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Everything's working great. Why is my log being spammed?


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Sep 12 23:42:26 Tower kernel: mdcmd (183756): spindown 7
Sep 12 23:42:26 Tower kernel: md: do_drive_cmd: disk7: ATA_OP e0 ioctl error: -5
Sep 12 23:42:26 Tower emhttpd: error: mdcmd, 2639: Input/output error (5): write
Sep 12 23:42:28 Tower kernel: mdcmd (183757): spindown 0
Sep 12 23:42:28 Tower emhttpd: error: mdcmd, 2639: Input/output error (5): write
Sep 12 23:42:28 Tower kernel: md: do_drive_cmd: disk0: ATA_OP e0 ioctl error: -5
Sep 12 23:42:28 Tower kernel: mdcmd (183758): spindown 7


My log being spammed over and over with this junk.

Varies between Disk 0 and Disk 7.


Disk 0 is (I think) my parity drive - seems to be working great (no smart errors..)
Disk 7 is my 7th disk, (of course!), and it also.. *seems* to be working good? I have space settings set to fill-up, and disk 6 isn't full yet so I haven't really been able to check its performance.

Only similarity between these drives is their lack of use (I am writing to my cache pool so parity isn't necessary, and disk 7 isn't up to bat for storing data yet)

So it seems like unraid *wont* spin these disks down?

I don't really care, just curious why/what's going on. Most of my disks are spun 24/7 anyways.. but these two should be spun down I think. 




I added diagnostics but they're probably useless. I restarted my unraid box yesterday and within first few mins of booting didn't get these issues. (So restarting and getting new logs probably won't help, either.)

Any advice?


Edited by ct1996
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Sorry if I was unclear johnnie.black, the errors are currently being spammed in my log. I just said they're useless because they've been spammed for an unknown amount of time, and so the only info in there I copy-pasted in my post.


I'll assume you already know know this and i'm being dumb, so after the next reboot i'll post back with a new log (before/after, just to be safe)

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1 minute ago, ct1996 said:

Sorry if I was unclear johnnie.black, the errors are currently being spammed in my log. I just said they're useless because they've been spammed for an unknown amount of time, and so the only info in there I copy-pasted in my post.


I'll assume you already know know this and i'm being dumb, so after the next reboot i'll post back with a new log (before/after, just to be safe)


If you have it now, then run the diagnostics and post the zip here. 

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28 minutes ago, saarg said:


If you have it now, then run the diagnostics and post the zip here. 

Sorry folks, i'm realizing now just how bad my original wording was. I really do apologize. The diagnostics above is exactly what you've stated, I just personally felt it didn't contain much because the error is spammed every few seconds and has been going on for an unknown amount of time. I don't know how to get logs from when the error begins because I don't know exactly what is causing it, or when it starts. (thats what my terrible wording was trying to imply)



I have confirmed its related to spinning the disks down. I set default spindown delay to 'Never' and my log is silent. So, i'm guessing the errors occur somewhere around 20mins after unRAID starts. Lol!

I use this RAID controller: SAS9201-8I LSI


Perhaps it is related to my issue. The only drive i've ever sucessfully seen spin down is one of my SATA drives, which obviously isn't on the controller. What a bummer if it is related...

Edited by ct1996
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3 minutes ago, johnnie.black said:

You can ignore those errors, it's because SAS drives don't spin down, it's a current known issue.


You can also disable spin down to get rid of them for now.

Well, such is life. They are spun up 24/7 for seeding anyways. Only the parity I really care about and it sounds like ya'll are doing what you can.

Thanks you and the other poster for time. Have a good night 

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  • 6 months later...

Run, run far and fast from this. Read up. This is a joke. If you are looking to go this OS as a new user, you will loose. All videos are at best a few years before any new release, nothing will work. Save your cash. This is a hobbyist release at best.  Better to spend your time learning a real system like Xen, Xcp-ng, Proxmox...and if you really need a  full blown system..EXSI, Zen, XCP-NG. Either way, you will be sooooo much happier in the end. OMV kicks this OS in the ass. Nothing bad about OMV, but really? OVM should be the FIRST on anyone's list if you are looking for a home server/ home lab. You can lock it down like mad. At least do a Debian / Ubuntu KVM/QEMU install, you will be miles ahead of what this is, and way less resources . Oh and the people at XCP-NG, they are so happy to help you out.....just great. As for unRaid, well, Just run.  If you were to post a question, all you will ever get is .."read this post from 2 years ago...even though it won't help you"...if you do decide to actually post..Just read though 4-8 posts....Way too many tech queens on there.

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5 minutes ago, SamBam said:

Run, run far and fast from this. Read up. This is a joke. If you are looking to go this OS as a new user, you will loose. All videos are at best a few years before any new release, nothing will work. Save your cash. This is a hobbyist release at best.  Better to spend your time learning a real system like Xen, Xcp-ng, Proxmox...and if you really need a  full blown system..EXSI, Zen, XCP-NG. Either way, you will be sooooo much happier in the end. OMV kicks this OS in the ass. Nothing bad about OMV, but really? OVM should be the FIRST on anyone's list if you are looking for a home server/ home lab. You can lock it down like mad. At least do a Debian / Ubuntu KVM/QEMU install, you will be miles ahead of what this is, and way less resources . Oh and the people at XCP-NG, they are so happy to help you out.....just great. As for unRaid, well, Just run.  If you were to post a question, all you will ever get is .."read this post from 2 years ago...even though it won't help you"...if you do decide to actually post..Just read though 4-8 posts....Way too many tech queens on there.

run a 100 miles but you still got 1 more to go.

