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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. This is the issue, as the parity check was due to unclean shutdown.
  2. Only for OCD. Unraid is perfectly happy to run with parity2 and no parity1. You have the same level as protection as having just parity1 assigned. The downsides besides the OCD of having parity1 empty is that parity2 is not data slot position agnostic like parity1, and parity2 takes a bit more CPU power to compute. So, you very well could have completed your move as planned, as long as you would be content with an empty parity1 slot and an occupied parity2. Nothing wrong there, just not as tidy visually.
  3. You MUST copy the file to somewhere other than /boot. Linux permissions aren't honored in any path under /boot because it's FAT32, which doesn't support linux file permissions fully.
  4. Read errors that are successfully calculated from parity and rewritten to the drive in question do not result in failing the drive. However... it's kind of misleading, and at first glance I'm hesitant to trust the result 100%, since the parity was forced to be correct at those addresses that failed the read. That's a whole can of worms that's a little above my pay grade, if @limetech isn't too busy maybe he can pop by and provide some clarity on what happens when a read error occurs during a parity check. My gut says parity is assumed to be correct for those specific sectors, with no way of verifying that unless you have 2 parity drives. That means it's possible for the data to be wrong at those addresses. Not particularly likely, just possible. As far as the drive itself, I'd run the extended smart test and see what results you get.
  5. That will mean rebuilding parity. The two slots are not equivalent. How confident are you in the health of your drives right now?
  6. Unraid NAS is pretty much set and forget, as long as you have notifications set up and keep up with basic maintenance. Containers, not so much. Unless you learn how to do things yourself, either by paying for the education or self learning, you will be paying over and over every time things change and update. I know it seems like a lot to take on, but honestly, much of the satisfaction is learning to handle things on your own, either by watching tutorials or asking good succinct specific questions on the support thread for whichever container you are dealing with. If you pay for someone else to set it up, you will either give up when it updates and stops working, or you will be paying over and over again.
  7. Very occasionally I've seen a network card freak out and lock down the network. Try unplugging the ethernet connection to one of the devices involved in the transfer and see if the network comes back to life. If you can isolate it to the Unraid box, try a different ethernet adapter.
  8. Follow the manual install instructions, you will need a temporary OS running on the server, like a live linux or something. Roughly, format the stick to FAT32, copy the files from the manual download to the stick, run the make bootable script.
  9. Since you say you built it, I'm assuming you are relatively familiar with PC stuff. Take it back to the bare minimum, PSU, motherboard, CPU and heatsink, power button lead. NOTHING else plugged in. No RAM, no cables except power, nothing. See if you get a "RAM missing" code when you trigger power. If so, add 1 stick of RAM and see if the code changes. If so, and you have onboard video, plug the monitor back in and see if it initializes. Keep adding pieces ONE AT A TIME until you get failures again. If you can't get a bare motherboard and cpu to give you a ram missing signal, either the board or cpu is probably fried, but sometimes removing the CPU and reseating can help.
  10. How much free space is showing in the VM? vdisks are sparse by default, so they only show allocated what is actually in use by the VM.
  11. I totally get why you want to approach it that way, but ideally shutdown should be handled ASAP, and housekeeping should be a periodic task that doesn't interfere with shutdown. Many people run Unraid mostly unattended, and automatic shutdowns need to be handled gracefully and with as little delay as possible.
  12. Physical configuration doesn't matter, but slot assignment is how drive order is determined. Slot 5 is not equal to slot 9. Just because you move a whole block of drives, it's still a different order because slot 5 doesn't contain the same bits as it did before you reassigned it.
  13. Which set of instructions are you following?
  14. Not spaceinvaderone, but the clear advantage to using full passthrough vs privoxy is you are assured of all communications going through the tunnel, vs just web traffic.
  15. Try a different USB - SATA adapter. Honestly though, because of how unreliable USB is under load, I wouldn't recommend using parity at all. You would probably be better off keeping the extra drives for manual backups of important data.
  16. Best option could be a second cache pool, available in the 6.9 beta
  17. Looks good so far. With the 2 8TB drives connected and the array stopped, just click Add Pool and go from there.
  18. I don't see the 2ea 8TB drives in the Unassigned section. Are they connected?
  19. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/88456-catastrophic-hard-drive-failure/?do=findComment&comment=833305
  20. Can you post a screenshot of the MAIN GUI with what you have done so far?
  21. Begin by sourcing a quality 4 pin molex to SATA power adapter. Be SURE that the SATA end has crimp connections, no one piece molded where the wires just disappear into black goo, you should be able to see the wires connect to shiny metal in separate slots. Using only that piece plugged into a single hard drive, see if the drive spins up. Don't connect SATA data wire, just give the drive +5, +12 and ground and see which drives spin up. Once you have an update with that test, post back with results.
  22. Start reading here. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/44119-support-binhex-sabnzbdvpn/?do=findComment&comment=481133
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