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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. Backup config folder from flash then recreate it with the USB tool or manually, finally restore config folder.
  2. FYI, 2 years later this is still happening on a daily basis.
  3. So many errors suggest parity wasn't valid at some point during what you did, as long as future parity checks return 0 errors you should be fine.
  4. It is, but Ryzen on Linux can lock up due to issues with c-states, make sure bios is up to date, then look for "Power Supply Idle Control" (or similar) and set it to "typical current idle" (or similar), or completely disable C-sates. More info here: https://forums.unraid.net/bug-reports/prereleases/670-rc1-system-hard-lock-r354/
  5. Those errors are usually not a disk problem, I wouldn't worry for now.
  6. If the filesystem is getting mounted read-only when attenpting to delete the missing device there's likely corruption, though we'd need the diags after doing that to confirm, but if that's the case best to re-format the pool and start over.
  7. Diags are just after rebooting so not much to see, if it happens again grab and post new ones before rebooting.
  8. Please post the diagnostics: Tools -> Diagnostics
  9. Easier and safer to replace disk1 first and then shrink the array.
  10. Glad it's fixed but that has nothing to do with a corrupt vdisk like you mentioned.
  11. Mostly HBA bus width and link speed, for SAS expanders number of wide ports in use and devices used link speed.
  12. Both are possible, there's also a 36 port Intel SAS2 expander (RESCV360JBD) but it's usually more expensive. Top speed in the outer sectors range from around 225MB/s for a 10TB 5400rpm drive to around 275MB/s for 14TB 7200rpm one.
  13. Please post new diags with all dockers stopped.
  14. On the diags posted SSD is still on an Asmedia controller, and it is one of the older revs where trim is known to have issues, try one of AMD ports.
  15. VM showing as paused is from a full cache, corrupt vdisk is another problem.
  16. Please start a new thread on the general support forum and post the diagnostics.
  17. If the vdisk is corrupt you need to restore from backup, assuming one exists.
  18. Trim doesn't work correctly on some older Asmedia controllers, and that might have changed with the newer kernel, try the board chipset ports instead.
  19. Most of my updates also result fine, but I do see some go wrong, I would guess 1 in 10 or less, but still more than I used to see, and don't remember seeing those "xz decompression failed, data probably corrupt" errors on the syslog before, but might have missed them.
  20. Upgrade to v6.8.1 and the errors filling the log will go away, it's a known issue with some earlier releases and VMs/dockers with custom IPs.
  21. I just run chkdsk on my desktop and it's fixed Forgot to mention, now when doing an upgrade I look a the syslog, if I see lines similar to: xz decompression failed, data probably corrupt If this happens I know it won't reboot properly and chkdsk is needed.
  22. I have some suspicions that from a while back something changed with the flash drive that makes it corrupt more often, I never used to have issues upgrading and last releases it happens some times (with multiple servers) that after an upgrade (either using the GUI or by manually copying the files) I need to run chkdsk, or it will panic on boot, other times get a lot of corrupted line scrolling on the server, but like mentioned it's only a suspicion.
  23. Yes, but SSDs rarely get pending sectors, most times when they fail they were working good, you reboot, it's gone.
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