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[SUPPORT] OpenEats - CorneliousJD Repo

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3 minutes ago, untraceablez said:

Seems like I'm looking at an invalid table given there's no way I don't have the perms as root. Do I need to take the nuclear option and clear mariadb & openeats? I have no other data other than a dead authelia database that isn't being used. 

Hmm what if you try the update command without changing database to mysql (also oops the command I gave was wrong)


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2 hours ago, BrambleGB said:

Hmm what if you try the update command without changing database to mysql (also oops the command I gave was wrong)


Same result with that command, verbatim. What's the correct syntax on the command? I'm also able to log in via Adminer if it's possible to flush the privileges from there. 

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On 8/28/2020 at 3:44 AM, untraceablez said:

Same result with that command, verbatim. What's the correct syntax on the command? I'm also able to log in via Adminer if it's possible to flush the privileges from there. 

I mean the "USE DATABASE mysql" was wrong, it's just "USE mysql"

You could try recreating the container and then attempting the same thing. I think I had a similar problem but can't remember anymore how I fixed it. 

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Saw this and wanted to get a nice recipe holder so I don't have to have hundreds of links to sites.  However, I am having huge setup issues.  The biggest setup issue is that no tables are being created in my MariaDB docker (using the one that is advised, went into the docker and created the openeats user and created the openeats database).  Attached are the settings I have so far. (I have ping connectivity between the containers).  The next issue is that I cannot log in (but I am guessing that is related to the fact that there are no tables created and populated, so openeats can't cross check to ensure authorization)



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On 9/1/2020 at 12:29 PM, bobbo489 said:

Saw this and wanted to get a nice recipe holder so I don't have to have hundreds of links to sites.  However, I am having huge setup issues.  The biggest setup issue is that no tables are being created in my MariaDB docker (using the one that is advised, went into the docker and created the openeats user and created the openeats database).  Attached are the settings I have so far. (I have ping connectivity between the containers).  The next issue is that I cannot log in (but I am guessing that is related to the fact that there are no tables created and populated, so openeats can't cross check to ensure authorization)



Symptoms are very similar to what I was seeing - when I looked at my log output (from the openeats app docker container) - I could see for some reasons, that the the application (I labeled mine openeats-app) was trying to connect to the openeats-app as the database server. (I have created a seperate mariadb docker container called openeats-mariadb).


I assume somewhere along the way of environment variables, templates, shell scripts etc. the wrong hostname was being picked up / replaced along the way.


I spent a little time trying to troubleshoot - to the point that within the container I was running the schema commands from /code/base/migrate.py pythong file and was getting the same errors - database connection errors. Which make sense given it was trying to connect to the app container. (for the record, after having shelled into the app container, the command I was running as an example was "python /code/base/migrate.py reset_db")


In the end I gave up and just ran the container with MYSQL_USER set to root - as soon as I did that, the app ran as expected.


Happy to share more info, but thought I would include the above in case it helps anyone get started, or for anyone wanting to do more in-depth troubleshooting.


(My gut feel is that the errors is in environment variables - the out put from the shell 'set' command differed from the output of 'env' - mainly in differences between / missing database related vars - I just ran out of time/patience trying to track this down)


(As always, thank you to the maintainer for putting the work together for the rest of us to use)

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On 8/29/2020 at 6:30 AM, BrambleGB said:

I mean the "USE DATABASE mysql" was wrong, it's just "USE mysql"

You could try recreating the container and then attempting the same thing. I think I had a similar problem but can't remember anymore how I fixed it. 

I left the project in the dustbin for a bit and picked it up today, and just went through the install fully again, and everything's working like a charm this time, don't know what went screwy the first time still but hey, it's working now! 


The interface on this is slick and I quite enjoy it, I only have one question, how does one adjust the image size limit for recipe pictures? 500kb is rather small and I'd like to just it to 10Mb, I like hi-res photos.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/26/2020 at 3:07 PM, CorneliousJD said:

Indeed, sadly it's still one of the best self-hosted recipe management solutiolns even with this fact and its quicks that come with it.


I lack the time AND the know-how to properly update any of it, but as it stands now for my own private use with the dockerfile you've provided, it works very well at this point. 


I am certainly open to suggestions for other recipe management software that's self-hosted though if someone finds something worthwhile. 

Have you had a chance to check this one out? https://github.com/vabene1111/recipes

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On 9/14/2020 at 10:01 PM, untraceablez said:

I left the project in the dustbin for a bit and picked it up today, and just went through the install fully again, and everything's working like a charm this time, don't know what went screwy the first time still but hey, it's working now! 


The interface on this is slick and I quite enjoy it, I only have one question, how does one adjust the image size limit for recipe pictures? 500kb is rather small and I'd like to just it to 10Mb, I like hi-res photos.


I'm looking to increase the image size too. Make any progress on that?

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On 9/25/2020 at 4:40 PM, Nelinski said:

I'm looking to increase the image size too. Make any progress on that?


On 9/27/2020 at 7:25 PM, untraceablez said:

Nope unfortunately, still stuck at 500KB which is really inconvenient, having to resize every image in PS.

Hi sorry I forgot to answer this.


What you need to do is edit the nginx config files both within the openeats docker, and your lets encrypt nginx docker (if you are using it).


