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Everything posted by wgstarks

  1. Install Community Applications. Then you can just download the dockers/plugins.
  2. This is just a shot in the dark, but I recently had a similar issue because I had a deleted share that still had a path mapped in a docker. The docker kept recreating the folder/share.
  3. I see that the .DS Cleanup script has a popup window and warning about the script aborting if the window is closed. Does this mean that I can't set the script to run on a schedule?
  4. Thanks squid. I think that worked. At least the launcher ran at array start. Guess I'll find out about the background docker start/stop script when my next parity check starts in a couple of days. Coming from you, I'm sure there won't be any issues with it either.
  5. Been trying different options, but none seem to work. If this script is set to run at array start the array fails to start. It just hangs. Tried adding the background only option but no luck. The only way I can get the script to run is to manually launch it in the background.
  6. Can't get it to work when I set the schedule to "array start". It locks up the webUI completely if I stop and then start the array. Also triggers an unclean shutdown warning from FCP. User Scripts script- #!/usr/bin/php <?PHP # A simple script to allow you to run a custom script when a parity check starts or stops # Adjust the following variables to suit: $checkInterval = 300; # Number of seconds in between checks $startScript = "/boot/scripts/docker_start_stop_parity/docker_stop_parity.sh"; # The full path to the script to run when a parity check starts $stopScript = "/boot/scripts/docker_start_stop_parity/docker_start_parity.sh"; # The full path to the script to run when a parity check stops # Don't touch anything below while (true) { $vars = parse_ini_file("/var/local/emhttp/var.ini"); if ( $vars['mdState'] == "STOPPED" ) { break; } if ( ($vars['mdResyncPos'] != 0) && $vars ) { echo "Parity Check / Sync / Rebuild in progress. Executing the start script ($startScript)"; exec($startScript,$output); foreach ($output as $line) { echo $line."\n"; } while (true) { $vars = parse_ini_file("var/local/emhttp/var.ini"); if ( ($vars['mdResyncPos'] == 0) && $vars ) { echo "Parity Check / Sync / Rebuild finished. Executing the stop script ($stopScript)"; exec($stopScript,$output); foreach ($output as $line) { echo $line."\n"; } break; } else { sleep($checkInterval); } } } else { sleep($checkInterval); } } ?> docker_stop_parity.sh- #!/bin/bash docker stop -t=45 binhex-radarr docker stop -t=45 binhex-sonarr docker stop -t=45 binhex-delugevpn docker_start_ parity.sh- #!/bin/bash docker start binhex-delugevpn docker start binhex-sonarr docker start binhex-radarr file path to scripts- I checked the start/stop scripts from CLI and they work as expected. If I use the "background" button the User Scripts Plugin shows the script as "Running". Not sure what I'm missing here? I've attached a diagnostics as well. brunnhilde-diagnostics-20170929-2108.zip
  7. Thanks squid. I notice the script in the zip file has windows CRLF line breaks. Is it supposed to?
  8. The commands would be docker pause binhex-sonarr followed by docker pause binhex-radarr followed by docker pause binhex-delugevpn and then the reverse on parity completion. I guess I need to figure out how to script these commands though. Want to do something like CA Docker auto start except at parity start and finish.
  9. I would like to use this to pause several torrent dockers during parity checks using "docker pause <dockername>". Is there anyway to have the commands run in a set order?
  10. @binhex Wanted to continue our previous conversation in the proper thread. Squid has shared a script for his user scripts plugin which will run a custom command at parity check start/stop. I can't use the deluge scheduler plugin to pause torrents since it uses a weekly schedule and my parity checks are monthly, but I could run this on parity check start- docker pause binhex-delugevpn and then this on parity check completion- docker unpause binhex-delugevpn Any thoughts? Is my syntax correct? Have you tested pausing the docker?
  11. Another option is to run a cable direct to your Motherboard if you have any unused USB ports on it. It's the only way I've been able to get smart support on my server. Pita to plug in the cable though. ?
  12. I have precleared USB attached drives without issue. Some feature may not work. I think most controllers won't support SMART for example. At least none of mine do. If I can choose between USB and eSATA I choose eSATA though, just because all the bells and whistles will work (at least in my case) and I get roughly the same speed between eSATA and USB 3.
