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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. Try the cable first, if it's not that then the cage is the next most likely candidate.
  2. Because disk18 still has more free space than disk19.
  3. Your key is missing, check that is there and there are no filesystem issues on the flash drive.
  4. It does need some airflow around it, remember these controllers are designed for servers with excellent ventilation, I usually have a 120mm or larger side case fan blowing air on them.
  5. No, current cache needs to be btrfs like it says on the notes. Yes, unless something goes wrong, that's way it's always good to backup any important data. Yes.
  6. Those are hardware errors and a general support problem, not a bug report, use the Nerdpack plugin to install mcelog, it may give some more info.
  7. https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/?do=findComment&comment=545988
  8. When a share is created it creates the folder on the first disk configured for that share, did you delete it?
  9. I believe so but I never had to update mine, as it was already 2.something, also I believe you need an HP controller to do the update.
  10. No such limit when crossflashed to LSI IT mode, LSI firmware limit is 256 non raid devices.
  11. Correct, use the 2 Intel SATA3 ports for the SSDs, SATA2 is enough for HDDs.
  12. No, those are the SCU ports, Marvell ports are the first 4 white ports 18-21
  13. It's a 5 bay external SAS enclosure with a built in expander.
  14. Yep, no problem, I have one on a server connected to 9 internal disks plus 5 external, and it's good for 150MB/s+
  15. Yes. It's SAS2 but unlike most SAS2 expanders it's SATA2 max, not SATA3 (and it requires a certain firmware, IIRC 1.80+), so half the total bandwidth of a SATA3 expander, 1100MB/s for single link, twice that for dual link.
  16. That's a flash drive problem, if using an USB 3.0 port try a 2.0, it can also be a failing flash drive.
  17. A clean shutdown wouldn't create diags, they are only created unRAID coudn't do a clean shutdown after the set timeout.
  18. What unRAID version are you running? Try typing on the console: btrfs balance start -dconvert=raid0 -mconvert=raid1 /mnt/cache
  19. I'm seeing the same using the SASLP, looks like some issue with diskspeed and this specific controller, real world bandwidth of the SASLP is around 640MB/s, so just divide that by the number of disks you have connected and it will be max speed during check/rebuild.
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