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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. Sometimes you can rectify such an issue by reformatting and recreating the flash drive. Do you have a backup (as that will contain your key file and configuration files). If that does not rectify the problem then it is possible the flash drive is failing.
  2. Ideally you should have posted this to the thread for the RC9 release rather than in the General Support area ! Have you tried removing (or renaming) the config/network.cfg file from the flash drive so that you revert to default network settings? It is not unknown for an upgrade to need changes to the network setup. To be able to see what is really the problem we would need your diagnostics zip file. If you have a directly. One tee screen_keyboard this can be obtained from the GUI via Tools->Diagnostics or from the CLI using the ‘diagnostics’ command.
  3. It is worth pointing out that in 6.7.2 Unraid release there is a bug where the cache is not set up correctly to provide redundancy when using a cache pool. This can be rectified by running the appropriate CLI command. The bug is also rectified in the 6.8.0 RC series which look like becoming the new stable release very soon.
  4. No. All attached storage devices (except the flash drive used for booting Unraid) count (even if not being used by Unraid).
  5. I’ll be interested to see if you get any traction. I thought isolation could only happen at boot time and if so that will mean isolation cannot be dynamic.
  6. If you go into the settings for the share you can add disk2 to the list of excluded drives. This will stop new files for that share being written to the that disk (although any existing ones will still show up for read purposes).
  7. I would expect disk8 to now mount fine as that is the result to expect of xfs_repair completes without error. It appears disk13 cannot be accessed. This suggests it is either offline or has really failed. Posting the current diagnostics might give a clue.
  8. Not sure if you can verify it simply by looking at anything. You can, however, select a disk and then the Build option. If it is really up-to-date it will not find anything to do.
  9. Looks like you are getting continual resets on disk1, although I have no idea of the cause.
  10. You cannot transfer a Trial license. However I am not sure this is the question you actually want answered?
  11. With High Water allocation and with the largest disk being 4TB I would not expect the 2TB drive to start being used until all other drives are down to 2TB (or less) free.
  12. When counting drives for licensing purposes ALL attached drives are counted regardless of whether they are being used by Unraid or not. Therefore if you want to use the Basic license (limited to 6 drives) you will have to remove either the SSD or one of the 6TB drives. The alternative is to go for the Plus license which increases the limit to 12 drives. You may well want this anyway if you want to be able to freely attach USB drives for purposes such as backup.
  13. No - the boot can be (and typically is) headless. It means you get a proper login page when you try to login to the Unraid GUI.
  14. If the parity check plugin was installed it should have patched the history entry to give the correct value (although the details displayed on the Main page only relate to the last increment).
  15. What about the temperature during a parity check? If the disks overheat during a pre-clear then I would think that there is a good chance they will overheat during a parity check. You need your cooling to be good enough to keep temperatures under control even during a parity check.
  16. Do you have any data you intend to bring forward? If not then the easiest is to make sure you have a copy of the registration key in a safe place; then continue as though setting up a new system and put the key file in the 'config' folder on the USB stick. You should now be ready to go
  17. You should post yourvsys6em diagnostics zip filem(obtained via Tools -> Diagnostics) to get any sort of informed feedback.
  18. If a disk that is being emulated shows as ‘unmountable’ before a rebuild it will show the same after completing the rebuild as the rebuild process is simply making the physical disk correspond to the emulated one. If you have not previously successfully formatted the drive this will still be required. Note, however, that a format wipes any existing data on a drive so should not be used if a drive that was previously fine suddenly goes unmountable (in such a case a file system repair is the way forward). the diagnostics that you posted showed you were getting continual resets on the drive which is probably why the format never completed! Such resets are typically cabling related (although other causes are possible), so hopefully the change you made has rectified the issue for this drive. you should probably post new diagnostics now you have made a change so any feedback can be based on the current setup..
  19. If you need any help to get your array back to a working state feel free to ask questions. In future any time you make a significant change to the Unraid setup you should click on the flash drive on the Main tab and use the option to download a backup of your flash drive. It makes it easy to recover from a flash drive failure keeping all your settings intact.
  20. I would think so, and that would explain the symptoms that you are seeing. A container has no visibility of what the path is at the host level so would not realise that these are two subfolders within the same share.
  21. Since you are running 6.7.2 you should enable the syslog server (under Settings->Syslog Server) to get logs that survive a reboot.
  22. Are you running Sonarr in a docker container? If so what are the volume mappings for the container? It sounds as if Sonarr May think that the mount point is different to the location before and after the move so that it copies the file to the ‘new’ location and then deletes it from the ‘old’ one.
  23. Yes - licenses bought currently include free upgrades to all future Unraid releases
  24. I understand what you are asking for but I do not think that the SMB protocol supports this! I think it is only at the point a user tries to access a share that credentials are supplied so that the user can be identified.
  25. There is no inherent problem in having a mixture of file systems in the array. If you run the disk check from the Unraid GUI it should use the correct repair tool for the file system on the drive. This will be reiserfsck for reiserfs format drives and xfs_repair for XFS format drives.
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