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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. Unmountable disk after upgrade would point to invalid parity, or errors during the rebuild, do you still have any diags from that?
  2. Assuming the devices are the same model try swapping cables/backplane slot between both, if the error stays with the disk that's likely the problem.
  3. Mostly due to GiB vs GB, GUI uses GB, also don't forget you need to add metadata usage to total usage as reported by the GUI.
  4. Once a disk gets disable it remains so until rebuilt, make sure emulated disk is mounting correctly before rebuilding on top.
  5. There's a problem with one of them since early booting : Nov 19 22:03:25 cLNASty kernel: sd 6:0:11:0: [sdn] tag#0 UNKNOWN(0x2003) Result: hostbyte=0x0b driverbyte=0x00 Nov 19 22:03:25 cLNASty kernel: sd 6:0:11:0: [sdn] tag#0 CDB: opcode=0x88 88 00 00 00 00 03 a3 81 2a a8 00 00 00 08 00 00 Nov 19 22:03:25 cLNASty kernel: print_req_error: I/O error, dev sdn, sector 15628053160 Nov 19 22:03:25 cLNASty kernel: sd 6:0:11:0: [sdn] tag#1 UNKNOWN(0x2003) Result: hostbyte=0x00 driverbyte=0x08 Nov 19 22:03:25 cLNASty kernel: sd 6:0:11:0: [sdn] tag#1 Sense Key : 0x2 [current] Nov 19 22:03:25 cLNASty kernel: sd 6:0:11:0: [sdn] tag#1 ASC=0x4 ASCQ=0x0 Nov 19 22:03:25 cLNASty kernel: sd 6:0:11:0: [sdn] tag#1 CDB: opcode=0x88 88 00 00 00 00 03 a3 81 2a a8 00 00 00 08 00 00 Nov 19 22:03:25 cLNASty kernel: print_req_error: I/O error, dev sdn, sector 15628053160 Check connections, there's not even a valid SMART report.
  6. This is the allocated space, not the available space, btrfs allocates new chunks as needed. That's because you're cache floor is set to 20TB, remove 3 zeros.
  7. That's not usually a disk problem, but keep monitoring, if you can replace/swap cables to rule them out.
  8. Filesystem is corrupt, best to backup any data and reformat.
  9. If the filesystem isn't detected/set it won't offer the GUI option, you can still run it manually: https://wiki.unraid.net/Check_Disk_Filesystems#Drives_formatted_with_XFS
  10. IIRC you need to add to your go file on the flash drive config folder, above the emhttp line, you can use notepad to edit.
  11. A single UNC error is usually no cause for concern, run an extended test and if OK keep monitoring, if more errors in the near future then consider replacing.
  12. If that's important to you can use a different one, like most free, but note that performance will be worse due to overlapping writes to parity.
  13. It's not just the spin down, drives themselves will park the heads after some seconds, not sure what the value is for these, so if the drives are accessed every few seconds for a short time, and idle timer kicks in, LCC will keep increasing.
  14. Currently that disk is set to 1 hour, but it very rarely spins down since there are almost constant reads from it, check you syslog, if your disks are spinning down multiple times a day with a 3 hour setting it's probably a good idea to increase it.
  15. wdidle3 won't work on these drives, and in these models it's normal for power off retract count to be same as load cycle count and can be much higher than start stop count. While your numbers are nothing to worry about, I've seen WD drives with more than a million load cycle count you might want to review your current spin down settings since the numbers do seem a little high for the power on hours, e.g. this is my WD 10TB white label: Power on hours: 7564 (10m, 11d, 4h) Power-off retract count: 398 Load cycle count: 398
  16. I didn't even check disk2 SMART since disk1 is also failing, so you have two failing disks and one invalid disk, I would try using ddrescue on disks 1 and 2 and copying everything you can from disk4.
  17. Go to Settings -> VM Manager and set a valid path to "Default ISO storage path:"
  18. On the dashboard click on the SMART thumbs down and acknowledge, and if it keeps increasing better to replace it.
  19. There are some btrfs recovery options here.
  20. Diags are after rebooting, but yes, likely the Marvell controller with SATA port multiplier, those are a double no no.
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