.j.w.WebAppContext@769c9116{/music,file:///tmp/jetty-,AVAILABLE}{file:///app/airsonic/airsonic.war}
2018-05-05 01:24:42.305:INFO:oejs.AbstractConnector:main: Started ServerConnector@71423665{HTTP/1.1,[http/1.1]}{}
2018-05-05 01:24:42.307:INFO:oejs.Server:main: Started @1089ms


Edited by ridge
Added log output
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