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1 hour ago, SamBam said:

XCP-NG and never looking back. Really is a true OS


Not sure what your posts have to do with the topic.  You apparently just want to tell everyone how pleased you are that you have found an OS that works for you.  To that I say good for you and I hope it does everything you need it to do for you.   Really, I wish you nothing but happy days ahead with XCP-NG.


unRAID is not the right OS for everyone, but, it is the right OS for a great many users as attested by the activity in these forums.  It is ironic that you claim OMV is so much better than unRAID, yet, just in the last couple of weeks there have been two or three new users seeking advice on their unRAID builds who are coming from OMV since that did not work for them.  There are other long-time unRAID users here who abandoned OMV years ago and, as you say, "never looked back." Different strokes for different folks. 


The problem with blanket statements like yours that OS a,b and c are so much better than unRAID and that no one could ever be happy with unRAID for x amount of reasons is that you presume to speak for everyone and their needs and have declared yourself the sole arbiter of what is a 'good' OS and what is not.  Clearly, you are in no position to do that and you come across as the sore loser who decided to take his ball and go home.  Not happy with merely going home yourself, you are trying to convince everyone else to go home with you because you are mad at the coach, his assistants and the training staff.


If unRAID is not for you, find something that is (as you appear to have done) and be happy with it.  Your diatribe is not likely to convince a happy or new unRAID user to abandon the OS just because you are not happy with it.

Edited by Hoopster
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What testing have you done in a real world environment. VM, Contaners, through put....what about 10g SFP in a muliti layer environment....My statement is just that. Anybody with the will to learn can do much better. I understand this is a great stepping point for someone that may not have the acquired knowledge. And that is my point. Some of these issues are trivial and non-existent for a mature OS, or for someone that has the patience to learn. Beyond that, no matter what, this is a hobbyist OS. And sorry, but yes, OVM is still miles ahead. The foot print and usage is well below this. 


    Last note. When have you even seen this on any, any post in a comparison against any of the 3 main OS's I mentioned?

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This really was my go-to system for a person to build a nice home server. Anymore,the vids are ancient, the gui , at best archaic, and now I find myself in the mindset of the anyone with any knowledge. Which I hate. Truth is out there...LOL...love that line... And you are correct. What works for one may not work for all. But I would rather challenge people to learn that be a lamb for the slaughter.

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Here is the only other thread this user ever posted in:




Make of it what you will. It's unclear what problem(s) they were having with their Unraid trial.


No doubt the user read other threads here, but I think most would agree they have mischaracterized our community here in this thread.


I took a look at the website for the other system they are enamored with. It doesn't look like it has been around long enough for anyone to point to a 2 year old thread or video.


The focus there appears to be Virtual Machines. We all know there are other ways to accomplish that feat. There is even a subforum here for users who run Virtual Machines on other platforms, and think the other features of Unraid makes it worthwhile to run in a Virtual Machine.



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  • 9 months later...
On 4/9/2019 at 2:41 AM, trurl said:

No doubt the user read other threads here, but I think most would agree they have mischaracterized our community here in this thread.

Sorry to resurrect a dead post, but I felt the need to express my opinion in regards to "anyone with any knowledge" not liking unRAID, and how this post grossly misrepresents "knowledgeable" opinions.


I am a IT professional, working in both the commercial and education space with over 15 years experience. My career has taken me down the path of networking (mostly Cisco), virtualization (VMware), storage, load balancing and security (F5), and multi-site DR, with my storage experience including NetApp, ZFS, FreeNAS (previous user), and many other manufacturers, with literally millions of dollars of intellectual property that I have been responsible for. I have a very extensive lab setup at the house and for years I ran my home environment mixed with my lab, and took the same precautions at home as I did at work. I'm not saying this as a brag by any means, simply using it to establish a background for my comment below.


Now speaking with this experience, at the end of the day I want something I can trust, and not set myself up for a second career path maintaining my home environment. I have tried a few homespun solutions and a few "supported" solutions. At the end of the day I chose to purchase 2 unRAID licenses because I like the file level striping I can do and the replicating to another box (using disk to disk rsync scripts). I chose unRAID because I set it and I forget it. I chose unRAID because I have a simple platform that has reliable reporting and features I can show my wife how to use, and trust her to do them well in my absence (if something should ever happen to me, my customers, my wife in this instance, should always be able to get their data back). And although some of the posts are aged, the content is still applicable to most cases. And unlike an unnamed engineer from FreeNAS who seems to be the most unprofessional forum user, I have yet to read a post from someone at unRAID that has not been helpful and made a user feel as though unRAID was "not the right system for them".


And at the end of the day, if you do good work you should get paid for it. unRAID offers a good product as a very reasonable price. And at the end of the day when something breaks, I can pick up a phone like all of my other equipment, and say "please help me fix it". Try that with other free options.....

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