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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. When you use the Use Cache setting = Only then you are not really using it as a cache. Perhaps it would be clearer if the text was redone to be something like "Use Cache/Pool" to make it clearer or maybe simply "Use Pool"? The current text dates from the days when only a single pool was possible and the option was to use it as a cache or not.
  2. It partially was! The GUI seems to run fine on most tablets - it is only when one gets to the phone type form factors that there are issues. To be honest I am not sure that phone form factors will ever be supported as I feel the amount of work to redo the GUI to be fully responsive is likely to be extremely daunting and likely to demand more resources than Limetech have available.
  3. Change it with the array stopped. I suspect the docker image file got corrupted when the cache drive got full. I would delete the current document and recreate it as described here in the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI or the DOCS link at the top of each forum page. Then follow the instructions for reinstalling your existing apps keeping settings intact.
  4. I suspect the browser window is too narrow to show it.
  5. If you really want to get some data off the drive at this point I would think something like UFS Explorer on Windows would be your best chance.
  6. I notice that the Minimum Free Space values for all your pools is set to 0. You want these set to a value that is larger than the biggest file you expect to put on the pool in normal use so that new files start overflowing to the array. Btrfs file systems in particular tend to stop working properly if they get too full.
  7. There is also this section of the online documentation about troubleshooting unclean shutdowns.
  8. Not sure what you are saying? Multiple pools have been a feature of Unraid for a long time. Are you talking about something else than simply support for multiple pools?
  9. It should if you stayed on the same hardware. You can normally even switch hardware as long as neither of them are using RAID controllers for the drives.
  10. Unraid always expects eth0 to be its main LAN link. You therefore need to get an IP address assigned to that. it might be a good idea to provide your system’s diagnostics zip file assigned to your next post in this thread so we can see how you have your networking set at the Unraid level.
  11. I am guessing, but I suspect that you tried to unassigned the parity drive and make some other change without starting the array to commit the removal of the parity drive. Easy to do
  12. Initially you run the check to see if any issues are reported. The link provided tells you what you have to do to do to proceed to the repair stage.
  13. Exactly how did you do this? The steps should have been: Stop the array Set the parity1 slot to Unassigned Start the array to commit that assignment change After that you can if you want then add the old parity drive as a new data drive following the standard procedure for adding a drive as documented in the online documentation. You cannot do both changes these in one step.
  14. Transfer speed to and from what? You are likely to get better informed feedback if you include your system's diagnostics zip file attached to your net post in this thread so we can see more about your setup.
  15. It might be worth uninstalling the S3 sleep plugin to see if that fixes the problem? There have been reports of it trying incorrectly trying to put the system to sleep.
  16. Have you tried running a file system check on disk1? The syslog says that it has corruption and that Unraid has been unable to extend the file system to fill the drive.
  17. Anything under /etc is only in RAM and as you found does not survive a reboot. You would have to put a copy of the config folder onto permanent storage (typically the flash drive) and then move into position during the boot sequence using either an entry in the config/go file on the flash drive or by using the User Scripts plugin.
  18. A rebuild will always restore exactly what was showing on the emulated drive before the rebuild was started.
  19. By their very nature a disable of a plugin is an uninstall, and you can always reinstall via the Apps tab without a reboot. Not sure therefore what you are hoping to gain that is not already available.
  20. I do most of my development in a VM. Whether this is appropriate for you will depend on what you are trying to develop and whether you need direct access to hardware, as well as the video mentioned earlier running Unraid in a VM is covered here in the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI or the DOCS link at the top of each forum page. Whatever approach you take you need a second licence if you want to do development on s different system or in a VM. There is (unfortunately) no developers licence. As you said using a trial licence is not ideal as when it expires the flash drive would be blacklisted for further trials. You therefore need to either purchase a second licence, or if you think what you are doing would be of sufficient interest and/or value you could try approaching Limetech to see if they might provide a complementary licence.
  21. Don’t forget you can easily manually make a local backup at any time by clicking on the Boot drive on the Main tab and selecting the backup option.
  22. If you have parity valid at the start then it will be maintained during the copies.
  23. Yes if you are running Unraid 6.12 rc2 Yes. Each disk is a self-contained file system and can be any of the types supported by Unraid. I would think that the main benefit is data corruption being detected in real time. You get similar detection if using btrfs
  24. I would suggest asking the author of the app (if he is willing to tell you). I do not think there is anything officially documented that gives this information.
  25. Those diagnostics are not much use as nearly all the files in them are 0 length suggesting something has gone seriously wrong.. I would suggest trying to get some diagnostics before the system crashes again to see if something can be spotted.
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