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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Not a networking guy, so can't really help you out there. IMO opinion though, the far simpler setup (and maintenance) of a single cable outweighs any advantages in speeds you may see by using 2 cables,
  2. First thing to do is to get the appropriate commands working from the command line before using User Scripts as it introduces other complications
  3. It was a clean shutdown (assuming that is the diagnostics immediately after it booting back up), so the system didn't crash or anything....
  4. Try a different USB port, ideally USB2 for the boot flash. If problems continue, then try the Flash Remount plugin Right now the only recourse is a reboot (and a parity check will ensue, but it'll be safe to cancel)
  5. Yeah, IDK I run Netdata and seeing as how an update is available for it on average twice per day I've never had a problem (but I do autoupdate this container amongst others)
  6. I think the system is getting confused with the fact that you've got a br0 and a br1 set up, but br0 has no connection. Not a networking guy, but probably if you delete /config/network.cfg and /config/network-rules.cfg on the flash drive and then reboot (and then in settings change the IP address back to / Gateway it'll start working fine. (Either that or use the other ethernet port)
  7. The VM screen getting stuck has now been replicated and hopefully a fix is in for the next release of the OS. A common workaround though is when editing a VM to change the vdisk location from Auto to instead be Manual (and point at the folder appropriately)
  8. Not the real expert on using multiple NICs at the same time, but while one of your ports is connected via 2500Mb/s the other only has 100Mb/s (bad cable?), with the result that the bond only has 100Mb/s connection speed. If you're not running a managed switch that supports bonding then remove one of the cables Settings for bond0: Supported ports: [ ] Supported link modes: Not reported Supported pause frame use: No Supports auto-negotiation: No Supported FEC modes: Not reported Advertised link modes: Not reported Advertised pause frame use: No Advertised auto-negotiation: No Advertised FEC modes: Not reported Speed: 100Mb/s Duplex: Full Auto-negotiation: off Port: Other PHYAD: 0 Transceiver: internal Link detected: yes driver: bonding version: 5.10.28-Unraid firmware-version: 2 expansion-rom-version: bus-info: supports-statistics: no supports-test: no supports-eeprom-access: no supports-register-dump: no supports-priv-flags: no -------------------------------- Settings for eth0: Supported ports: [ ] Supported link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full 100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full 1000baseT/Full 2500baseT/Full Supported pause frame use: Symmetric Supports auto-negotiation: Yes Supported FEC modes: Not reported Advertised link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full 100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full 1000baseT/Full 2500baseT/Full Advertised pause frame use: Symmetric Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes Advertised FEC modes: Not reported Speed: 2500Mb/s Duplex: Full Auto-negotiation: on Port: Twisted Pair PHYAD: 0 Transceiver: internal MDI-X: off (auto) Supports Wake-on: pumbg Wake-on: g Current message level: 0x00000007 (7) drv probe link Link detected: yes driver: igc version: 5.10.28-Unraid firmware-version: expansion-rom-version: bus-info: 0000:04:00.0 supports-statistics: yes supports-test: yes supports-eeprom-access: yes supports-register-dump: yes supports-priv-flags: yes -------------------------------- Settings for eth1: Supported ports: [ ] Supported link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full 100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full 1000baseT/Full 2500baseT/Full Supported pause frame use: Symmetric Supports auto-negotiation: Yes Supported FEC modes: Not reported Advertised link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full 100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full 1000baseT/Full 2500baseT/Full Advertised pause frame use: Symmetric Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes Advertised FEC modes: Not reported Speed: 100Mb/s Duplex: Full Auto-negotiation: on Port: Twisted Pair PHYAD: 0 Transceiver: internal MDI-X: off (auto) Supports Wake-on: pumbg Wake-on: g Current message level: 0x00000007 (7) drv probe link Link detected: yes driver: igc version: 5.10.28-Unraid firmware-version: expansion-rom-version: bus-info: 0000:05:00.0 supports-statistics: yes supports-test: yes supports-eeprom-access: yes supports-register-dump: yes supports-priv-flags: yes --------------------------------
  9. Is this still an issue on 6.10RC-2?
  10. It's not stuck in a loop, but a by-product of @spants having 2 templates present both pointing at the identical dockerHub repository. Wait for spants to fix this
  11. Anything that winds up in the recycle bin is being deleted over the network via SMB, so the "source" of what's deleting the files is from another computer on your network.
  12. Or when you're in there, Settings - Management Settings and Update DNS (though the system is supposed to do this automatically).
  13. https://IPaddress Note http not https then post your diagnostics
  14. Not really. They're both identical.
  15. Your webUI entry should be http://[IP]:[PORT:443] The port always refers to the container port, not the host port. But, that shouldn't actually make a difference in whether or not it appears or not. What OS version?
  16. Post the template for Netdata from /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user on the flash drive
  17. Probably best to hit up LinuxServer on their discord
  18. Post the applicable xml files from /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user on the flash drive when you have it switched to Bridge and it doesn't show up.
  19. Not the "resolution" Next time that happens, post your diagnostics before rebooting.
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