For the openeats docker:

1. Copy the original default.conf file located at /etc/nginx/conf.d

2. Make a new folder in your Unraid with the default.conf (mine is at /mnt/user/configs/openeats/default.conf)

3. Edit the default.conf file, and add "client_max_body_size" to the server {} block

 It should look like this: (Note that 40M here means 40 Megabytes, which is probably bigger than what you need. You can set this to what you want, the default is 1M)

upstream api {

server {
    listen 80;
    server_name localhost;

    client_max_body_size 40M;

    location / {
        root /var/www/html/openeats-static/public-ui;
        try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;

    location /static/  {
        root /var/www/html/openeats-static/public-ui;
        gzip on;
        gzip_types text/plain text/xml text/css
            text/javascript application/x-javascript

        expires max;

    location /api/ {
        proxy_pass http://api;
        proxy_set_header Host $http_host;

    location /admin/ {
        proxy_pass http://api;
        proxy_set_header Host $http_host;

    location /static-files/ {
        root /var/www/html/openeats-static;
        try_files $uri /static-files/$uri;

    location /site-media/ {
        root /var/www/html/openeats-static;
        try_files $uri /site-media/$uri;

4. Mount your new folder against /etc/nginx/conf.d/


Now for the lets encrypt docker if you have it:

1. Go to /mnt/user/appdata/letsencrypt/nginx/nginx.conf and add "client_max_body_size" as well to the http {} block

2. Go to /mnt/user/appdata/letsencrypt/nginx/site-confs/default and add it to your server {} block

3. Go to /mnt/user/appdata/letsencrypt/nginx/proxy-confs/www.subdomain.conf (or whatever subdomain you use) and add it to the server {} block


Let me know if this works or doesn't work

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8 hours ago, BrambleGB said:


Hi sorry I forgot to answer this.


What you need to do is edit the nginx config files both within the openeats docker, and your lets encrypt nginx docker (if you are using it).


For the openeats docker:

1. Copy the original default.conf file located at /etc/nginx/conf.d

2. Make a new folder in your Unraid with the default.conf (mine is at /mnt/user/configs/openeats/default.conf)

3. Edit the default.conf file, and add "client_max_body_size" to the server {} block

 It should look like this: (Note that 40M here means 40 Megabytes, which is probably bigger than what you need. You can set this to what you want, the default is 1M)

upstream api {

server {
    listen 80;
    server_name localhost;

    client_max_body_size 40M;

    location / {
        root /var/www/html/openeats-static/public-ui;
        try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;

    location /static/  {
        root /var/www/html/openeats-static/public-ui;
        gzip on;
        gzip_types text/plain text/xml text/css
            text/javascript application/x-javascript

        expires max;

    location /api/ {
        proxy_pass http://api;
        proxy_set_header Host $http_host;

    location /admin/ {
        proxy_pass http://api;
        proxy_set_header Host $http_host;

    location /static-files/ {
        root /var/www/html/openeats-static;
        try_files $uri /static-files/$uri;

    location /site-media/ {
        root /var/www/html/openeats-static;
        try_files $uri /site-media/$uri;

4. Mount your new folder against /etc/nginx/conf.d/


Now for the lets encrypt docker if you have it:

1. Go to /mnt/user/appdata/letsencrypt/nginx/nginx.conf and add "client_max_body_size" as well to the http {} block

2. Go to /mnt/user/appdata/letsencrypt/nginx/site-confs/default and add it to your server {} block

3. Go to /mnt/user/appdata/letsencrypt/nginx/proxy-confs/www.subdomain.conf (or whatever subdomain you use) and add it to the server {} block


Let me know if this works or doesn't work

I use the LetsEncrypt docker, making just the changes you stated for that container worked for me! Thanks for the explainer, very helpful!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/23/2020 at 2:24 PM, Urban said:

Have you had a chance to check this one out? https://github.com/vabene1111/recipes


On 10/2/2020 at 2:58 PM, w^w said:

It will be great to have this option :)

Well, it's done! Recipes container is successfully running self-contained with no other DB required.

Sorry it took so long, I hoenstly didn't give it an honest effort until this evening but it's working now!


It'll be up on CA within 2 hours or so -- if it's not there yet when you look just check back in a few. It's all in a self-contained docker container now.


Support thread for it is here

From this point forward thoiugh please keep everything related to the Recipes container in the following thread.

That will leave this one just for OpenEats support.


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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Hi, I have tried to install three time, cleaning up the appdata folder and DB. once installed. I am not able to login.

I am using the db account I created for the install. Have tried to login with root account ask well nothing. Nothing happens I type in user name and password. Do not get an error or anything just sits there?

Any help would be appreciated.




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4 hours ago, rpine66 said:

Hi, I have tried to install three time, cleaning up the appdata folder and DB. once installed. I am not able to login.

I am using the db account I created for the install. Have tried to login with root account ask well nothing. Nothing happens I type in user name and password. Do not get an error or anything just sits there?

Any help would be appreciated.





Have you checked the tables in your database to be sure they're actually being generated and created properly? It sounds like it's not connected to the DB correctly with the lack of any error. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
Just now, matt_erbeck said:

Is there anyway to mark recipes as favorites? This way I can just browse a list of my favorite ones, rather than need to go through all of the recipes I add?


Not exactly, favorites isn't a feature of OpenEats, but ratings are, you can rate your recipes and give them 0-5 stars, and you can sort by rating, and if you give your favorites 5 stars then you effectively can bookmark a page for your favorites 



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5 minutes ago, CorneliousJD said:


Not exactly, favorites isn't a feature of OpenEats, but ratings are, you can rate your recipes and give them 0-5 stars, and you can sort by rating, and if you give your favorites 5 stars then you effectively can bookmark a page for your favorites 



Alright thanks. I guess if I am creating all the recipes, I can also edit them and add a 'Favorite' tag, and just search by that.

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