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Everything posted by Squid

  1. It'll be in /config on the flash drive, probably some file named fuse-extra or the like.
  2. There is a caddy within apps which you could probably use as a basis for figuring out the template to enter in.
  3. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/#comment-564345
  4. Not all plugins support downgrading, but at first glance it appears that Preclear does. If you download the applicable .txz from https://github.com/gfjardim/unRAID-plugins/tree/master/archive, save it on the flash drive at /config/plugins/preclear.disk/ (or whatever the folder is called), and then edit the .plg at /config/plugins and change the version # within it, it *should* work. A reboot will be necessary. But, it should also be noted that it is never actually required to preclear any given disk. Completely up to you and your own comfort level.
  5. You can have the script only log the last execution. See the 2nd post
  6. PSA The soon to be released update to CA will be the last version of CA to fully support unRaid v6.4.0 to 6.6.7. In the course of doing a minor display change, I had a feeling that the change might not be compatible with the older versions of unRaid so I installed 6.5.3 to test and there were problems with implementing those changes on the older versions of unRaid's GUI. If / when another GUI change happens, then at that point I will be making CA require unRaid 6.7.0+ and will remove all the old compatibility code. This change will not however impact existing installations of CA on those legacy versions of unRaid. Those installations will continue to operate normally, but will cease to receive any further bug fixes or feature improvements.
  7. Because for reasons known unto themselves sometime manufacturers put less sectors onto an external drive. Since you've got no parity currently, your easy solution is to copy the files from one of the data drives to the shucked drive, and then make the original data drive the parity.
  8. Is there a banner across the top of Apps saying that it's running on it's backup server?
  9. Yup. That's the reason why the Fix Common Problems plugin has also on the Tools Page a "Docker Safe" permissions tool which specifically excludes the appdata share. Trouble here is that any given docker app may have its own arbitrary permission and ownership requirements within it's appdata. Generally it's just plain easier to delete the entire folder in question and start over than try and figure out what it's requirements may be. But, in a pinch this command *may* work in a last resort (it can't get any worse ) chmod 0777 -R /mnt/cache/appdata/gitlab-ce
  10. Delete unassigned.devices.plg from /config/plugins on the flash drive and rebot. This *implies* that there's something wrong with your network settings. How are you installing it? Via pasting the URL or via the apps tab?
  11. "Plugins" It should be noted that within the Apps Tab, both docker applications and plugins are available. Plugins generally extend the base OS to provide additional functionality, utilities etc. The policies of Community Applications are stricter on plugins than docker applications This is because ALL plugins run as the "root" user. In other words, any plugin has complete access to any and all files stored on your server, along with having the ability to modify certain system files. In most cases, the ability to modify system files is required for the plugin to operate and provide the functionality it offers. Additionally certain plugins (notably unRaid DVB and unRaid nVidia) will completely overwrite the base OS boot files to provide their functionality. Because of this, in certain circumstances when you are having trouble with your server you may be asked to reboot the server in "Safe Mode". This eliminates any possibility that the plugin(s) are causing the trouble. (The notable exception is unRaid DVB / unRaid nVidia which will require you to revert to the standard Limetech unRaid OS to eliminate them as a cause of the problem) All versions of Community Applications clearly identify if the application in question is a plugin or a docker application (plugins will have "Plugin" within the category list, and will also have a plugin / docker watermark present on each of the application's cards)
  12. AFAIK, you have to create a custom network bridge via the command line to accomplish this. It cannot be done via the GUI
  13. It appears to be permission issues against what is presumably your appdata share for GitLab. Have you inadvertently run the new permissions tool against that share? Do you have any other problems with the server / shares? What's you docker run command look like?
  14. 3 reasons for nothing to show up under previous apps - Docker isn't enabled (There should be a big banner across the top of the screen) - Everything is already installed - You've also deleted the contents of /config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user on the flash drive
  15. All of the paths, ports, etc will be fine. Reinstall them via Apps / Previous Apps and they'll be all set up the same way. But, if you've deleted the appdata share for those apps, then all of the data (ie: watched status, etc) will need to be redone from scratch.
  16. Delete docker.img and recreate https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/#comment-564309
  17. Don't see it as a plugin. There is an nginx container running which shouldn't have any ill effects.
  18. That plugin is deprecated and not recommended to use
  19. That's the problem It should be #!/bin/bash # Start the Management Utility /usr/local/sbin/emhttp &
  20. What's the contents of the "go" file on the flash drive (/config/go)
  21. looks like poor cabling. Reseat all cabling to the drive or replace.
  22. It's a two step process. Restore the appdata and recreate the docker.img. If you do it in this order, there's no place to restore the autostart file. If you do it in the reverse order then the autostart can be restored. It works the same way as add container. Starts the app right away. Unlike add container though, it automatically sets the container to autostart under the assumption that more often than not you want the app to start right away. Convenience always comes with a price
  23. Next time it happens and you log in, grab the diagnostics diagnostics and then post the zip file created here.
  24. It *could* be done, but then CA on a multi-install would have to then overwrite from what it more or less thinks is what you had backed up (may or may not be what you wanted). IDK. I'd have to think about the procedure and what it would entail and what caveats may be present.
  25. Do a google search on how to remove HPA partition. *BUT*, there have been some reports that shucked drives in particular may not always have the same sector counts of their bare drive equivalents.
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