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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. You can see this symptom if you have file system corruption any drive. I would suggest that you put the drive into Maintenance mode and click on each drive in turn on the Main tab and select the option to check the file system. If any corruption if found you can also initiate the repair process from their. If you get back any results you do not understand then feel free to ask questions.
  2. since this started after adding a new drive are you sure that the PSU is up to the job of handling the extra drive? if that is not the cause then you need to look at what else is shared by all drives experiencing problems. For instance are they on the same HBA. If so what model is it as if it is Marvel based that can explain drives randomly having problems as marvel controllers are known to randomly drop drives for no obvious reason.
  3. Looking at that screenshot it appears you have not managed to get a network connection. Since you seem to have something running at startup that is trying to use the network this is hanging. I would think the most likely culprits are the network cabling and/or the network port on your router.
  4. The syslog shows that the cache drive appears to have dropped offline and thus all attempts to initialise the cache are giving errors. The drive is not even being listed under the SMART information. It is also showing that disk1 has failed to mount and there is no disk2 or disk3 (is this expected?
  5. I believe that you need a card off the list at https://developer.nvidia.com/video-encode-decode-gpu-support-matrix to support NVENC for transcoding?
  6. You should be able to move back all the folders from within the config/plugins folder which should get back the standard built-in plugins. It is the .plg files that are at that level that correspond to user installed plugins.
  7. There are a few folders in their you do not want to lose as they are built into Unraid as standard so I an not sure what the effect would be if you emptied the folder. You could simply rename the .plg files to have a different extension and reboot. That way you have a record of what plugins you had installed. Giving a list of those plugins might help someone point out any that might be troublesome.
  8. I am confused - I get the standard calibre desktop displayed if I start the container and then click on it's icon to select the webUI option. What did you do to get the screen you mention? Have you set up the container mappings correctly to point it to your calibre library?
  9. There should not be. You could check by going into the config/plugins folder on the flash drive and seeing if there are any .plg type files as these are what triggers a plugin to be installed. Do you by any chance have an 'extras' folder on the flash drive? If you do any packages in there could be getting installed and they might be ones that interfere with standard operation.
  10. The linuxserver calibre container is running the standard calibre desktop version, and has the option to start the web content server via the calibre preferences.
  11. Have you tried booting in Safe Mode? That error makes me wonder if you are running a plugin that is incompatible with the 6.8.0 release and running in Safe Mode will stop any plugins from being loaded.
  12. I have the linuxserver calibre container installed and it seems to work fine.
  13. The diagnostics appear to be just after a reboot. We really want some that cover a period when you are experiencing the problem.
  14. You should provide your system diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools->Diagnostics) attached to your NEXT post to give us a chance of seeing what is going on.
  15. First thing to do will be to get your system diagnostics zip file (via Tools->Diagnostics) and attach them to your NEXT post so we can see what is going on.
  16. I do not believe that the error is Unraid specific (and that it is actually a Linux kernel issue), it is just that the type of workloads frequently run on Unraid servers seem prone to triggering it. We should see a fix incorporated into the 6.9 Unraid release for which the first RC is reported to be imminent.
  17. Fair enough ! However you might want to consider whether it would be more convenient to allow for these USB devices to be left plugged in (as well as allowing for expansion) and thus go the Plus license? Although you can upgrade licences it is slightly cheaper to get the level you want to end up with by purchasing it up-front.
  18. No. All disks plugged into the computer count towards the license limit (except for the Unraid boot device) regardless of whether Unraid is using them.
  19. Linux assigns the sdX type names dynamically in ascending order at the point it first sees a device. The names are therefore timing dependant on when devices actually first get initialised.
  20. This. You can add drives of any size (as long as they are not larger than any of the parity drives) at any time you like and Unraid automatically adds them into the array protected by parity.
  21. Each parity drive protects against the failure of any one data drive regardless of the number of data drives. Whether you have single or dual parity is up to you. There is no option for triple parity in the array - it is either none, single or dual.
  22. Be wary of that list - it is probably badly out-of-date You do NOT want to use any controller based on a Marvel chipset - they do not play well with the latest Linux kernels. You also do not want to use pure RAID controllers. What IS recommended is controllers based on the LSI chipset (and compatibles) and running in IT mode (not RAID mode). Older version of these do not support trim operations and so are not suitable for use with SSDs (although they are fine with HDD).
  23. Another possibility is to download the zip file of the latest release extracting all the bz* type file onto the USB stick and then copy the saved config folder onto it. This will fix any issues there might have been during the upgrade in writing the updated files.
  24. It is quite normal to be prompted to add the -L flag to a xfs_repair run and if you got this prompt you need to do so to get the disk repaired.
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