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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. You can't restore files and folders, only complete disks. As long as parity is accurate when the disk went offline, the emulated drive is a bit level copy. Unraid does its best to keep parity valid, but things like power cuts during a write can corrupt parity, so if an unclean shutdown is detected, a parity check is triggered, and it's a good idea to do periodic (monthly, typically) parity checks just to make sure all the drives are returning good data. Parity has no concept of files, folders, or file systems.
  2. Try repeating the test, with the server running but not fed from the UPS with the USB connected and see how the server reacts.
  3. Have you tested the UPS runtime on a switched circuit with an equivalent dummy load attached?
  4. As a very general rule, anything that handles drives larger than 2.2TB should be fine with any disk size available for a few years yet. Discussing specific drive models borders on religion, I'd google the model number and see what people are saying.
  5. Larger drives are more efficient in several ways, so buy the cheapest per GB skewing heavily towards the larger drive. Prices are highly location specific, so I'll give a hypothetical you can apply to your situation. Let's say 8TB drives are $20 / TB, and 10TB are $19 / TB, but 16TB are $21 / TB. Obviously you would want at least the 10TB, and if you can at all afford it, upgrade to the 16TB.
  6. Start here, also look in the support threads for the specific containers you are using, I guarantee someone has asked the exact same question at least once in those threads.
  7. Is there another bios entry that mentions slot bifurcation?
  8. Yeah, that's a neat solution as long as you don't have any card interference. I've had some boards where that would get in the way of the last PCIE slot. Good option if you have room.
  9. You must change the desired format type to XFS if that's what you want to use. That option will not be available if you have more than 1 slot available for cache disks.
  10. Is "enable bridging" set to yes in your network settings as shown in the first post?
  11. I recommend dealing with the cache drive first. Set appdata apps domains and system to cache: yes, go into settings, docker and vm manager, and disable them both, once that is done you shouldn't have a Docker or VMS tab in the gui, run mover, check the shares page compute all and make sure none have cache: entries, then change the format type on the cache drive to xfs if you only ever plan to have a single drive for cache, btrfs if you plan to add a drive for redundancy in the cache pool. format the cache drive, make sure that's the only drive set to unmountable before checking format set appdata apps domains and system to cache: prefer run mover enable docker and vm manager
  12. You are in great shape. Now is the time to act, before you start filling things up. In a nutshell, you need to empty a drive, so pick the drive with the most free, and use whatever method you are most comfortable with to get everything to another location, and format that drive to XFS or BTRFS. Then copy everything onto that freshly formatted drive, and format the rest of the drives. Since everything you have easily fits on one drive, this will be a piece of cake compared to some people. Skim through the sticky thread on conversion, and post back here with specific questions about your setup. Start by going to the Shares tab and clicking the compute all button, take a screenshot after it finishes calculating and either digest what it's telling you or paste it here and ask.
  13. After you get through your current list, you need to add drive file system conversion into the mix. ReiserFS doesn't handle large drives very well, anything over 2TB starts to get pretty bad. How full are your current drives, and how fast do think you may start to fill them? You can't convert in place, you must have an empty drive to format and then copy things from drive to drive. There is a sticky thread on conversion techniques.
  14. I haven't updated to that firmware yet, I saw complaints when I did a search for that string. How many different AP's are you running successfully with that version?
  15. Do they support port forwarding? I can't find any reference on their site on how to get a port assigned. This is necessary for the topic of this thread.
  16. BTRFS is the only option for more than 1 device in a pool. You have 2 options, either create another pool and have one drive in each, that way you can use XFS, or change the BTRFS RAID level to single. It would probably be safer for your data to make another pool.
  17. You state it correctly once and incorrectly once. No need to preclear, as you have no valid parity, yes you need a new config. Drives assigned to data slots will not be altered.
  18. BTRFS RAID1 with 2 unequal size members can only use the size of the smaller drive, as each bit of data must exist on both drives. What are you intending to do?
  19. Thanks for taking one for the team. Good luck on your adventure. 😀
  20. Start by giving each VM a single matched pair of cores, starting at the high numbers, leaving all the low cores unallocated and then see how they perform. Add a pair of cores to each VM and test again. Stop adding cores when the VM's don't perform better when you add more cores. For the best VM experience leave as much power as possible for the host to emulate the other resources needed for the VMs.
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