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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. this is covered here in the online manual
  2. Assuming that SMART report is for the disk mentioned in the syslog snippet I would say the disk is in a bad way. It has a significant number of reallocated sectors and a non-Zero value for Pending sectors - both of which are bad signs.
  3. I believe that for Seagate that is a bit-dependent field (so not really easy to interpret) rather than a raw count.
  4. The ones that you want to monitor especially are the Reallocated Sectors and Pending Sectors. reallocated Sectors are not necessarily a problem as long as the number stays small and stable, but a large number or a continually increasing number are a bad sign. Pending Sectors can be intermittent, but they are always working as they indicate there are sectors that may not be read correctly if another drive fails and a rebuild is necessary. However they not infrequently get cleared when the sector is next written so again not necessarily fatal if they only happen occasionally. The CRC count is one to monitor as it indicates a connection problem (typically cabling) rather than a disk problem, but they can still cause a read or write to fail causing Unraid to disable the drive. CRC count never gets reset - it only increases so keeping it stable is what you aim for.
  5. I would normally just keep an eye on the ones that Unraid monitors by default (as set under Settings->Disk Settings). You then get notifications (assuming notifications are enabled) when these change. The only exception might be if you have run a SMART extended test when you want to explicitly go in and see if it passed/failed independently of the SMART attributes.
  6. Add the required commands to the config/go file on the flash and they will then get run as part of the boot process.
  7. The drives look fine as far as I can see. What made you think they were in pre-fail?
  8. Memtest suppled with Unraid can only be run if booting in Legacy mode. It will not run if booting in UEFI mode. If you want a version that runs in UEFI mode you have to download it from the memtest+ web site.
  9. Are you able to boot from a clean install, or if you use Safe Mode?
  10. Exactly what changes were you trying to do? The error message appears to not be complaining about your license but the fact you were trying to make too many changes at the same time.
  11. This is not a Linux issue! You need an external event to trigger the wake. Sometimes this can be simply set as a time in the motherboard BIOS. More commonly you have another system send a WOL (Wake On Lan) packet across the network to your server (this does require your NIC to support WOL functionality and your motherboard BIOS be configured to act on it).
  12. The default of 20GB is enough for all but the most demanding applications so it definitely sounds as if you have at least one container incorrectly configured so it is writing internally to the docker image rather that to storage external to the image. Common mistakes are: Leaving off the leading / on the container side of a path mapping so it is relative rather than abrolute Case mismatch on either side of a path mapping as Linux pathnames are case-significant. If you cannot spot the error then what I would suggest is: Make sure all containers are stopped and not set to auto-start Stop docker service delete current docker image and set a more reasonable size (e.g. 20G) Start docker service Use Apps >>> Previous apps to re-install your containers Go to docker tab and click the Container size button This will give you a starting point for the space each container is using. Enable one container, let it run for a short while and then press the Container size button again to see if that particular container is consuming space when it runs. Repeat the above until you track down the rogue container(s)
  13. Have you rebooted after changing NerdPack to not install them? That should have cleaned them out.
  14. Yes. You can add it at any time. You only have to bear in mind the rule that it cannot be smaller than the largest data drive.
  15. User Scripts by itself would not have been the problem, but it might well have been a script you were asking it to run.
  16. I think the 'urgent' category is meant to be used for 'drop everything else until this is fixed' type errors and ones that can cause data loss? I would only have downgraded this one to 'Minor' rather than all the way to 'Annoyance', but that is just my view.
  17. Nothing built in but the unbalance plugin can help with this. Unraid will still have to rebuild the disk as an empty disk is still affects parity. Only a disk that is all zeroes does not affect parity.
  18. if you login at the prompt and use the df command does it show something mounted as /boot?
  19. Not sure why you responded to a 2 year old post? What is wrong with the LUKS based encryption that has been a standard feature of Unraid for some time now?
  20. The VM is going to stop working when the vdisk has used all the available space. You should never set up a vdisk that is larger than the physical disk holding it unless you want to have problems later.
  21. What makes you think 6.8.0 is the latest? The 6.8.1 release has been out for days already.
  22. Since a Logitech keyboard is just meant to present itself as if it were a USB keyboard then it is difficult to see what Unraid has done that could stop that working FYI: I have a K800 keyboard and have not encountered any problems with Unraid 6.8.1 so there is obviously something else at play.
  23. If you can boot into Safe Mode, but not otherwise then this means that one of your plugins is not compatible with this version of Unraid.
  24. This typically seems to result from people seeing an 'unmountable' disk and promptly formatting it (not realising this is also updating parity to say the disk is empty) and then rebuilding the (now empty) disk. The latest Unraid releases have added a more prominent warning about the consequences of doing a format but I am sure there will still be those who ignore it
  25. I would have expected to also see an entry for /mnt/cache. You might want to run it manually against that path to see what is reported.
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