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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Correct. You would use Wireguard for that. But, via Unraid.net you can access any VM's that are using VNC for video (ie: don't have a video card passed through)
  2. Probably the easiest way would be to use the Appdata Backup plugin to backup your current appdata, and then on the new server copy over the .tar file into the same folder structure as on the original, set up appdata backup (set it up as if you're backing up) and then restore the file. Also copy over the applicable .xml's from /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user from the one flash to the other. Install plex via Previous Apps and you should be good to go.
  3. Try also setting static DNS addresses in addition to the IP address ( /
  4. All Hail!!! We're not worthy!
  5. You've turned on help. Click the "?" To turn off
  6. MyServers has been going through some growing pains (hence why it's still tagged as being beta). Probably best to post in And wait for @ljm42 or @OmgImAlexis to help out. FWIW, I currently only have remote access to 1 of my servers.
  7. Ignore it. That's a by-product of the fact that two templates exist which pull from the exact same dockerHub repository. While I usually don't allow that, in this particular case I did allow it for various reasons.
  8. Go to Settings - Schedules, Mover Settings and enable Mover Logging. Then Main, move now. Then post your diagnostics afterwards.
  9. For giggles, try settings static DNS addresses in Settings - Network settings of and
  10. 20210403. Looks like you had a shell open with the system on a cwd to /mnt/user/.... That prevents the system from unmounting the drives since it's in use. Maybe install Dynamix Stop Shell to help alleviate that.
  11. Is that the last one in the logs folder? Strangely, it doesn't show any attempt to shut down, but it start up with an unclean shutdown detected
  12. Without the diagnostics from /config/logs (on the flash drive) generated when the system forced a shutdown, it's impossible to know.
  13. Seems to only happen if the plugin is installed:
  14. That is actually in the hands of the template author for them to specify where the new windows opens (ie: target='_blank'). All the links via the Docker Page on the context menus (Support, More Info, Project) do open up new tabs
  15. If you want the VM's vdisk to be parity protected, then you leave it on the array, and suffer through the massive performance hit (or put it onto the SSD and look at the VM backup plugin) Cache Pools in a nut shell are what you should be using. Previously, people used Unassigned Devices to mount a drive that was permanently attached to the server to use it for things like VM storage. The Cache Pool feature supplants this and is a ton easier to handle / manage.
  16. rtorrent has trashed your system. It's consuming an insane amount of memory right now. Apps - Previous Apps If you are manually making changes inside the container (ie: docker exec -it rutorrent /bin/bash or using the container's console), then after a reinstallation or upgrade of the container, those changes will be gone. This is one of the big features touted by docker Are you sure that you've got rutorrent set up correctly? As in it's not downloading to RAM?
  17. If there's no mention of it anywhere in system devices, then the odds are good that the motherboard isn't seeing it at all, in which case you'd have to play around with BIOS settings to try and figure out why.
  18. From BTRFS <--> XFS, really no difference From image to a folder, then multiple advantages. No pre-defined space, the "image" grows and shrinks according to usage. In theory, the least amount of writes to the drive, and would also be the fastest access method, although in practice you would never see the difference.
  19. The note is a precaution because you are abnormally breaking apart the grouping that the motherboard wants to do. It is possible, but it also is unlikely.
  20. Reason is that your cache drive is 100% full (which has also caused issues with the docker image) What shares are you expecting to be moved? In Settings - Scheduler, Enable Mover Logging, try and run mover again and then re-post your diagnostics
  21. A simple plugin to allow you to create your own notes for every page in the GUI and bring them up on demand. After installation (navigate to a different page from apps, or reload the page), an "edit" icon will appear in the top right (black / white) or at the bottom (azure / grey) which will allow you to view / edit your notes for that particular GUI page. On the black & white themes, if a note exists you will see the icon flash red whenever you are on the applicable page. Buy me a beer
  22. So far as your data is concerned, it really all depends upon your own measure of redundancy. No raid system is a backup. Unraid has inherent advantages over a traditional RAID system where if you exceed your level of redundancy you do not lose all of your data, only part of it. (NB: I have no clue what-so-ever why anyone would ever run a traditional RAID or ZFS on a home server unless they needed the access speed - the risks just aren't worth it). I have zero problems running 12 drives per server on a single parity drive. Actual drive failures are exceedingly rare. Most "failures" are because of poor cabling. If I went beyond 12 drives on each server, then I might consider double parity.
  23. People are winding up getting into to trouble because they are either: Exposing the ports used to control the webGUI (80 / 443) Putting the entire server into a DMZ because they can't figure out how to forward a particular port Not having a root password It's hard to not have a server and not have any ports forwarded to the server. IE: Plex And this is completely fine. If you need to have access to docker applications, then either use a reverse proxy or Wireguard (or openVPN-AS) If you need to have access to the webUI remotely, then install the Unraid.net plugin (as a bonus this also gives access to any VM's without passed-thru video cards) I'm not particularly worried.
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