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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. Most likely issues are related I would think are thermal issues (e.g. CPU over-heating) or Power related issues. Do you have a UPS? Do you have your Bios set to autoboot if power is lost and then restored?
  2. Have you made sure the VM is set to boot from the ISO image? You do not give any indication of how you have set up the VM on Unraid and what happens when you try and start it? Perhaps if you post the XML for the VM then someone might spot something.
  3. By default the domains share is not exposed over the network (for security reasons). If you want to transfer these files over the network then you need to change the SMB settings for the share so that it is visible on the network. The alternative is transfer them via physical media.
  4. This sounds rather like it could be a power issue as the processes are ones where the power draw will be maximum as all drives are in simultaneous use. What PSU model do you have? Are you using splitters on any of the power lines?
  5. You should post your system's diagnostics so we can see what is going on taken after you have had an occurrence of the issue.
  6. The sequence of steps you did was correct if using preclear. However the pre-clear fills the disk with zeroes (i.e. no file system present) so you now need to format the drive (which should be quick) to create an empty file system on the drive. What you have forgotten is the last format step in the process (which is documented here in the online documentation available via the 'Manual' link at the bottom of the GUI).
  7. Not really as that plugin makes the backup to a different share.
  8. Not quite sure what we are meant to glean from your screenshots? A more useful screenshot would be to go to the Shares tab and then press the Compute All button so we can see what is on the various drives.
  9. You can get a more recent version from the memtest86.com site. For licencing reasons this cannot be included with Unraid, but it is free for personal use. Not sure if does more thorough testing but it would not hurt to try and it can test EEC RAM properly which the Unraid version does not as I understand it.
  10. For me it displays as as a 'mouse-over' prompt when I have the mouse over the server name. I believe that is intended behaviour.
  11. Personally given that the Extended test completed without errors I would be inclined to keep the drive.
  12. I assume you are now on a 6.11.x release of Unraid? The information saved in parity history changed with the 6.11.x releases (e.g. earlier releases did not save the size value).
  13. That should not be there - the information is persisted in a file of that name. You may find that deleting that folder means the original drive starts saving the drive settings, but I would be worried that the presence of the folder Indic ated an issue with the drive.
  14. I don’t think you can add a new data drive and a new parity drive as a single step. have you tried adding just the new (pre-cleared) data drive and starting the array to see if that sticks? Since the drive is pre-cleared that should be quick. You could then stop the array and add the second parity drive and then start the array to build new parity on that drive (which will take some time).
  15. Not that I know off. I think it is side-effect of the previous array operation being terminated early and Unraid deciding not to automatically restart it because of that. The core Unraid level will not realise the plugin can resume from the point previously reached.
  16. I think you may be lucky this time around as you were going to need to rebuild disk3 anyway so damaging it’s contents is not fatal, and the ‘clear’ operation would not have affected parity. What I suggest you do is: stop the array (if not already stopped). use Tools->New Config and select the option to preserve all current assignments. This minimises the chance of a mistake correcting assignments. return to Main tab and unassigned disk2 and assign it to disk3 (I.e. how it was meant to be) tick the parity is valid check box to stop Unraid trying to rebuild parity. start the array to commit the assignments stop the array unassign disk3. Unraid should now tell you that disk3 will be emulated if you start the array. start the array. Ideally the emulated disk3 should now mount and show its contents. at this point I suggest you take a copy of your system’s diagnostics and post them here before proceeding further. If all looks good you will be told to go through the normal rebuild process for disk3, but the diagnostics will allow us to confirm that is the best next step.
  17. Do you have access to the original flash drive (or at least the config folder). All the settings for your docker containers are held on it. If not then it is going to be a case of re-installing them I am afraid. You want to make sure you have backups of your flash drive going forward after any significant change. You can always easily make a manual backup by clicking on the boot device on the main tab and then selecting the backup option. Automated backups can be done using the My Servers plugin (now the preferred method) or the CA Backup plugin.
  18. Not sure that I can find a way around the array not auto-starting although I will put it on my list of things to look at. I think it is a change in behaviour from earlier releases of Unraid (but I am not sure), and regardless it looks like it is the behaviour of the current release and probably therefore the forthcoming 6.12 release. I would need to research both how I can tell the reason that Unraid is not honouring an auto-start, and then also how to start the array if everything looks OK so it may not be that easy to work around.
  19. This situation is covered here in the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI or the DOCS link at the top of each forum page.
  20. There is no in-situ conversion. it might be simpler to change the allocation method which then applies for new files and leave those already copied where they are.
  21. Chances are you have permission issues from the point at which the file was created. You should give an example of the permissions on a file (and it’s containing folder) that has this issue so we can check out this theory as this information is not in the diagnostics. If this is the case then you need to work out what needs setting in the container(s) creating these files to avoid such permission issues occurring in the first place.
  22. You did not mention it, but you will need to copy any data off these drives that you want to keep before removing them as Unraid will not do it automatically for you. You can do this manually using something like the Dynamix File Manager plugin or with less manual intervention using the unBalance plugin.
  23. Definitely. You do not want to run correcting checks if you have hardware errors which is why it is recommended you only run such checks manually.
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