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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Have you enabled WSD in SMB settings?
  2. It would also be helpful to post what exactly your problem is. (Along with your diagnostics for those that have the ability to help you)
  3. 1. Post Your Diagnostics 2. Enable the syslog server mirroring to the cache drive (https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-781601 3. After it happens again, post the syslog that gets stored into /logs on the flash drive
  4. chmod 0777 -R /mnt/disks/Servers/Minecraft should work. No real reason to change the ownership.
  5. You want to type in /bin/bash /boot/config/plugins/user.scripts/scripts/CA-Backup_Stop/script Yours doesn't work because unRaid doesn't allow direct execution of scripts from the flash drive.
  6. 1st things is that it would appear that you've never assigned any drives to the array.
  7. First thing is to check that the VM isnt set to sleep or hibernate which is the default setting for any windows install
  8. Not really. But on the upside, your avatar is probably reiterating what you're saying to yourself right now
  9. First cause is a 3 prong outlet that doesnt actually have the ground connected. Or a very cheap power supply that doesnt ground its chassis to earth ground (and via its chassis to the case itself)
  10. Should be reiterated though that the command listed will REMOVE any application that is not currently running. If you DO NOT have any application currently running on a static IP address, you will not be able to assign any application a static IP address without first stopping and then restarting the entire docker service (Settings - Docker)
  11. And that post says and the actual list is prefaced with If I could convince the limetech gods to un-sticky that thread, I would delete it in a heartbeat. (Thus far no one has ever come up with a reason to not have CA installed)
  12. Bad ground. Assuming you're in a cold climate, static is an issue with the furnaces on.
  13. I'm trying to figure out if that requires a new github repo for the replacement. I wouldn't worry about it myself. It is what it is. Rather big PITA just to switch over a version scheme.
  14. I sincerely hope that you're not regularly using that thread / post to look for any apps. It's a legacy thread that I only update on the rare occasions that it pops into my head, and doesn't take into account moderation, errors, blacklisting, etc. Use CA
  15. First thing to do is to try and reboot into safe mode and see if that makes a difference. Also, were you running a script via user scripts set to run at Array Start. Previous versions of US if the script didn't exit would stop the UI from loading until the script actually finished (this was by design, but was changed on today's update). If this is what your issue is, then what you're going to want to do is edit /config/disk.cfg on the flash drive and change startArray="yes" to be startArray="no" Then reboot and go to user scripts / plugins and update the plugins Then try starting the array. If that works, under disk settings you can change the setting back to auto start the array.
  16. OK, so now all schedules including Array Start and 1st boot only will start in the background. This does mean that if you have multiple scripts running on the same schedule then they will run concurrently. If this causes issues, you will have to redo your scripts so that #1 calls #2 calls #3 etc.
  17. Edit the container, and in the repository section you're changing / adding a "tag" ie: it probably right now says linuxserver/plex You'd probably want linuxserver/plex:amd64- Full list of tags is here https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/plex/tags
  18. The fix common problems plugin handles that, and shortly a new update to CA will also handle the most egregious must-be-seen notifications.
  19. I'm very hesitant to actually start modifying / replacing system files to accomplish that. Feel free to modify and/or fork this yourself though.
  20. Are the drive(s) recognized by the BIOS? If they don't show there, then zero chance unRaid can see them. Check all the cabling.
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