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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. Syslog shows missing disks but the rest appears to be OK, please post the complete diagnostics after upgrading.
  2. In that case do a new config, assign all the remaining disks plus the cloned disk1, don't check parity is already valid and start the array to being the parity sync. If the cloned disk1 doesn't mount post diags or check filesystem.
  3. I would try ddrescue first with the other one, but since I'm going offline soon for the day I'll leave here the instruction for the other option in case you want to try that instead. I'm going to assume the rescued disk is disk1, if it's not adjust as necessary, also you need a new disk for disk3, if you want to rebuild it, if you just want to see if it can be emulated you can use the old disk for now: -Tools -> New Config -> Retain current configuration: All -> Apply -Check all assignments and assign any missing disk(s) if needed, including the cloned disk1 and the new (or old) disk3, if it's a new disk it should be same size or larger than the old one -IMPORTANT - Check both "parity is already valid" and "maintenance mode" and start the array (note that the GUI will still show that data on parity disk(s) will be overwritten, this is normal as it doesn't account for the checkbox, but it won't be as long as it's checked) -Stop array -Unassign disk3 -Start array (in normal mode now), ideally the emulated disk3 will now mount and contents look correct, if it doesn't post new diags -If the emulated disk mounts and contents look correct and you are using the old disk stop here, for now you can access its contents using the emulated disk, if there's a new disk3 and you want to rebuild it, stop the array -Re-assign disk3 and start array to begin.
  4. 99.99% is good, do you want to try the same for the other disk or use Unraid to see if it can emulate it?
  5. I don't understand the problem, probably lost in translation, diagnostics saved after whatever is the issue might show something.
  6. Also if you have the cables for that try connecting a device directly to the controller, bypassing the backplane.
  7. Not necessarily, usually the volumes are created in the controller BIOS.
  8. It's not a true HBA, it has a HBA mode that still might need volume creation, but I cannot help since I've never used one.
  9. That suggests one of the installed plugins is the problem, rename all *.plg files in /boot/config/plugins to *.bak, then start renaming them one by one, or a few at a time, until you find culprit.
  10. That's the docker image, go to shares and click on "calculate all" then post a screenshot, you can post images on the forum.
  11. Docker image can easily be recreated but to keep all the settings you need the apddata folder, do you have a backup? Also make sure it was on cache, it might be in the array.
  12. First post the ddrescue output when done, also is the new disk same size or larger?
  13. You can do the upgrade now and instead of rebooting power off and replace the SSD, then just check that it's on the new release after boot.
  14. Like mentioned before you must upgrade first or it won't work.
  15. It's the Intel SSD again, if that's the one you were going to replace you can go ahead, and the steps you mentioned above are correct.
  16. Check/replace cables on disk8 and try again, also check filesystem if there are no more ATA errors.
  17. This is what I do to get around this issue: -create a temp folder in the disk, e.g: mkdir /mnt/disk13/x then cd to it and type: dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1024 count=1050000 | split -a 6 -b 2k - file. this will create just over 1GiB in very small files, and because they are so small they will use metadata chunks, not data chunks, these will use at least part of 2 metadata chunks, it will take a coupe of minutes because of being small files, once it's done start writing the normal data, once you write a few GBs, just enough to create some new metadata, you can delete the temp folder amd the previously used metadata space on those two chunks will now be free and available for your data.
  18. They are working for most, but without the diags difficult to say what the problem could be, you can try and get at least the syslog.
  19. There only needs to be some unallocated space, for both disks post the output of: btrfs fi usage -T /mnt/disk#
  20. See if this helps: https://wiki.unraid.net/Manual/Security#Securing_webGui_connections_.28SSL.29
  21. If the device was formatted with UD Unraid will accept it in a pool, and if for some reason it doesn't just don't format it.
  22. Looks like there's an easier solution, add to syslinux.cfg: usbcore.autosuspend=-1
  23. Anyone with this issue using ipvlan? If using macvlan try switching to ipvlan: (Settings -> Docker Settings -> Docker custom network type -> ipvlan (advanced view must be enabled, top right))
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