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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. I was not in a position to provide the link so wanted to know if you had looked as many people have not. If you did look and did not find the answer (which is there) a suggestion from you on what would have helped guide you to the correct section would be of help in improving the documentation.
  2. At the moment SSDs in the main Unraid style array cannot be trimmed, but they can in a ZFS pool which is what I think you are thinking of using. You mentioned flash dries, though, did you mean that or SSD. Also, how are these dries connected? USB is subject to temporary drive disconnects which can cause problems in parity protected arrays. The current release of Unraid DOES have a requirement of at least one drive in the main Unraid style array but if you do not intend to store anything on it then you can simply use a small USB flash drive to satisfy this requirement. It is expected a future Unraid release will remove this restriction.
  3. Corrections get written as the check proceeds and the ‘error’ count increments as it happens. the easiest way to know what type of check is running is to install my Parity Cheek Tuning plugin. Even if you do not use its features such as running in increments then you will find that it adds the following you may find useful: Entries in the parity history (going forward) will have the type of check as additional information you can the use the ‘parity.check status’ command from a console session which will also show this information for a running check.
  4. have you tried the instructions from the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI or the DOCS link at the top of each forum page. The Unraid OS->Manual section covers most features of the current ‘Unraid release.
  5. It will move the files as long as mover direction is cache->array. Not sure why you thought it would not
  6. Thr mover direction maps to what used to be Use Cache = Yes and Prefer. The behaviour therefore is unchanged, - just expressed differently.
  7. You can switch the option in the share settings but this will not redistribute existing data to match - it will only apply to new files.
  8. If the files are being created via a docker container then you will need to find a way to get the container to create the files with the correct permissions in the first place.
  9. You might also want to check the power cabling to the drives
  10. @SirCadian I have just pushed out release 2023-10-07 as a typo in the last release was identified that might explain why the check was not resuming. Please update to this one to see if your problem is still occurring
  11. There is no way to tell what the parity check is doing in terms of any files that might be affected (parity does not understand the concept of files). It just knows how far through the check it has got and it tells you that in the GUI. Chances are that since disk2 is a new large drive all new files are going to it thus explaining the write behaviour. Probably the best thing to do at this point is to run a check filesystem on all array drives to check there is no corruption at that level, and assuming it all looks good run a parity check with the option to correct errors set.
  12. The version on the Unraid flash only works if booting in legacy mode. A more recent version that also works in UEFI mode boot can be downloaded from memtest86.com.
  13. I think the date being wrong can stop SSL from working correctly so you want to reset it at the BIOS level. If the date does not survive a reboot then it could be the CMOS battery that is dead and needs replacing.
  14. Did you do a licence transfer? The licence is tied to a particular flash drive and if you start using a new one then you need to do a licence transfer to get it to work on the new flash drive (which will also result in a blacklist of the old one).
  15. It should, and if it is not that is a bug. It has been resuming in my test environment. if you want me to try and work out why it is not working for you then enable the testing mode logging in the plugin settings and then post your diagnostics after you have managed to recreate the issue.
  16. Where is the transcode taking place? It is not clear from your description if you have problems writing files AFTER transcoding locally to Unraid shares across the network or if the transcode is happening on the Unraid server.
  17. Your diagnostics show that eth0 does not have an active link so cannot get a valid IP address. Have you perhaps swapped some cables around? Also you seem to have at least one docker container continually crashing spamming the logs. You might want to disable docker until your network issues are resolved.
  18. Assuming you are following the process documented here in the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI or the DOCS link at the top of each forum page then it should not be rebuilding - merely clearing the disk. As I said if it rebuilds unexpectedly then make sure you get diagnostics taken after the rebuild starts so we have a chance of seeing why. I thought there were more than 2 😊. I would go with the UD one as better integrated into the GUI but it is up to you.
  19. There have been cases of this sort of symptom occurring if the HBA is not squarely seated in the motherboard slot.
  20. I would first get things working locally without Tailscale so you at least know if TailScale is the problem.
  21. There have been reports of the Mover Tuning plugin causing this sort of issue. You could try removing it to see if that helps.
  22. Chances were that you had something reading or writing to the array earlier as this severely degrades the performance of a parity-sync while it the read/write is happening.
  23. Sounds as if you have misunderstood Safe Mode. What this does is avoid loading any plugins but can still mount the drives as normal and run docker and VMs. Perhaps you are thinking of Maintenance mode instead?
  24. It should not be initiating a rebuild - it should be initiating a disk Clear (which can take some time to complete). If you are sure it is a array rebuild then diagnostics taken while this is happening might help with diagnosing why. It can most easily be done by using the Unassigned Devices preclear plugin that can be installed via the Apps tab. The preclear can be done before adding it to the array and if done correctly when you get around to the add it happens almost immediately. Note however that the preclear process via the plugin can take longer than the Unraid built-in 'Clear' process as it does more than a simple preclear as it also stress tests the drive, but it can be done with the array otherwise operating normally.
  25. The array also needs to be stopped to change network settings. The information you posted suggests you are not getting an IP address because no DHCP server is being found. You should post your system's diagnostics zip file so we can get a better idea of what is going on.
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