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Everything posted by ClunkClunk

  1. Line 58, change 0.15 to something larger. I used 1.0 for good measure because mine seem to read from cache about 0.3s to 0.6s. if awk 'BEGIN {exit !('"$benchmark"' >= '1.0')}'; then
  2. Mine's working OK, though I am getting an error message in the start of the run for some reason. Is that the one that's safe to ignore? Script Starting Mar 26, 2022 13:08.47 Full logs for this script are available at /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/Plex Preloader/log.txt Available RAM in Bytes: 94524352512 Amount of Videos that can be preloaded: 1549 sort: write failed: 'standard output': Broken pipe sort: write error Preload /mnt/user/Media/TV/REDACTED.mkv (0.369s) Preload /mnt/user/Media/TV/REDACTED.mkv (0.381s) Preload /mnt/user/Media/TV/REDACTED.mkv (0.453s) Preload /mnt/user/Media/TV/REDACTED.mkv (0.455s) Preload /mnt/user/Media/TV/REDACTED.mkv (0.432s) Preload /mnt/user/Media/TV/REDACTED.mkv (0.501s) You'll see my read times for cached files are about 0.4s on average with the default setting in the script set at 0.15, as such my scans never detected any cached files. Once I figured that out, I adjusted the setting in the script to 1.0s and it worked reliably. I just have a bit of a slower system than yours I guess. As a quick fix, it'd be good to move that variable to the top of the script where other user configurable variables are so the user can tweak it. A longer term fix may be to do an initial benchmark run - first reading a reasonable number of files that are totally uncached, then reading them another time to get a cached result, and you can average the resulting types of results. You could then set up upper and lower bounds for when an object is decided as cached and when it is not. In my case, 0.4
  3. I also had a similar result. Upgrade, reboot via WebGUI with no issues, and when it came back up it started a parity check. Dec 11 09:55:36 Tower emhttpd: unclean shutdown detected That's the only entry I can find relating to it. No errors on my cache drive.
  4. Suggestion - have this default to "No" rather than "Yes." Reason - grumpy text message from wife asking why Plex wasn't working I do like the feature though! I just had to tweak some settings.
  5. In case it helps, I think this is how to get the On Deck from Plex using the API: wget -q -O- http://$PLEXURL:32400/library/onDeck?X-Plex-Token=$PLEXTOKEN Set $PLEXURL to your PMS's ip address, and $PLEXTOKEN to your Plex Auth Token, and it'll return with XML. You'll then need to parse out the 'file=' entries to get the filename and path, and replace the returned filepath with whatever the Docker container is mapped to (for example, I pass /tv to my Plex docker container and it maps to /mnt/user/TV on my unRAID).
  6. ca-vancouver.privateinternetaccess.com is working for me right now.
  7. I basically did what the example shell script has in it, but I put it all in my go script, and it works just fine in 6.8.3 since it doesn't execute anything directly (just copies and changes permissions). 6.8.0 tightened the security of the go script to not execute things directly from the boot flash drive. My go script contains this: mkdir /root/.ssh chmod 700 /root/.ssh cp /boot/config/ssh/authorized_keys /root/.ssh/ chmod 600 /root/.ssh/authorized_keys And I just make sure that /boot/config/ssh/authorized_keys contains the public key I want to use. Alternately, you could use the go script to copy the example shell script to /tmp, set the permissions, then execute it. I've not tested it but it would be something like this in the go script (with the setup_ssh_client.sh unaltered and in the recommended location): cp /boot/config/ssh/setup_ssh_client.sh /tmp/setup_ssh_client.sh chmod +x /tmp/setup_ssh_client.sh bash /tmp/setup_ssh_client.sh
  8. I seem to have fixed this, but I'm not sure how. I have been experimenting with CPU pinning with my docker containers, and have restricted some dockers to only a handful of cores, and given others a bunch of cores. After doing this, the WebUI has been behaving itself as expected! I have no idea exactly why changing the CPU core assignments would affect this issue, but I'll take it.
  9. Looks OK to me - 'dec' (the decoder) is showing a percent or two of utilization, and 'enc' (the encoder) is showing a percent or two of utilization. A GTX 1050 4GB has enough horsepower to handle about 14 simultaneous 1080p transcodes though it's software locked to 2 transcodes, so if this was doing just one stream, and it filled Plex's buffer already, only a percent or two would be needed to maintain said buffer. A couple more things I've noticed from my Quadro P400 (I don't have a GTX 1050 to test so I'm just guessing): Pwr:Usage doesn't necessarily populate even when the card is running; P0 is almost always on; and fan speeds may drop to 0 if the card is totally unused. To really push your card, try setting Plex's buffer to something huge - like 3600 seconds, so it tries to encode an entire hour at a time. Then launch two transcodes and see how your card reacts.
