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Docker containers not appearing in Dashboard or Docker tabs & Community apps also broken.

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Evening fellow unRAIDers,


I got my a new motherboard last week and swapped it out (RMA replacement) Identical models. 

Gigabyte X399 AORUS PRO-CF.


Now I do not know if it is because of the motherboard or something else (Like Github going down Yesterday) but my Docker containers are no longer appearing on the dashboard or Docker tabs.

My Community applications also no longer works.

I have had the Motherboard now 5 days and I think this issue has been here for the last 3 days so confident it is not related ?

All my containers are running(Docker PS output below) and I can access them but cannot administer any of them through the GUI

Here are some screenshots.

Diagnostics also attached.


Apps tab showing this.




Dashboard not showing containers or VM's




I can see my VM and containers if I go to Settings -> CPU Pinning.




I can see my VM in the VM's tab so it is only missing from the Dashboard screen




The Docker screen just appears to load but never loads my containers.




Docker PS output.

Interesting it shows all those containers created 3 days ago. I did click on the docker tab and select update all could that have done it ?




Settings -> Docker is showing this but it has done this for a very long time always ignored it.



What I have tried.


- Reset network.cfg - Deleted the file booted in GUI mode and put my static IP back with all new settings

- MAC address on router changed for reserved IP address

-Tried the DNS settings the Apps page suggests

-Reboot router

-Backup/restore appdata plugin in settings also does not load it just keeps spinning so cannot rollback the last updates.


Help please 🙂


Edited by JPDom1
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What is this IP?  Make sure that what ever it is is "whitelisting" any requests from the server...


Side note, assuming you're using something like piHole to get rid of ads, there's zero reason to use it for the server, as there's no ads anywhere within it.

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4 minutes ago, Squid said:


What is this IP?  Make sure that what ever it is is "whitelisting" any requests from the server...


Side note, assuming you're using something like piHole to get rid of ads, there's zero reason to use it for the server, as there's no ads anywhere within it.

Hi, Thanks for the quick reply.

It is SteamCachebundle container IP. (Need to upgrade it to the LanCache at some point)

It also has a DNS built in that I point to

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12 hours ago, Squid said:

Try removing the entry as a test

Made no different.


Changed the IP address to automatic as I have a reservation set on my router for the MAC address.

Put DNS to automatic it picks up the 192.1268.0.100 as that is set on my router.

Made it static with no difference.

Below is a screenshot of my network settings.




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Still broken,


Just tied DNS settings as per the error message on community apps with & made no difference also tried, and My download and plex work to the outside world it is only community apps.


Then on the Docker front I still cannot see it on my dashboard or docker tab.


Can anyone look at my diagnostics and see if they can find why it is doing this PLEASE,

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1 hour ago, jonp said:

While I can't really comment on the Community Apps issue ( @Squid is the expert there), I can tell you that the warning on the Docker settings page is valid and you need to perform the action requested (delete your Docker.img file and recreate it).

Thanks for the reply @jonp. Will my containers reappear as I cannot get to community apps to reinstall them ?

Is it as simple as deleting the docker.img and rebooting and it will create it by itself ?

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Done some searching and I cannot remove the docker.img file until i have community apps back as I cannot get the containers back otherwise.

So back to the drawing board with the community apps issue.


I have now disabled bonding and set the DNS back to automatic (way it was before all this happened) also swapped the Ethernet cable with another no change.



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This morning I tried to see if my appdata backup/restore plugin will work to restore my containers once I delete the doker.img as community apps is not working for me and also discoved that this plugin is not loading for me ?


Trying to access it through settings -> backup/restore appdata





Most likely a moo point as my appdata is fine I need the containers installing again after deleting the .img file and for that I will need community apps unless I script it ?

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Today I went and did more to try and fix things but ultimately still broken.


  • Went on my router and removed my DNS settings that points to the unRAID server for SteamCache
  • Rebooted the server with Automatic DNS settings so it can pickup the new settings from the router.
  • Created a new Docker image "Docker2.img" photo below
  • with the new docker image I have access to my dockers again but when trying to load a docker from the templated i get a failure every time see photo below. No errors in the logs assume it is "network"




The error I get now when trying to pull a image after





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Right got more info......


I got pi**ed off and walked away....Came back and 




Was happy to see my containers and VM again.