  13. It wasn't writing to the array. /config is mapped to cache and /data/incomplete is mapped to a UD mount. In fact, it probably wasn't writing at all since I had paused all the torrents in an effort to speed up the parity check. Pausing all torrents didn't work so I had to stop the docker. As soon as I did my parity check speed jumped from 5MB/s to 92MB/s. No idea why. CPU load was <20% and didn't change much. Network activity was near zero. The only thing mapped to the array now is /data/completed (didn't have an HDD big enough for all the data). I suppose if there was a file transfer in progress when the parity check started it might have contributed to this. Seems unlikely though since the parity check had been running for more than 24 hours at these super slow speeds before I discovered the problem. Can't believe that a file transfer of a single torrent could possibly take that long. If you've got some ideas how to troubleshoot this I'd be glad to give it a shot. Maybe in the Deluge thread though. Didn't mean to sidetrack this one. Question: I know you have used both. Which do you recommend?
  14. I was originally. Wanted to avoid using /mnt/diskX/ so that I wouldn't have to worry about the disk getting full. Now I'm just mounting a disk in UD just for /data. Works very well. I can get about 20 MB/s with well seeded downloads. The only issue I'm having now is resource related I think. I have to stop the docker when my system is doing parity checks or rebuilds. Otherwise it will slow everything to a crawl. That's the main reason I'm looking at rtorrent.
  15. So your saying that this statement from Apple only applies if the source is AFPS and the target is also AFPS?
  16. I currently have my downloads writing to an external UD drive. Before that I was getting delays that I think were related to pcie bus bottlenecks (just a guess). Using the UD mounted drive has solved that problem, but Deluge still causes problems when running parity check or rebuild even when it's not downloading or seeding. Not really sure what it's doing. Don't see any unusual numbers for CPU load or network activity.
  17. I'm currently using the binhex DelugeVPN docker but investigating other alternatives. Deluge is slowing my unRAID server to a crawl. Noticed that my most recent parity check was running at about 5 MB/s so stopped the Deluge docker and parity check speed jumped up to over 90 MB/s. This was with no active torrents down or up. I'm tired of trying to get Deluge to be less of a resource hog and I've seen posts suggesting that this docker is much less resource intensive. A few question though. 1) Is rtorrent less of a resource hog? 2) Will my Sonarr and Radarr dockers work with rtorrent? Looks like both have rtorrent presets so I'm guessing this isn't an issue. 3) Is there a plugin for rtorrent similar to AutoRemovePlus on Deluge that will automatically remove torrents based on ratio and/or seed time? I'm working my way through this thread, but really these are the only things that really matter. The rest I can probably work out as I go along. Thanks
  18. Are you using your full email address for the user name? Also, yahoo uses port 465 and SSL.
  19. Its in /boot/config/plugins/dynamix/dynamix.cfg but I think it is encrypted. At least mine appears to be.
  20. Does this permissions issue still occur in the latest RC? Pretty sure the ownership problems are being caused by vfs_fruit. Only happens when connecting as a registered user from a Mac.
  21. I see a warning in my logs every time i connect to this plugin- Sep 24 08:37:28 Brunnhilde rc.diskinfo[16281]: PHP Warning: Missing argument 2 for force_reload() in /etc/rc.d/rc.diskinfo on line 687 Sep 24 08:37:28 Brunnhilde rc.diskinfo[16281]: SIGHUP received, forcing refresh of disks info.
  22. IIRC, hardlinks are also supported in Sonarr. Don't use them personally so can't really say how well they work. Haven't seen anyone posting problems though.
  23. There is a feature request for this support. https://forums.lime-technology.com/topic/50902-time-machine-over-smb-mac-os-sierra/?tab=comments#comment-501634 Since this will probably be dependent on vfs_fruit support it might be a while though.
  24. With macOS High Sierra, AFP has been deprecated. Time Machine backups via AFP will no longer be possible. I can see that some work is underway with vfs_fruit to support TM backups via samba. Hopefully LT will integrate this functionality soon.
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