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Everything posted by trurl

  1. This is not what is usually meant by the term "use case".
  2. Easy enough to know for sure. Check for updates.
  3. Has anyone come across this? I think everyone was hoping you would think to look back a few days! You know you really should read a little bit before posting. See search tips in my sig
  4. No. You can mix FS if you want. XFS is the default for array drives now but reiserfs still works. Many have converted reiserfs to XFS for some good reasons, and others think reiserfs has better recovery tools. I converted all mine to XFS. Note that there is no automatic way to do the conversion, and changing the filesystem of a drive will format it, so you have to move the files off before changing.
  5. Oh my, that is interesting. I hadn't realized that Limetech had transitioned from Xen to KVM. Here's a blog post about it. This question may be a little dumb: do we know which GA version of UnRAID includes KVM instead of Xen? How would one tell? Xen was only available in the early v6 beta releases while it was being evaluated as an alternative to KVM.. All v6 releases since then have used KVM. Looks like xen was dropped in v6rc3, about a year before you registered for the forum.
  6. This seems to be the opposite of what you said before: Which is it?
  7. You have to specify a specific version of plex. Search this thread for hints.
  8. Assuming you aren't running some old v5 beta you can probably leave it in the server. The main thing is whether there were any changes to syslinux which would require you to make bootable again.
  9. Post-read has determined that the disk was not zeroed. I had a similar problem once that was caused by a bad RAM stick.
  10. I think there was a way to get console output to sleep but I don't remember what it was. Kind of hard to search for I know. Maybe checking some other linux websites will turn up something.
  11. I think his problem is it IS automatically selecting the active cable, which is unRAID console after the VM sleeps. Confusing to other users. I had that problem with a previous monitor. My solution was to just unplug the unRAID display when I didn't need it, which was most of the time.
  12. -A is not relevant for drives > 2.2TB
  13. I've set the appdata folder to prefer on the cache and ran the mover script. It copied all the app data folder to my cache drive like you said, but the appdata still remains on the array as well. Is this normal behaviour? In the future will it read and write from the cache and not the array? What are you looking at that is telling you it is still on the array?
  14. Set appdata user share to Use cache disk: Prefer and run mover.
  15. And any top level folder on cache or any array disk is automatically a user share. A user share has default settings unless you change them. Minimum free = 0 is just the default.
  16. The docker (application) port should not be changed because that is the port the application uses. You can map that to any unused host port. If you aren't sure what is unused, you can usually just pick something with 4 or 5 digits (to avoid stepping on any system ports) that your other dockers or plugins aren't using.
  17. If you're asking what the application does, go to the first post in the thread and click on the link to the application website.
  18. this is not true if you have set shares to the 'Prefer' setting. That explicitly says that there are files on the data disk that you want to be moved to the cache disk whenever this becomes possible. That is the only setting that can cause files to be automatically be moved in that direction. And there are other cache settings, like No, Yes, and Only. Each user share can have different cache settings, and if you don't set this for a particular user share the default is No, which means it won't use cache at all. There is a Help button in the upper right of the webUI which will explain the current page to you. When setting up your user shares turn Help on. It it much more flexible (complex) than you thought.
  19. Aha, I understand! Many thanks for this sentance. "Dynamix Cache Directories" only keeps directory structure of users shares in directory entries on cache drive. Copy structure of users share. It keeps the directory entries in RAM as RobJ said, not on cache drive. Only will only write to cache and will not move it from cache. If you have a cache drive, Prefer will only write to cache, but if any of the share is already on other drives it will move to cache. This allows you to add a cache later and then get the share to use it as if it were cache-only. Turn on Help in the upper right of the webUI.
  20. Yes it should, but the inconsistency make me wonder about whether they really understand volume mapping.
  21. screen also requires utempter, which is just past the bottom of your screenshot, so we can't tell if it has somehow gotten turned off or not.
  22. I'm having the same problem as you. Where is the deleting docker image (checkbox)? Also, What are the my templates you are talking about? This has been addressed many, many times here on this forum, including in the announcement thread for the upgrade. Please search the forum for "layers from manifest". I just did and got 30 results. See the link in my sig about how to search this forum. Even though Squid has already replied, I am posting this anyway in an attempt to help people help themselves.
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