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Everything posted by trurl

  1. Without your diagnostics we would only be guessing.
  2. What are your volume mappings for this docker?
  3. Sounds like it is picking up the Unassigned Devices mount point which is named "disks" and then parsing it like it was one of the disk#.
  4. Even though it says it updated perl, perl continues to show an update available. Which version of unRAID? Any other plugins or installations with perl. While I plan to try and make it smarter right now it's not. So if you were on 6.1 and had the python 2.7.9 installed but another plugin or you installed 2.7.11 then NerdPack would show update ready. This was on 6.2b18. I haven't even had my backup server turned on since 6.2beta was released and may just leave that one on 6.1.9 for now. I'm pretty sure the only reason I had perl turned on was for sensors detection. I am not using any plugins for anything that has a docker. I am fine without perl and will probably turn it off. Just thought I would mention what I was seeing. I did notice Nerdpack showing a different version of python when you updated speedtest before updating NerdPack but that is all good now. Just perl showing update available after it said it updated it.
  5. Even though it says it updated perl, perl continues to show an update available.
  6. Dockers cannot see anything that was mounted after the docker service starts. Go to Settings - Docker and stop then restart the docker service after you mount anything with Unassigned Devices if you need any docker to see it.
  7. Dockers cannot see anything mounted after the docker service starts. Go to Settings - Docker and stop then restart docker. Just another one of those things that made me suggest Midnight Commander in the first place.
  8. What happens with these numbers is you ask for the size, and it is given in some units that may be 1024 or may be 1000, and then to make the number have fewer digits, you divide it by 1024 or 1000 and so you can wind up with a lot of different answers that all mean the same thing. Don't know what to suggest about your actual RAM hardware issue other than what Frank1940 has already said. Is your BIOS set to the default settings?
  9. Just google Midnight Commander. It isn't any more difficult to use than those dockers, and doesn't require any setup.
  10. An additional parity bit will not help with this.
  11. If you set your BIOS to boot from flash, and it is not remembering this setting, then your CMOS battery may be dead.
  12. I have several smaller drives I'm not using anymore and 2 servers each with a spare port. Be happy to give it a workout.
  13. I've never used NFS before but I remember some issues with it on some earlier unRAID versions. Have no idea whether this is relevant at all. Here is a post from Tom I found.
  14. Thanks for LMS. Using it now. Not clear how it is different than gfjardim though. I see it has a newer phusion. Is that the only difference? Do you plan on doing more with it? Here is an old request for adding the airplay plugin
  15. So did you already test it with the PhAzE plugin mentioned in the link I gave above? I can well remember the bad old days of v5 when syslogs were full of plugins installing one version of something, then another plugin comes in and deletes all that so it can install a different version.
  16. Also, there are plenty of other examples of volume mappings for this specific container already in this thread.
  17. You say it has worked on other images? Are you sure you've really tested that well? In general, you're doing it wrong. In unRAID, most of the "usual" Linux locations are in RAM, will not survive a reboot, and have limited space anyway. There are really only 2 places you can store something. 1) /boot is your flash drive. This is mainly intended for saving configuration and some people use if for scripts or other small files that aren't written much. 2) /mnt is the mount point for your disks and user shares. Please see the Docker FAQ and other stickies in the Docker Engine section.
  18. Looks like you have used a version of python that is older and will probably conflict with the python PhAzE is using in his very popular plugins.
  19. I don't use that docker, but in general, you shouldn't change the container port since that is what the application is expecting to use. You set the host port to some port that isn't already being used. 80 is already being used by the unRAID webUI.
  20. Read the posts in this thread before yours starting with Reply #35
  21. This seems like the best solution.
  22. Looks like the other Transmission docker here would also get the latest at PPA so would have the same problem. Just tried PhAzE plugin and for now at least it is getting 2.82. I just made another copy of the appdata for it to use, and then went into the app and set it to use the "unmapped" path to the downloads, and also did Set Location on each of the existing torrents. So I am at least back to seeding now. May wait a while before starting any new torrents and hopefully this will be resolved soon.
  23. Unlikely to see a docker for any application that doesn't have a Linux version.
  24. Still no joy at the PPA link. Any chance we could get an Environment Variable to let us choose one of the older versions?
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