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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Using the example, It doesn't work out if instead of Media/Movies (Share is Media) your movies are stored within a Movies (or a Film) share. It looks to see if you have Media or media or MeDiA as a share (and within that share if you have Movies or movies or mOvIeS as a folder) If the Media (or media or mEdIA) share doesn't exist then the path as specified within the template is passed untouched Also, this is only on new installs. Previous installs aren't touched at all.
  2. New release today. Big change is automatically adjusting templates that specify shares to match the user's system. EG: Consider the following from a template These settings would automatically create a Media share and create a Movies and a TV subdirectory. If the user already has a "media" share (all in lower case) and didn't notice the above then they would have a new share created which would cause some issues. CA will adjust the template in this case to be /mnt/user/media/Movies and /mnt/user/media/TV (Note that if the media share already has a folder named "movies" then the subfolder would also be adjusted. CA will NOT scan your system to try and figure out that you have a Movies share and a TV share and adjust.
  3. Known issue. Either type the whole path in manually or wait for the drop of the next release
  4. No it wouldn't. Once you have access to the GUI why not simply restart it from the GUI?
  5. Settings to the underlying OS do not survive a reboot unless you reapply them at boot time (go file or user scripts). One of the advantages (and in certain cases disadvantages) since every boot of the OS is effectively a clean install
  6. The obvious question is did you run a memtest after installing them for a minimum of a pass or two? Are they identical sticks, not just the "same"? Part numbers and CL specs change over time. Since you're running AMD (presumably Ryzen), is the memory system still within spec since the upgrade to 4 sticks from 2? Are the sticks on the QVL list for the motherboard?
  7. Give the system a couple of minutes. The system basicially finished booting up at 10:08:12 10:08:19 is the last line logged and the diagnostics are from 10:09 One "quirk" of the OS is that the WebUI does not respond until everything is completely finished. If problems persist, then delete dynamix.unraid.net.plg from /config/plugins on the flashdrive temporarily, reboot and see if there's any change.
  8. Yeah, I can't figure that out either. The way that docker is designed is that everything that can change (or be persistent) should always be outside of the image Any persistent data which you store within the docker image gets overwritten whenever you update the container. This is the entire point behind why /config mappings etc are mapped outside of the container. A properly designed container (and template) will not store any information required to operate within the image. The image only contains the static executables etc/
  9. Squid

    Hardware Error

    No it's not. But that by itself is also a clue. It *appears* to be related to the firmware upgrades which Intel supplies. If it's not causing any issues, then don't worry about it Just make sure that when RC3 drops (or stable) that you upgrade.
  10. The share (and the files) do not exist. Seeing the Movies.cfg on the flash drive (and diagnostics) is normal as those configs are not deleted unless you deleted the share via the GUI (but there are many, many ways to delete a share) Have you done anything recent that may have affected things?
  11. Squid

    Hardware Error

    Not in that set of diagnostics. Does the system crash when this happens?
  12. Delete /config/shares/cache.cfg on the flash drive
  13. Going to mark this plugin as being incompatible since it appears that it hasn't worked at all for a couple of months
  14. perl is not installed via Nerd Pack Maybe reboot? Or make sure that Nerd Pack and the updates are up to date.
  15. OS is probably smart enough to check for /mnt/disks/cache and realizes that it would be a potential conflict if UD settings allowed that mount point to be shared, hence the error would be correct
  16. Sans diagnostics, it is either corruption on the flash drive or it dropped offline for some reason. Reboot and it'll be back (ideally use a USB2 port). If problems continue and aren't fixable, install the flash remount plugin which should alleviate things.
  17. Prior to the balance, the system couldn't mount the image properly. After the balance, probably some file structures etc needed to be re-read / what not and the stop / start forced it to do that.
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