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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. That's how user shares work. What are you trying to accomplish?
  2. It is compatible, you can format, add data or not, and then add the disk to the array, but you have to set a new config so parity is calculated with that information included. If you want to add a drive and keep parity valid, the new drive must not have anything on it, including a file system, like I explained in the post above.
  3. If any bits are changed after the pre-clear, that's correct.
  4. This. Sounds like you have things pretty well figured out.
  5. I'm not aware of anything like that currently available, but it's a neat idea. The way it's done now is with the notification system, you tell Unraid to send emails, Boxcar, Discord, Gotify, Join, Prowl, Pushbullet, Pushover, Slack, or Telegram notifications.
  6. Clear means the partition contains ONLY zeroes. When you formatted the disk, you changed some of those zeroes to ones, undoing the clear status, so Unraid had to put them back to zero before it could add the drive. Think of the disk as a room to hold papers. Formatting adds filing cabinets and alphabetized folios with labeling and blank index cards. The room is no longer empty, but it still doesn't have any of your papers (data) yet. The file system takes up space, but makes it much easier to organize your papers instead of just dropping them on the floor. Unraid parity works with the whole room, not the individual papers, so it doesn't matter whether your file cabinets are old and small ReiserFS, or modern XFS, or fragile BTRFS, Unraid parity can reconstruct it. To add a room, it must be totally empty so anything added can be computed into parity. If you want to add a room with existing contents, even an empty file system, then you have to rebuild parity instead. BTW, the paper filing analogy works for formatting as well. Reformatting doesn't remove the paper, it just resets the index cards to blank entries. The ones and zeroes are still all there, but the addresses and file names are erased.
  7. If the share is public, ANY user EXCEPT root is accepted. When windows tries to log in to the server with your windows login and password, it succeeds. For whatever reason when windows asked for a password and you typed in root as the user, the server locked you out because root is not allowed share access, and windows stubbornly keeps trying with the user named root until you removed the saved credentials.
  8. If you hover over the yellow download icon below the word "Movie", does it give a status or error?
  9. That approach is hard on equipment, unless it's a +$1K USD UPS unit. Your goal should be to get a safe shutdown complete as soon as possible, hopefully with 50 to 60% battery remaining.
  10. With very few exceptions the steps for letsencrypt (the previous name) are exactly the same. Work through those directions and post to the swag thread with any hangups.
  11. Mover won't overwrite existing files, so if starting the containers created new files with the same names as before on the cache pool, mover won't fix it. The quickest correct way to fix it is using mc at the console command line, and move the files from the array disk to the cache pool. DO NOT go into the /mnt/user folder for this specific operation, it will result in data loss. You want to move the appdata and system folder from /mnt/disk1 to /mnt/cache, overwriting all. The docker and VM services must be DISABLED when you do this, not just stopped, you must not have a tab for docker or vm in the GUI. You also need to set appdata and system shares back to cache prefer. After the files are moved back, you can enable the docker and VM services in the settings, and things should be back to normal.
  12. I wouldn't be happy until it passes all 5 steps. Not fatal by itself, but until it passes preclear or at least an extended SMART test I wouldn't trust it.
  13. Depends on which container, each one must be handled individually, as they are programmed as individual pieces. But not universally. Think of a container as a stripped down VM that shares resources more effectively. It's still uniquely programmed. That's why you need to look and ask in the support threads for each container that is having an issue, as the solution is specific to that implementation. You can have multiple implementations of an app, take for instance plex, there are several different containers, some arch based, some ubuntu based, possibly others, each has the plex app but the container's base OS is different, also how it interacts with the host can be different.
  14. There is a green+ sign at the bottom of the primary vdisk location settings in the VM configuration screen to add additional vdisks.
  15. Instead of mucking about with trying to force a VM to boot to a iso image, I find it easier to set up a stripped down VM with gparted and all the other fun tools, and temporarily add the target vdisk as a second disk to the utilities VM. That way there is no need to modify anything with the original VM, just remember to remove the vdisk from the utility VM before starting it up again.
  16. This is a prime candidate for adding a single device pool directly in Unraid vs. trying to manage it in UD. It would make things much easier and accomplish exactly what you asked.
  17. Keep in mind that when you add a data drive to an array with valid parity, the drive will be irretrievably wiped and formatted before it is added. If there is any data you wish to keep on that drive, you can do a new config and rebuild parity with the data on the added drive intact. Unless you really need the extra capacity, it would be prudent to keep the drive aside as a spare, so when a drive fails you will have a ready replacement. Also, it's really, really handy to have a spare slot physically open for future heavy maintenance if needed. Much easier to keep a slot open than juggle things to make one available in a pinch.
  18. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/114773-nas-very-slow-≈-1mbs-upload/?do=findComment&comment=1043530
  19. In the Unraid GUI interface, click on the word "Tools" in the list of items across the top. Then click on the icon that says "Diagnostics" Near the bottom of that page there is a button for download.
  20. Looks like you have the first two devices in your XML but you missed the last one. I don't see 21 00 2 anywhere in your XML.
  21. Tools, diagnostics, download the zip file and attach it to your next post in this thread.
  22. Have you replaced any drives since the backup was taken?
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