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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Settings - Media Management, Show Advanced
  2. You would have to create your own script that monitors the size and then sends out the appropriate notification Intermittent Image utilization would also tend to be caused by download clients downloading directly into the image and then once finished it's moving the file to its appropriate user share.
  3. Only if my DL are maxing out my bandwidth.
  4. Any chance you're using user scripts (or another method) to patch some of the docker files (eg: to fix an issue with 6.8.3 not being able to see updates to containers after a change at dockerHub?)
  5. If you created a custom network then that also has to be recreated
  6. Only time I've ever seen this it was browser related. Closing everything on my daily driver fixed it. You could also try a reboot of the server.
  7. Shares tab. Hit Compute All. If it doesn't seem to ever finish, then just reload the tab and try it again.
  8. Try closing all browser windows and then try again
  9. You need to use WireGuard to access containers. (You can however via MyServers access any VMs that do not use GPU passthrough)
  10. From the command prompt, diagnostics and the resulting zip file will be saved onto the flash drive in the logs folder. Upload the file to your next post here
  11. For both the network interfaces, it's showing no cable installed. Is it connected at the other end? Reboot the switch/router?
  12. Listing any additional requirements for your plugin:
  13. If your application requires something specific on the user's system (eg: IPMI compatible motherboard, ElasticSearch, mySQL, etc) then you can specify this within the template (for either a docker container or a plugin) by adding in <Requires>ElasticSearch</Requires> (This can also be filled out on the edit template screen - Additional Requirements) This adds a note to the popup showing the text you specify. It is not a check against the hardware or software which the user has installed This entry also supports Markdown. <Requires> **Nvidia Driver plugin** (nVidia Support) *or* **Intel GPU TOP plugin** (Intel Support) *or* **AMD Driver** and **RadeonTop plugins** (AMD Support) </Requires> Results in
  14. The docker.img is in constant use depending upon what the apps etc are doing. (And even if all apps are stopped, then it is still open for use) Not placing it on your cache drive will result in a performance penalty from the containers. (Along with keeping multiple drives spinning on your array)
  15. Would be best to post in the relevant support thread for the thunderbird app (click it's icon, select Support)
  16. Many motherboards (at least consumer grade) will support fan curves on various fans based upon whatever temperature sensors are present in the BIOS. Check out your options available there.
  17. Without diagnostics, odds on you have to delete the docker.img and reinstall everything via Apps - Previous Apps. It should be like nothing happened.
  18. Run the file system check against disk 4 https://wiki.unraid.net/Check_Disk_Filesystems
  19. I don't see what started it. Your recovery is to reboot and go from there.
  20. Your container path in sab is /data and your container path in sonarr is /downloads you need to make them both the same (ie: /data)
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