Clicked on apps but still nothing. Went back to Dashboard and nothing loaded.

So left it 

Then left it some more and it came back.

Then decided to run it on a stopwatch to see how long it takes.

And as you can see below. When I refresh my browser it takes 1 minute 40 seconds for it to load my containers in my dashboard.

Any reason for this ?






So now my problem is,


Community apps still broken.

Dashboard really slow in loading docker containers. Same on docker tab.


Cannot create new docker.img as they are not pulling down as per my previous post.


@jonp Any reason it takes so long to load ? Also on my last post anything I can do about the containers not pulling from the templates ?


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4 hours ago, JPDom1 said:

And as you can see below. When I refresh my browser it takes 1 minute 40 seconds for it to load my containers in my dashboard.


Because you have quite a number of containers that have the default "?" icon.  When loading the dashboard / docker tab, the system will attempt to try and download the icons.  This is the delay that you're seeing, since it keeps on failing.  Once it succeeds, there will never be a significant delay

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10 hours ago, trurl said:

All of these symptoms are indicating your server can't reach the internet.


From the server command line, can you ping github.com?

@trurl, No cannot ping Github.

root@Mufasa:~# ping github.com
ping: github.com: Name or service not known

Saying that I deleted network.cfg and rebooted made no difference.


My SABNZBD is still downloading and my plex & bitwarden is still accessible from the outside world.


5 hours ago, Squid said:

Because you have quite a number of containers that have the default "?" icon.  When loading the dashboard / docker tab, the system will attempt to try and download the icons.  This is the delay that you're seeing, since it keeps on failing.  Once it succeeds, there will never be a significant delay


@Squid, All the container did have images. This all started after I clicked "update all" on the docker tab and I think it is one of those containers below that says Created "10 days ago" that might have caused it as those are the ones that updated then my problems started



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Played with network settings a bit,


use static IP everything is back to normal (speed) but still no apps, docker tab loads instantly Not sure why as I do have a reservation against the MAC address.

Putting the default gateway in makes it really slow again. Taking it out with a static IP makes it error instantly.

No matter what DNS address I put it does not make any difference.

Rebooted the router and then unRAID with static IP, No gateway & as my DNS.


Community applications now show this.image.thumb.png.f0534da74e58122c000a5d60d416f58d.png

This is with a static IP, No default gateway and as my DNS.


Server cannot ping anything on the network not even my router.

All docker containers and VM has internet access just not the host OS.

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Hi again,


I'm a little confused on one of your updates from earlier.  You say you created a new docker image called docker2.img and then you say this:

On 7/21/2020 at 3:01 PM, JPDom1 said:

I have access to my dockers again but when trying to load a docker from the templated i get a failure every time see photo below.

But then later you say:

On 7/21/2020 at 3:16 PM, JPDom1 said:

I got pi**ed off and walked away....Came back and 




Was happy to see my containers and VM again.

So I'm confused.  Did you redownload all these into the new docker2.img or is this once again trying to use the original docker.img?  If the new docker2.img, how did you get past the error you previously reported?


Another thing to try:  disable the docker service from the Docker Settings page and see if the Community Apps plugin works again.  Maybe one of your containers is causing a weird network conflict?  If so, you should try turning your containers on one at a time until you can recreate the problem.


The key for us to help solve this is to figure out what has tripped the system into this state.  None of this is normal behavior and I am desperate to try and find a way to recreate your issue on my end so we can debug.

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Sorry for my confusion I was posting as I was finding information.

I am back on the original docker.img with docker2.img I could not load from the template so switched back to the original docker file.
I have also deleted more than half my containers and only left with what I feel is important still no fix.


On the Network side I found out that changing the network settings to static without a default gateway gives me the response from the GUI 
I would expect but still not working just the long loads are gone. If i put it to automatic or even put a default gateway in I am back to
waiting ages for dockers to appear on the dashboard.



I took your advise and stopped the array then turned off the docker service to test.
made no difference.


Below is a screenshot of my network settings. It is vanilla as I deleted the network config and rebooted Yesterday for the 4th time.

All I have done here is set the DNS servers and IP address.


Everything has internet but the Host OS.

Cannot ping anything from the server.




What else can I do please ?

Edited by JPDom1
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