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Unassigned Devices - Managing Disk Drives and Remote Shares Outside of The Unraid Array

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4 hours ago, dlandon said:

Your disk has a problem:

Jul 13 21:05:34 Jiraiya unassigned.devices: Adding partition 'sdj1'...
Jul 13 21:05:34 Jiraiya unassigned.devices: Mounting partition 'sdj1' at mountpoint '/mnt/disks/UA_POOL'...
Jul 13 21:05:34 Jiraiya unassigned.devices: Mount drive command: /sbin/mount -t 'btrfs' -o rw,noatime,nodiratime '/dev/sdj1' '/mnt/disks/UA_POOL'
Jul 13 21:05:34 Jiraiya kernel: BTRFS info (device sdj1): flagging fs with big metadata feature
Jul 13 21:05:34 Jiraiya kernel: BTRFS info (device sdj1): disk space caching is enabled
Jul 13 21:05:34 Jiraiya kernel: BTRFS info (device sdj1): has skinny extents
Jul 13 21:05:34 Jiraiya kernel: BTRFS error (device sdj1): devid 2 uuid c7264057-941e-45fd-895a-f3329a76976f is missing
Jul 13 21:05:34 Jiraiya kernel: BTRFS error (device sdj1): failed to read chunk tree: -2
Jul 13 21:05:34 Jiraiya kernel: BTRFS error (device sdj1): open_ctree failed
Jul 13 21:05:34 Jiraiya unassigned.devices: Mount of 'sdj1' failed: 'mount: /mnt/disks/UA_POOL: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdj1, missing codepage or helper program, or other error. '
Jul 13 21:05:34 Jiraiya unassigned.devices: Partition 'Z5215WMY' cannot be mounted.


This is an error that is caused by an update to UD Preclear:

Jul 13 21:05:34 Jiraiya atd[11438]: PAM unable to dlopen(/lib64/security/pam_unix.so): /lib64/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.34' not found (required by /lib64/libresolv.so.2)
Jul 13 21:05:34 Jiraiya atd[11438]: PAM adding faulty module: /lib64/security/pam_unix.so
Jul 13 21:05:34 Jiraiya atd[11438]: Module is unknown
Jul 13 21:05:34 Jiraiya atd[11445]: PAM unable to dlopen(/lib64/security/pam_unix.so): /lib64/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.34' not found (required by /lib64/libresolv.so.2)
Jul 13 21:05:34 Jiraiya atd[11445]: PAM adding faulty module: /lib64/security/pam_unix.so
Jul 13 21:05:34 Jiraiya atd[11445]: Module is unknown

Be sure UD Preclear is updated to the latest version and reboot to clear this up.

dlandon, thank you for the response, I updated the preclear plugin as you suggested, and I rebooted, and still can't mount the unassigned drive. Any thoughts, and thank you so much below is the diagnostics file I just took after the reboot and trying to mount the unassigned drive.


2 hours ago, JorgeB said:

This means it's a pool and one device is missing.


JorgeB, thank you for the response, I have that drive back in the pool can you let me know if that error still exists in the diagnostics file?


Thank you both again for helping me. 



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11 minutes ago, gyrene2083 said:

I have that drive back in the pool can you let me know if that error still exists

Still missing:

Jul 14 13:09:28 Jiraiya kernel: BTRFS error (device sdj1): devid 2 uuid c7264057-941e-45fd-895a-f3329a76976f is missing


Post the output of

btrfs fi show


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3 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

Still missing:

Jul 14 13:09:28 Jiraiya kernel: BTRFS error (device sdj1): devid 2 uuid c7264057-941e-45fd-895a-f3329a76976f is missing


Post the output of

btrfs fi show


Thank you once again JorgeB, here is a pic and output of disk in question:





Thank you again for all your help.

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7 minutes ago, gyrene2083 said:

It is connected, that's weird it was working fine before I had that root password problem.

You can try this in case it was wiped or the superblock got damage for some reason:


btrfs-select-super -s 1 /dev/sdX1


Replace X with correct letter, if the command succeeds post output of btrfs fi show again

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3 minutes ago, gyrene2083 said:

It is connected, that's weird it was working fine before I had that root password problem. Then I followed the lost root password guide, rebooted and I couldn't mount it after that.

The problem is that UD does not know the pool devices.  UD recognizes a pool by the same UUID and label on both devices.  It looks like sdt1 and sdr1 are a pool because they are the same UUID.  Try setting the mount point on those devices.  That will also change the disk label.  You may get a message about duplicate mount points.  Just try each until the mount point takes.

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12 minutes ago, gyrene2083 said:

It is connected, that's weird it was working fine before I had that root password problem. Then I followed the lost root password guide, rebooted and I couldn't mount it after that.

Please show a screen shot of the disks in UD.

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7 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

You can try this in case it was wiped or the superblock got damage for some reason:


btrfs-select-super -s 1 /dev/sdX1


Replace X with correct letter, if the command succeeds post output of btrfs fi show again

Thanks again for the response JorgeB, below is the output;



7 minutes ago, dlandon said:

The problem is that UD does not know the pool devices.  UD recognizes a pool by the same UUID and label on both devices.  It looks like sdt1 and sdr1 are a pool because they are the same UUID.  Try setting the mount point on those devices.  That will also change the disk label.  You may get a message about duplicate mount points.  Just try each until the mount point takes.

Thank you for the help dlandon, Those two drives are my cache pools, and they are working ok. The sdj1 is my Unassigned Drive, and it wouldn't be much of an issue but I have emby and nextcloud on there.


