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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. The problem is that the issue looks to be hardware related rather than software to there is no guarantee that a future release will fix your problem.
  2. Did you actually disable the Docker and VM services? If they are enabled they will lock some files even if you have no actively running VMs or docker containers.
  3. It only helps with files that contain large sections that are all zeroes so does not do anything useful with media files. It should not hurt, though, to always provide the sparse flag as on files that do not contain the zero sections all you do is end up consuming a little more CPU during the copy process.
  4. What browser are you using? I see this using Microsoft Edge, but others work fine.
  5. It is a requirement that the Unraid boot device have a unique GUID and it appears that is not the case for the TF card built into your system. Most motherboard's have additional USB connector that can be used with a suitable adapter.
  6. What type of network connection do you have set up for the VMs? It needs to be a bridged network (e.g. br0) rather that the default of virbr0 as that will not allow inbound connections from your LAN to a VM. If you are not sure you could try posting the XML for one of your VMs so we can see what is defined.
  7. That looks it could be a problem with one of the bz* type files on the flash drive. i would suggest: plug the Flash drive into a PC/Mac and run a check on it. download the zip file of the release from the Unraid site. extract all the bz* type files overwriting the ones on the root of the flash drive.
  8. That location is in RAM which is why it does not survive a reboot.. to make it survive a reboot you need a copy of the file to be put onto the flash drive and then a command added to the config/go file on the flash drive to copy the saved copy to the required runtime position.
  9. As long as you do the editing and running via the User Scripts plugin then there is no problem as it handles this correctly for the new security settings.
  10. Simply that experience has shown they tend to be more reliable than USB3 ports and since it runs from RAM Unraid does not gain appreciable performance gains from USB3.
  11. Good. Just wanted to check that you were not going to first need to get a Windows VM running on the Unraid server.
  12. Before making any changes make sure you make you have a backup of your flash drive to make reversion (if needed) easy.
  13. I thought it was a disc which is mounted on top of four giant elephants which are standing on a giant turtle
  14. That certainly sounds like a feasible option. Just to check - while doing this the Windows machine will not be the one to act as the Unraid server?
  15. I notice from a quick look at the syslog that there are a lot of FCP warnings listed. The one that concerns me is the fact that GitHub cannot be contacted which may indicate some sort of network related issue and would explain why plugin status cannot be determined. it might be worth seeing if you can ping github.com from the Unraid command line?
  16. You can do this either from the command line or by inserting the flash drive into a PC/Mac and doing it from there. The enhanced security settings for the flash drive will not let you do it over the network. Is there any specific reason you want to do it just now (in case I am missing something)?
  17. Since nobody else seems to be encountering this issue (and those pages work fine for me) I suspect it is something non-obvious and specific to your system. Unless you can provided the diagnostic zip file from your system when the problem was encountered it will be impossible to diagnose the cause.
  18. Probably not as this is using a 4.19 series kernel whereas RC7 was a 5.3 series kernel. Limetech has said they will imminently being making a 6.9 rc release which is the 6.8 release but with the kernel updated to a 5.4 version so you should probably wait for that.
  19. Have you remembered to switch off the option to use a cache disk under Settings->Global Share Settings? If that is not the problem you should add your system diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools->Diagnostics) to your next post.
  20. Posting in a new location is unlikely to get any better response unless you can provide new information1 As far as I know a standard Unraid docker installation does not have the daemon.json file (at least mine does not). Have you identified what is putting it there on your system? Have you tried posting your system diagnostics zip file to see if anyone can spot a cause.
  21. You first need to get rid of unMenu from the 'go' file and reboot the server to see what things look like. Not much point attempting to diagnose anything when you are running code known to be incompatible with the current Unraid release.
  22. Make sure that when moving it to the array you move it to a specific disk. If you try to move it from the cache to a User Share you will end up truncating the file to zero length thus losing its contents.
  23. UnMenu is not compatible with current versions of Unraid and has not been for some time. I am extremely surprised if it is not causing major problems.
  24. Before doing the rebuild it is always worth checking what the 'emulated' drive shows as that is what is going to be put onto the physical drive by the rebuild process. That way you still have the physical drive untouched until you are happy with what the emulated drive shows.
  25. In theory both should work if appdata is set to Use Cache = Prefer or Only. However going directly to the drive by-passes the Fuse layer used to implement User Shares and is thus likely to perform better.
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