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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. Nothing logged other than the errors caused by the controller with a SATA port multiplier, those are not recommended but unlikely that is crashing the server, still and since there's nothing logged it points to a hardware issue, PSU or board would be my main suspects, you can also try removing one of DIMMs and test with either one separately. P.S. you should also replace that controller since it will likely causes other issues sooner or later.
  2. Not much there, are sure it was always active? Also see the ipvaln setting like mentioned above.
  3. Enable the syslog server and post that after a crash, or if you have containers with a custom IP address update to v6.10.3 and switch to ipvlan, it should help (Settings -> Docker Settings -> Docker custom network type -> ipvlan (advanced view must be enabled, top right)).
  4. https://wiki.unraid.net/Manual/Storage_Management#Rebuilding_a_drive_onto_itself
  5. It does look like it was a SATA cable problem, emulated disk is mounting, assuming contents look correct you can rebuild on top.
  6. Start by doing a single stream iperf test in both directions.
  7. If you don't have a backup or don't know the assuagements you can do this: https://wiki.unraid.net/Manual/Changing_The_Flash_Device#What_to_do_if_you_have_no_backup_and_do_not_know_your_disk_assignments
  8. HBA has a BOS installed, so check if the disks are detected there, if not they also won't be detected by Unraid, swap cables with another one to see if it's really a disk problem, note that some disks won't power up if there's 3.3v SATA connected, in doubt use a Molex to SATA adapter to test.
  9. With so many missing disk there's not much you can do, are the disks being detected by the HBA BIOS? Assuming there's one, if not connect them to the onboard SATA and see if they are detect by the board BIOS. Also see if you can get the syslog at least: cp /var/log/syslog /boot/syslog.txt then attache here.
  10. Didn't notice it was using the Raid firmware, you need to first delete that one then flash the IT, instructions should be easy to find with Google, might need to use DOS or Windows to do it, Linux SAS2FLASH doesn't work for some functions.
  11. You're welcome, and if it happens again don't forget to save the diags before rebooting.
  12. Disks look OK and since the emulated disk is mounting, and assuming contents look correct, you can rebuild on top: https://wiki.unraid.net/Manual/Storage_Management#Rebuilding_a_drive_onto_itself You can do both at the same time.
  13. Looks like you are also one of the few where it's not working, this might be difficult to fix since we cannot reproduce it, appears to happen with some specific hardware combinations, but I'll add your case to the reported non working.
  14. Problem occurred because you are using a very old firmware for the LSI HBA, upgrade to latest then upgrade back to v6.10.3, do a new config, re-assign all devices as they were and check "parity is already valid" before array start.
  15. Start here: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/?do=findComment&comment=819173
  16. Delete/rename /boot/config/network.cfg and reboot, note lan settings will go back to defaults.
  17. Sep 14 17:09:48 otfgserver kernel: Trying to write to read-only block-device sdg (partno 0) This is a first, please reboot and try again to see if it's the same error.
  18. Yes, use a new Unraid install, you don't need to assign devices or start the array, just export the flash drive and see if you can access it.
  19. Strange error, please try this: Unassign all cache devices, start array to make Unraid "forget" current cache config, stop array, reassign all cache devices (there can't be an "All existing data on this device will be OVERWRITTEN when array is Started" warning for any cache device), start array, post new diags if it still doesn't mount.
  20. No driver being loaded, Realtek 2.5GbE Linux support is iffy, you can try v6.11.0-rc5 to see if the newer kernel includes one.
  21. Enable the syslog server, start a parity check and post that after a crash.
  22. I usually only know what I need once I start looking at the diags, post the complete syslog and the SMART report for that disk, if those are enough great, if not I'm sorry but I'm not going to be asking file by file.
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