Where would I take that screen shot from?

Edited by gyrene2083
forgot something
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2 minutes ago, dlandon said:

 It looks like the problem is there are no labels on the sdt and sdr disks.  UD won't see disks as a pool unless the UUID and labels (mount points to UD) are the same.

sdt and sdr are from a different pool:




The missing disk should show in 'btrf sfi show' independent of UD, if it doesn't it's not being detected by btrfs scan, IMHO either that disk is not connected or the superblock was delete or is invalid.

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On my test system I have a two disk pool:

root@BackupServer:~# btrfs fi show
Label: none  uuid: b1cdca9c-b741-440c-a843-3bb48838d544
        Total devices 1 FS bytes used 896.00KiB
        devid    1 size 20.00GiB used 6.02GiB path /dev/loop2

Label: none  uuid: d521949e-bfae-4e6c-a045-33a23cc4bd12
        Total devices 1 FS bytes used 1.93MiB
        devid    1 size 1.00GiB used 126.38MiB path /dev/loop3

Label: 'Test_Pool'  uuid: 7693b0fe-e954-4462-a471-657959e9f299
        Total devices 2 FS bytes used 4.15GiB
        devid    1 size 14.56GiB used 3.28GiB path /dev/sdb1
        devid    2 size 28.92GiB used 3.28GiB path /dev/sdc1


On my system it's 'Test_Pool'.

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2 minutes ago, gyrene2083 said:

but I never had the unassigned drive in a pool though. 

It is in a pool, possibly by mistake, but that's what btrfs reports, if you don't have the other device and the pool was redundant you can still mount it manually using the degraded option here, if not to both not much more you can do.

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So, here's a question for you. The sdo1 drive that I made and put into a Cache pool, I'm going to have to remove it from the cache pool and try to mount it back to the unassigned drive pool that I didn't even know I had. I do appreciate all the help you've given me. All I want is to try and get my data. Thanks again. 

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4 minutes ago, gyrene2083 said:

I'm going to have to remove it from the cache pool and try to mount it back to the unassigned drive pool that I didn't even know I had.

That won't work, it's a different filesystem now, i.e., it was re-formatted, not possible to recover the old fs, if that is the missing device.

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So I lost my data then and shouldn't try the link you sent me? If that is the case do I just need to wipe the sdj1 disk now and start over? I thought there was data on that drive. 


Thank you JorgeB, I was able to get some of the files back following that link you provided. 

Edited by gyrene2083
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8 minutes ago, Wicked_Chicken said:



I recent had an UD disc share disappear from windows, and I cannot seem to get it to reappear even if I reset the share in UD within Unraid. I have a single UD drive I want to share, and it appears correctly within Unraid, but I still cannot get windows to find it. Any assistance is greatly appreciated. 



unraid-diagnostics-20220714-2003.zip 116.13 kB · 0 downloads

Go to UD Settings and check the "Enable SMB Security" setting.  There has been a change lately to those settings.  Click on the "Enable SMB Security" text and read the help for details.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there. I'm new to unraid and having difficulty mounting an existing NFS share. The NFS share is mounted on my linux desktop computer (lubuntu) without issue, but I can't figure out how to get access via unraid so that I can migrate the data to my new unraid server.


Can you please help me get this moving?


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1 hour ago, colemite said:

Hi there. I'm new to unraid and having difficulty mounting an existing NFS share. The NFS share is mounted on my linux desktop computer (lubuntu) without issue, but I can't figure out how to get access via unraid so that I can migrate the data to my new unraid server.


Can you please help me get this moving?


Your description of the problem offers nothing that we can help you with.  Have you configured it to mount on Unraid using UD?


Please post your diagnostic zip file after trying to mount the NFS share with UD.

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After clicking "ADD REMOTE SMB/NFS SHARE" button, and the "SEARCH FOR SERVERS," I am able to select my server, but on the next step "LOAD SHARES" gives a "command timed out" message. I can manually enter the name of the share, and that allows me to click done and yields a share with a green disk next to it on the MAIN tab, but it is not mounted. Clicking the "MOUNT" button turns the button grey and briefly changes the text to "MOUNTING," but does not mount. 


A peek at the logs gives this message:


Jul 25 14:57:24 gbh-tower unassigned.devices: Error: shell_exec(/usr/sbin/showmount --no-headers -e 'COLEMITE' 2>/dev/null | rev | cut -d' ' -f2- | rev | sort) took longer than 10s!



Edited by colemite
added updated diagnostics
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1 hour ago, colemite said:

Clicking the "MOUNT" button turns the button grey and briefly changes the text to "MOUNTING," but does not mount. 

Both your attempt to mount NFS and SMB failed:

Jul 25 14:04:55 gbh-tower unassigned.devices: Error: shell_exec(/sbin/mount -t 'nfs4' -o rw,noacl 'COLEMITE:homes' '/mnt/remotes/COLEMITE_homes' 2>&1) took longer than 10s!


Jul 25 14:06:08 gbh-tower unassigned.devices: Error: shell_exec(/sbin/mount -t cifs -o rw,noserverino,nounix,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,uid=99,gid=100,vers=3.1.1,credentials='/tmp/unassigned.devices/credentials_homes' '//COLEMITE/homes' '/mnt/remotes/COLEMITE_homes' 2>&1) took longer than 10s!

The mount commands both timed out.  I would think right away that the remote server isn't responding to a ping, but if the orb turned green and the "Mount" button was active, that's probably not the issue.


Try using the IP address of CEOLMITE rather than the server name.  When UD asks for the server, just enter the IP address.

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