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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Themes are located in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/styles There's 2 for each theme (default-nameOfTheme.css and dynamix-nameOfTheme.css) The system will pick up any additions there.
  2. You're free to style a plugin any way you want so long as it doesn't interfere with the OS. (ie: don't override any css for classes that might exist on the banner / menu bar etc) You can get the current theme via <?$display['theme']?>, so if you're using custom colours outside of what the dynamix defaults are then you'd have to use custom CSS and conditionally select which colour to use. As a (very extreme) example, you can look at CA's CSS (/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.applications/skins/Narrow/css.php) Dynamix already includes the styling for its tables eg: https://github.com/limetech/webgui/blob/20f5374f72db2504a7273d4c3bb92ed304bc9469/plugins/dynamix/styles/default-white.css#L128
  3. I wouldn't go so far as to say that it's broken. Simply that it's how Limetech decided to handle the MyServer's coding (completely their prerogative). Now, you do have to bear in mind that regardless of how you think of what this plugin does, it is a hack on the system. The base OS does support other custom themes. You just have to create suitably named files, instead of modifying / injecting CSS into every page.
  4. After you get them to edit network.cfg on the flash to set it back to static, post your diagnostics if you're still having connectivity issues.
  5. Posted in your other thread with a possibility. But on a new flash, there's nothing really to be done. Reassign all the drives properly and you're good to go. If anything comes up as unmountable then don't format, but stop and wait for assistance.
  6. Delete the contents of /config/ssh and /config/ssl on the flash drive and reboot
  7. I submitted a PR to the Polish translations. It crashed the entire Main tab.
  8. Yes All depends upon what device is at If it's you're router, then it could be trying to do intrusion tests on your devices. (Not quite sure that I'd trust any device that is ultimately made and designed in China with everything going on in the world to be actively running intrusion tests - regardless of manufacturer)
  9. I (at one point) had a pair of LSI controllers (mixed), and they only worked together by re-arranging the order they were in the slots.
  10. If I would guess (sans diagnostics), disable all overclocking, including XMP
  11. 6.9.2 /usr/local/sbin/mount_image '/mnt/disks/plex_appdata/Docker Image/docker.img' Rename the folder "Docker Image" to instead have no spaces within it. This is fixed in 6.10
  12. Are you viewing in Advanced or Basic mode? Basic would be better if you're having issues.
  13. If you can't break apart the grouping via ACS there's not much you can do other than grab a new motherboard (with lots of expansion slots so you've got some options)
  14. When Unraid detects a read error in the array, it will recalculate the data that should have been present and re-write it.
  15. All plugins etc on Unraid run as root and there are no users in the linux sense.
  16. When installing or editing a container, if there are any conflicts (or if another error happens which prevents starting), it will appear in the docker run command which is listed. If just starting an already installed container and due to a conflict / error it won't start you'll see "Server Execution Error", at which point you can easily see that actual issue by editing, make a change, undo the change and then hit apply As an aside, 6.10 when changing any of the ports in the UI does a check to see if the port is already in use and won't let you apply the changes.
  17. The script to use in user scripts is in the OP
  18. You should be telling Sonarr to look in /tv for your media
  19. Assuming the backup finished (it would be logged), then no. The odd person has reported that over the years. If I could replicate it, I'd fix it. It's never failed for me
  20. Using either midnight commander, Krusader, or by enabling Disk Shares in Global Share Settings, Delete from either Disk 1 or Disk 2 (DO NOT DELETE from the Movies Share - /mnt/user/Movies) Shawshank, Irishman, Jolt. That will allow mover to move the version from the cache drive onto the array. I'm not a fan of using BTRFS when only on a single device pool, because it does not respond well to becoming full (You're better off with XFS when only using a single drive). I'm going to leave that up @JorgeB to help you fix all the errors resulting from that.
  21. You want to post in the Unassigned Devices plugin's support thread to let @dlandon know about that.
  22. The mce happened during processor initialization and certain combinations of hardware cause this. Nothing to worry about and can safely ignored.
  23. There's no errors or corruption showing up in the logs. Rebuilding the drive will not help. If you can't browse the individual drives via Main and see the files, odds are good that someone in your household inadvertently deleted them.
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