  10. Could you try `nvidia-smi dmon` while you're transcoding, and post a few second of output?
  11. A GTX 1050 is fairly recent, supports NVENC/NVDEC, and should work with this plugin (though I don't have one to try - spec wise it seems totally fine).
  12. You are correct. It won't. The GTX 460 is a Fermi architecture, which predates NVENC and NVDEC so even if there were drivers, it can't be utilized for transcoding.
  13. Hi everyone, I've been having an odd problem lately that I haven't been able to pin down. Upon the initial load of Main or Docker, my browser takes 30-60 seconds to load the page. However subsequent loading of those pages, or other pages in the WebUI open quickly as expected. After a few hours, the issue returns and a load of Main or Docker is slow again for the initial load, then after that it's normal. I can replicate this issue in other browsers with no cached site data or browser add-ons. I've tried changing DNS on my server, disabled the Docker system, and tried booting unRAID in safe mode. I've also browsed the forum here looking for similar reports - the issue with Avahi isn't happening. I believe this issue started somewhere in the 6.8 betas, but I can't be certain. I'm running 6.8.1, and will try 6.8.2 later today. Anyone have any ideas?
  14. I love how for the past decade, unRAID has made management, expansion, and dealing with a random assortment of hard drives an easy task for me. I'd like to see multiple arrays and pools, so I could make some optimizations between speed and number of drives for primary/secondary use.
  15. August 2009 is when I first started using unRAID so that's a decade! Not bad.
  16. I believe I'm experiencing this too. While on 6.7.2, when the mover runs, I had some big performance issues - notably with streaming things from an array drive on my LAN with Plex, but I also saw slowdowns with things like rsync. I am not sure what version this behavior started, because my mover generally only runs at 2am, however I transferred a bunch of data to my cache drive during the day recently, and manually started the mover and I noticed the issue (and so did my wife - "what's wrong with Plex?!"). I've not done any formal troubleshooting, but I did revert back to 6.6.7 and haven't experienced the problem again. I might have some time this week to experiment a bit more formally.
  17. If you have a Quadro 4000, a circa 2010 card, then it seems like it's a non-issue as that card doesn't support NVENC or NVDEC for hardware transcoding according to NVIDIA's NVENC and NVDEC support matrix. If you have a Quadro P4000, K4000, M4000, or RTX 4000, this NVIDIA plugin should be fine, since all these cards are supported by the 418.43 drivers. It sounds like you have a Quadro 4000 based on your description and needing older drivers. Is that right?
  18. Working very well with my Quadro P400. Thanks! Anyone know of a decent static build for ffmpeg that includes nvenc/nvdec?
  19. I had some issues with PIA's spain endpoint. Moved it to vancouver, canada and it seems improved for now.
  20. Anecdote, simply because I didn't do any rigorous testing, but just noticed it from my typical usage patterns - after 6.6.4/6.6.5 updates (not sure which because I applied them only 12 hours apart), spin down behavior seems like expected behavior.
  21. Oh, one more thing - is there any support for multiple controllers? I purposely disconnected my other one so there'd be no confusion, but it would be cool if the scripts could detect if multiple eligible cards exist, and prompt the user for which one to flash.
  22. Worked OK - had a few issues with DOS rejecting some of the 8.3/~ foldernames (unfortunately I've wiped my flash drive so I don't have any logs) Maybe renaming some of the long folder names might help. I just ended up running the commands manually from the .bat files. It took me a few minutes to realize why my keyboard was producing weird results - turns out I had inadvertently chosen the German option because my monitor autoswitches inputs sometimes when using the VGA port. I suggest the timeout in config.sys for that menu item should be a lot longer than 5 seconds (or disable it entirely and force the user to choose one).
  23. Same error here. Didn't occur in 6.3.5 and now it does in 6.4.1.
  24. I've been very happy with this update. Much faster than before, no weird system hangs if it runs when other stuff is happening - but it also helps that I took the time to exclude a bunch of cache and thumbnail files from my Plex backup. Still need to test restoring from it, just to be sure I didn't exclude *too much*.
  25. I dropped the two modified scripts from the first post in to /boot/config/plugins/preclear.disk, rebooted, and they're not showing up. Just the default gfjardim one. Poking around a bit, I figured out if I execute /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/preclear.disk/script/preclear_disk.sh I can use preclear manually that way, and it'll work. Not sure what roadblock the plugin is running in to though.
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