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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Does this mean the 3 apps are deprecated in favour of the bundle?
  2. I need a tester to give me data needed to refine Troubleshooting mode Prerequisites You CANNOT be running unraid in GUI mode You must have a keyboard / monitor attached to the server If you qualify, then enter in the following commands at the local shell exec 1> >(tee -a /boot/console.log) 2> >(tee -a /boot/consoleerror.log) blah And then reboot your system. After rebooting, post the resulting file here. (And yes, I want you to type in "blah" - it gives me a baseline). I have to run GUI mode, so this is a PITA for me to do.
  3. Anyone have any further ideas on what CA proper (CA, not other plugins) should have put into it? (other than @bonienl) What is it missing? What does it do poorly that needs to be improved?
  4. https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/?page=2#comment-566087
  5. There's a section in the docker FAQ on that
  6. You would need to post about that in the applicable support thread for snmp
  7. Shot in the dark, but can you access your flash drive?
  8. Look at Statistics, Template errors and you'll see why.
  9. Kk. Gimme til next weekend and I'll have itturn SMB off.
  10. I was looking at fixing the compatibility yesterday, and decided it was just too much of a major redesign effort to get it to properly handle things in the event of an attack. The plugin will detect properly. The issue is that smb will not restart once stopped and redone for readonly access, which forces you to stop / start the array to get things back to normal. If you can live with that, then there's no reason to uninstall. That, and since day one, I have always felt that this was a reactive approach vs a proactive approach, and your best line of defense is to stop everything at the source. (And if you were observant, this plugin was never branded under the CA moniker) To actually answer your question, its doubtful. Hard for me to get into something that I don't use
  11. That command attempts to execute the sensors.conf file You want cat sensors.conf
  12. Have you tried manually selecting the boot order when the system boots up and then selecting the flash drive?
  13. Apps are vetted. But, yes to your question
  14. It wasn't quite in the middle of nowhere. I mean, there was a bar that was a 20 minute walk away. Of course it closed at 8:30pm, but there was another bar 20 minutes further up the road that stayed open late. The hotel didn't have any restaurant of any sort, but they did have a bubble-gum machine, so at least I didn't starve
  15. They live within the libvirt.img file (nominally located within the system user share), and are mounted at /etc/libvirt/qemu But you really want to backup the entire libvirt.img file
  16. You've got to remember though is that most of the long time members or posters do joke around with each other, and occasionally sometimes come across too terse. But, if this forum, and especially this thread ever becomes "professional" then I'd quit
  17. Which means that the docker run command (which appeared on the screen) had an error. You need to post that docker run command for assistance.
  18. https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/?page=2#comment-566086
  19. But what is the actual problem?
  20. Stressful morning... Tracking via laptop showed that the package never left the originating airport, and was stuck there. Tracking via my phone (website) showed that the package never left the originating airport, but was somehow miraculously out for delivery Tracking via the mobile app alternated between never leaving and out for delivery every time I hit refresh.
  21. Nope. All of your appdata remains intact.
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