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Unassigned Devices - Managing Disk Drives and Remote Shares Outside of The Unraid Array

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You have not set the SMB Security:

Mar  8 15:45:47 TVServer02 kernel: xfs filesystem being mounted at /mnt/disks/downloads2 supports timestamps until 2038 (0x7fffffff)
Mar  8 15:45:47 TVServer02 unassigned.devices: Successfully mounted 'nvme0n1p1' on '/mnt/disks/downloads2'.
Mar  8 15:45:47 TVServer02 unassigned.devices: Unassigned Devices are not set to be shared with SMB.


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hi im unable to mount remote s

hares  i have on my main server... a rootshare  called "root" and its mounted

but when any of my servers try to mount to it i get  this error

Mar  9 10:08:20 backupserver kernel: CIFS: VFS: \\ failed to connect to IPC (rc=-13)
Mar  9 10:08:20 backupserver kernel: CIFS: VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -13


i have tried removing all shares and re adding  doesnt help

here is a diagnostic from my backup server i wanting to connect to the main server 


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@itimpi  it used to work  i only noticed  last couple days..  as i could no longer access it from any of the servers... as i use my other unraid servers as backup and tdarr nodes  and it wasnt able to do it anymore


main server is set for smb security public auto case sensitive and yes to force a nobody

as i used to use  rootshare as my rootshare..  in the one section  but with the one of recent space invaders videos  he no longer does the hard code the rootshare   and does the UD rootshare.. but i could not use the name rootshare in UD  guess its protected. so went the root  name   but now its not mounting and i get that error

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@dlandon  yes correct ip  so if i do the ip or host name

i enter the user name and password  and then the share "root"  i click submit.. it then says successfully created.. and then when i go to mount it it throws me the error.. it was working a week or 2 ago  and if i do a Windows mapped network drive to the same directory that works fine    so  like z: =  \\\root       that has no problem mounting z:  the problem is unraid to unraid



i was thinking it might be one of the last ud updates in the last couple weeks that maybe stopping it to mount.. i only found out when i rebooted the unraid servers.. that it wasnt auto mounting anymore

Edited by comet424
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the only other thing i can think of it is recently did the  "docker update" addon..  dunno if it has  anything to do with it.. other then that everything auto updates each night too.. so i dunno  what to check? 


update.. so i apparently can't mount any smb share 


so i create a remote share

i do a search  it finds my servers..  so i can do hostname or ip address


i type in root for user and password

i click next on the domain

i click search for shares.. but it never finds any.. so i manually type it in..  then click submit

then i get success...  then i try to mount the share  and it wont





if i create a user name

and use it to create a link to a rootshare  i  can see the share names  and when i click submit.. it says sucessful.. but i still cant mount it


ill try deleting all remote shares on backupserver and main server.. reboot everything and then re try the user name i used.. since i could see the shares but it wouldnt mount.. maybe a another clean reboot will help   

Edited by comet424
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i guess its working again...  after couple reboots and re creating the user name i had before..

will allow me mount the it.. dunno why it didnt before?   so what i did was i erased the user name on my main server .. and re created it...  as i guess user name root isnt allowed to be used.. but i did use a user name prior.. but i deleted it rebooted everything re created it and now its all mounting again...  on the other unraid servers i didnt delete the remote share links  i hit mount and they mount again.. as i was testing on the backupserver...   so not sure what when wrong.. but too late to find out diagnostics i guess as i rebooted and re created teh user name 

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15 minutes ago, comet424 said:

ah ok  it jiust can create the share  successfully   just cant mount it afterwards..  what about hidden shares  

Just because you enter a share name, that does not guarantee UD can mount it.  Does the share listing show any of the shares on your remote server?  Hidden shares won't show in the list.

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Unassigned Disks (UD) shares are no longer showing up on MacOS (10.15.7) or WIndows 10.    This started before I upgraded from 6.11.1 to 6.11.5 so I think it's related to UD.   For the last year, I've had no problem with UD shares   (I have no problems seeing actual share directories) and then one day they magically disappeared.   I've rebooted both my mac  and unraid server multiple times.   I've gone in and unshared them, hit apply and then re-did the share.  My /etc/exports directory has them listed.   I think it's something related to UD because Windows can no longer see them , either so it's not just a Mac thing.     I have the latest version of UD which is dated for 3/3/23.


Note: I have no problems accessing these disks from the Unraid server, so it looks like the mount is good, but the network component is hosed.


SOLVED:  I guess 'enable SMB Security' got changed in the UD settings or functionality changed.  I set if from 'off' to 'Public' and my shares showed up again.   

Edited by TimV
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On 2/7/2023 at 6:08 PM, dlandon said:

If you make a change to the flash config file, you'll have to click the double arrows icon on the UD page to refresh the ram file that holds the config file.  When UD is operating, the configuration file is in ram and copied to the flash drive when a change is made.


I pulled my hair out for a few hours trying to figure out why the MOUNT button was greyed out for one of my disks.  Clicking this refresh button fixed it for me.  

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I encountered a problem on a fresh install of 6.11.5 with zfs drives.

Whenever I try to assign an alias on a disk, it isn't applied.

I tried: pool1, Pool1, Pool_1 but whenever I click the Done button I see it didn't change anything. Clicking on the drive settings again - I see its name reset.

Am I missing something?

Edited by uraid
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5 hours ago, uraid said:

I encountered a problem on a fresh install of 6.11.5 with zfs drives.

Whenever I try to assign an alias on a disk, it isn't applied.

I tried: pool1, Pool1, Pool_1 but whenever I click the Done button I see it didn't change anything. Clicking on the drive settings again - I see its name reset.

Am I missing something?

Post your diagnostics.

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2 hours ago, uraid said:


I don't see anywhere in your log where you tried to change the disk name.  There should be an entry like this:

Mar 11 10:41:27 BackupServer unassigned.devices: Set Disk Name on 'WDC_WD20EARX-00PASB0_WD-WCAZAC192391 (sdg)' to 'MusicBk'


2 hours ago, dlandon said:

I tried: pool1, Pool1, Pool_1 but whenever I click the Done button I see it didn't change anything.

Click "Save" to change the disk name, not "Done".

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3 hours ago, dlandon said:


I don't see anywhere in your log where you tried to change the disk name.  There should be an entry like this:

Mar 11 10:41:27 BackupServer unassigned.devices: Set Disk Name on 'WDC_WD20EARX-00PASB0_WD-WCAZAC192391 (sdg)' to 'MusicBk'


Click "Save" to change the disk name, not "Done".

Missed this button :S

Zoomed in too much, and the main confusion was having the top Done button (and I see there is a bottom Done button as well?).
Will report back by editing in a couple of hours.


EDIT: That was it. Thank you for the help! 

Edited by uraid
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On 6/28/2022 at 8:25 AM, dlandon said:

The disk log routine was changed in 6.10 so it fails because UD is still using the 6.9 disk log routine.  This is fixed in the next release of UD.

I am still getting this with the latest UD in Unraid 6.11.5 by the way...


invalid cmd: /webGui/scripts/disk_log

Edited by Jclendineng
wrong unraid version listed
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