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Everything posted by trurl

  1. See search tips in my sig. Post from the author, in this thread. Be careful to select the correct disk since it won't be able to save you from yourself if you run it on another system.
  2. I followed the bunker thread but never bothered to use it because in the end I wanted something that was filesystem independent. I backup my really important user shares to NTFS disks and store them offsite. That makes it much easier to access them without unRAID. I had been running an md5 script I got from bjp999 before this plugin came along, and I had used corz in the past but not diligently, and never seemed to get around to actually verifying anything. This plugin is indispensable in my opinion and it already has all the functionality I could hope for, but I will look forward to further refinements. I just hope it continues to maintain corz compatibility and filesystem independence. Thanks
  3. Success notifications should probably be a checkbox. I personally like getting success emails from all my various automated processes but others might rather not.
  4. Changing the modification dates of your files? Or just the modification dates of the folders? The folders are modified by writing the .hash file for the folder. Creating a checksum does not change the date of the file. Certainly hasn't on my system. Just folder dates when the .hash is written. I expect that is what he was seeing.
  5. Changing the modification dates of your files? Or just the modification dates of the folders? The folders are modified by writing the .hash file for the folder.
  6. Yes it will. That is the main purpose of preclear. If you don't preclear a disk to be added, unRAID will have to clear it so parity remains valid, and your server is not accessible while unRAID clears a disk. The preclear script was developed so you could clear a disk before you give it to unRAID, so it will not have to clear it. Preclear is also often used to test new disks.
  7. I think it is maybe the cache space that's in play, buffering I/O. Not entirely sure. I know back when I was running with less RAM on 32bit unRAID it would run out of RAM preclearing large drives unless I set some options to make it do smaller chunks. See here. Not sure this can even be an issue on 64bit unRAID, especially with 32GB RAM.
  8. Mostly about RAM. You seem to have plenty according to your sig, but I don't think I have heard of anyone else doing that many at once. Maybe it was stuck waiting for memory.
  9. How is the drive connected? USB2? USB3? SATA? eSATA? What kind of drive? Flash? SSD? HDD?
  10. That's FAR more power than you need. 650 watts would be plenty. Newegg specs for that drive says +12V Rails: 4
  11. If you have no parity drive, just rearrange the drives however you want and start.
  12. No. Tools - New Config. Check the box to Trust Parity.
  13. Could be the docker you got "in the wild" doesn't work, or it could just be an issue with your volume mappings. Do you have other working dockers?
  14. Don't know anything about this docker, but when you say do you mean the docker log? If you put the $ in the environment variables of the docker template then that is likely your problem. Try it without the $
  15. Does that plugin work with cache pools?
  16. Will not install which script? My preclear plugin works, but I don't see the fast option. I installed the fast option by copying preclear_bjp.sh and the correct readvz to the root of my flash drive (according to the readme.txt). Need I do more? Thanks, Richard Did you read the thread you linked like I suggested? Never mind, I just reread it for you. Here Since you may have additional issues or questions about this please read the thread.
  17. Did you install the faster script?
  18. The thread you linked has all your answers, and as threads go around here it is not really that long. If you install the fast preclear script the plugin GUI will give you a check box for fast. *edit* The plugin will not install the script for you. You have to put it in the plugin folder yourself.
  19. If true, you suggest that it get up to 186Mb in seconds after a reboot? because at each boot, I checked my LOG partition and it was at 100% already so probably not cleared ?? Nothing to clear, since /var/log is in RAM. Must be something with your configuration filling it up. Maybe boot in SAFE mode and see if it still happens.
  20. Not if the drive is >2.2TB Yes No
  21. I think you will have to disable the docker service itself, not each individual docker.
  22. I think it lets you expand the "tree" at that point. Have you tried clicking on it?
  23. The Plugins page says "built-in" in the last column for "native" plugins. There are only 2. Added plugins have a checkbox that enables a remove button.
  24. Sadly no.... when I select the Workgroup button, in the dropdown, I only get Tower which is the unRAID server... I have other *nix machines that use Openelec,and Windows 7 on that workgroup. My Win 7 machines has no issue seeing them all. Thanks. Is your unRAID server the local master? Not just set to be the local master, but actually the local master? There is a dynamix plugin to show you.
  25. When I select SMB, I get a button "Search for server in" workgroup name. Pressing this button gives me choices in the IP/Host dropdown. Selecting a host and pressing "Load Shares" button gives me choices in the Share dropdown. Does it not work that way for you?
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