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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. Cache device dropped offline, this is usually a power/connection problem.
  2. Check wat was left on cache, mover might not move everything for various reasons, enabling the mover logger and running the mover will usually show the reason.
  3. It's not logged as a disk problem, and that usually means power/connection issue.
  4. Do you mean it's not showing the errors in safe mode?
  5. It's not expected, did you free up some space before converting? Strange, are you still on v6.11.1 or updated to v6.11.4?
  6. If the container is mapped to /mnt/user it won't be a problem, if it's using /mnt/cache you need to adjust. It shouldn't make any difference. It will only work for the first array start if the array is also set to autostart.
  7. Syslog is just after rebooting, regular syslog starts over after every reboot, thats why I mentioned enabling the persistent syslog.
  8. You can make a btrfs pool with both devices by adding them to an Unraid pool and then UD will mount it, you can also have and automatic rsync script run on mount.
  9. It's not logged as a disk problem, could be power/connection or spin up related, I would start by disabling spin down for that disk.
  10. Start the array in normal mode and the format button will be next to the stop array button.
  11. Wouldn't worry about those errors for now, likely harmless, as for the temp warnings you can adjust the temps for that device, SSDs can run hotter, especially during prolonged writes, mas temp is usually around 70C.
  12. You'll need to consult the board manual or contact Gigabyte.
  13. Look more like a Mac problem, do you see all the other folders or only the files? Try with a PC or Android device if available.
  14. Then just reformat and see here for better pool monitoring, so you are warned if there are more issues.
  15. You are having multiple apps crashing and btrfs is detecting data corruption there's also this: BTRFS error (device dm-3): block=3573797388288 write time tree block corruption detected Which usually means bad RAM, or other kernel memory corruption, start by running memtest.
  16. Changed Status to Closed Changed Priority to Other
  17. This is about the UD plugin, please use the existing support thread:
  18. As you prefer, for some time now that macvaln can crash the server for some users, it usually happens every few days, and macvlan related call traces are usually logged before the server crashes, if you have no problems you can keep using it.
  19. You need a keyboard, if it's a wireless RF keyboard will without drivers.
  20. Forgot to mention, there are macvlan call traces, these can make Unraid crash, switch to ipvlan.
  21. Parity is not yet synced, let it sync first, only after that will turbo write work correctly.
  22. Boot using the GUI mode and change the docker network to macvlan, apply, reboot and see if that makes a difference, if it doesn't you can easily downgrade back to v6.11.3 by going to Tools -> Update OS -> Restore
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