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Everything posted by JonathanM

  1. Mine is working fine in bridge mode, but I have 7 different port mappings, and set inform override is configured to my FQDN with 6 of those mapped ports exposed on my WAN. I have many access points being managed at several different physical sites. The list of ports that need to be used is easy to find, first google hit on unifi wan ports
  2. If a reallocation event happens once, and never again, it's not a concern. If it repeats again, it's time to pay attention. 3rd event, plan a replacement. If you get several reallocation events back to back, prepare to lose the drive, probably sooner rather than later. The number of sectors is a factor, but the rate of increase is what is most concerning. Some drives reallocate a dozen or so sectors, then stay quiet for years.
  3. No, the license is linked to the USB hardware GUID
  4. Try using Nomachine. Install in both the VM and the box you are accessing it from.
  5. That sounds like a recipe to enable parity based file corruption detection. Instead of just telling you that parity is wrong at a certain address, you could take that address and generate a list of potentially affected files, one on each drive, if a file exists at that address. Then before you correct parity, you could verify each file against backup or external checksum to determine whether the the data drive should be updated instead. With dual parity, maybe you could correct corruption automatically? It's been too long since I worked through the scenarios with dual parity and data correction, but I have it in the back of my mind that one of the stumbling blocks was determining exactly which files corresponded to a specific address.
  6. Windows only alerts you to an issue when there is data attempted to be read from a bad spot. Even then there typically isn't an error shown, you have to dig through the logs to find it. Unraid uses the entire disk capacity for parity protection, so any disk read error can cause issues rebuilding another failed disk. Windows will happily continue to use a disk until it dies completely, sometimes with no indication you are in trouble until you get a failure to boot. I have worked on countless machines where the users would have much rather gotten some warning than be told their only option was to send the disk away to a clean room recovery center. Windows leaves you blissfully ignorant of a bad situation.
  7. Poorly. There will still be free space showing when you get out of space errors. It's a BTRFS thing, not really under unraid's control.
  8. Unraid itself can run headless, if the motherboard will boot that way. However, if there is a video card present, the motherboard may keep it from being reassigned to a VM. It's not unraid, it's the hardware that determines whether it will work the way you want.
  9. If you are trying to get the NUT plugin working, you need to post in the NUT support thread.
  10. Have you tried the NUT plugin? https://networkupstools.org/
  11. Seems to be fine locally, do you have it exposed through reverse proxy? I'm not having much success there, and it's required for my workflow to be able to use grocy externally. I see on the project page that reverse proxy documentation is in progress, but I thought maybe you had a working config. https://github.com/Forceu/barcodebuddy/projects/1
  12. Possibly, but if you access them in any way from windows, it will invalidate parity. Also, windows can't read the file system, so even if the disks show up, you couldn't see any files on them.
  13. To connect on a network without a running DHCP server, you will need to statically assign an IP to the machine you want to manage it with in the same range as your server. Or use the local GUI on the server. Regardless, you need to have a backup router available that you can bring up to manage things while your pfsense VM is down.
  14. No. Parity is realtime, when you format the disk, that is immediately applied to parity. If the data on the disk is irreplaceable from backup or reripping, then data recovery software may be able to help, but it's not simple to do.
  15. No, but you probably need to look into NAT loopback, hairpinning, reflection, or whatever your router calls it. Worst case you will need to set up split DNS.
  16. Yep. Or just delete the docker.img file and use the previous apps section of CA to reinstall. Personally after messing up the docker.img file I'd rather recreate from scratch, it only takes a few minutes and you know you have a clean base.
  17. binhex-nzbget 657 MB 11.1 MB 7.26 MB Post a screenshot of your Settings, Paths in NZBGet
  18. That doesn't resolve the external WAN port conflict. One of the services is going to have to change ports, unless I'm missing something here.
  19. Keep in mind you are on the hook for shipping back to them on an RMA. And you probably would want a trackable carrier, so figure minimum $15 USD.
  20. If nzbget is configured to save files anywhere other than /data/* and /config/* the files will end up in the docker image.
  21. The gihub page has instructions on how to obtain the file you need and where to put it.
  22. My recommendation would be, IF you are the owner or a principle in the company and IF you are technically savvy enough and willing to stay on top of maintenance and troubleshooting and IF you already are maintaining a personal use Unraid rig so you can try things out before putting them into production, Then Unraid could be right for your business. If you are simply an employee, then no. If something doesn't work as the boss thinks it should, you will be setting yourself up for either ill will or trying to fix things on your own time without pay. If you simply wanted to use the NAS function, no containers or VM's, then it would be fine IMHO.
  23. Not that I'm aware of. If you can't get your wife to see the value in investing her time, I recommend binning the project. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/78198-support-linuxserverio-grocy/?do=findComment&comment=768702
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