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"cat: write error: Broken pipe" on main terminal after boot up now, even after rollback...

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My system after updating to 6.6.2 now shows a new error message during the long pause between the start of winbindd and the display of the network info/login prompt.  Not sure what this error message affects, but it survived the rollback to 6.6.1 as well...  This is the current bottom of my main terminal after bootup:


Starting Samba:  /usr/sbin/nmbd -D
                 /usr/sbin/smbd -D
                 /usr/sbin/winbindd -D
cat: write error: Broken pipe

unRAID Server OS version: 6.6.1
 IPv4 address: <*>
 IPv6 address: <*>
server login:

Still investigating the issue on my end...


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On 10/19/2018 at 1:22 AM, Squid said:

Harmless display error caused by many plugins (not just mine).  Mine have now been all updated to avoid this.

Reinstalled your latest user scripts today, and the issue still comes back. This is the only plugin causing it for me on reboot (user scripts).

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I see the error as well.  I have updated all plugins including User Scripts.  Running unRAID 6.6.3.  Not sure what is causing it, but, so far, I have not seen any issues I can attribute to the error.


Some reboots are "clean" without the error, but, on most, there it is right at the end.   I am doing a lot of rebooting lately as I am reworking my case internals and testing.

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16 hours ago, Hoopster said:

including User Scripts.

Here's the history of that particular error.


During the private beta release of 6.6, bonienl pointed out that CA itself was popping up with that error on installation.  Some testing, and a minor modification was made to CA's .plg file to avoid that.


A week or so ago, I implemented that change in every single one of my plugins.  


Just to point out that if the error is being caused by user.scripts, then it it a harmless display error.  On my system it does appear that user scripts is causing it.  However, this is a real major pain to debug, as 

  1. I have to run my unRaid in GUI mode.  In order to see the error, I have to reset everything to run in normal mode, which takes down my day-to-day system.
  2. Doing a manual plugin install from the command prompt does not display the error.
  3. The plugin works no problems, even with the error.
  4. In order to test / fix everything I have to continually reboot the system to try and figure out where it's coming from, and then to test any changes to suppress it.  This does not make for a very happy family.


IF it is user scripts (and depending upon which post you read it may or may not be), then it will eventually get fixed.  But, bear in mind that it is a harmless display error as user scripts is functioning fine, and because of that the priority to fix it is not at the top of my list (mainly due to #4)


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5 minutes ago, Squid said:

IF it is user scripts (and depending upon which post you read it may or may not be), then it will eventually get fixed.  But, bear in mind that it is a harmless display error as user scripts is functioning fine

It certainly does appear to be harmless, whatever is causing it.  I don't know whether or not it is User Scripts, but, if it is, everything still functions fine.


Had I not seen the report of the error, I may not have even noticed it had I not been rebooting so often lately.

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User Scripts is the cause for me, %100. But in the meantime, I am just doing my scripting need though the go file.


@Squid Thanks for the explanation on your setup. Sounds like you have been hard pressed to see the issue at all then, and will take you some time to get a test bed. Wouldn't a trial license on something other than your prod system work as well to reproduce the issue?

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  • 2 months later...

I have several of these, i can't see the whole screen so ill type it as best i can from a screenshot.  Im not sure if t here is a letter before the xz and cat.  Should i worry about it? I don't do any script writing.

*xz: (sdin): Compressed data is corrupt

cat: write error: Broken Pipe

xz: (sdin): Compressed data is corrupt

cat: write error: Broken Pipe

cat: write error: Broken Pipe

Currrently running 6.6.6 and all plugins are up to date - still shows up after each reboot.

Edited by FrozenGamer
additional info.
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  • 2 weeks later...

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