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Everything posted by trurl

  1. New Config rebuilds parity by default. It is possible to get it to skip the parity rebuild, but in this case you should rebuild parity because when you remove a disk you have invalidated parity. Without the USB drive it shouldn't take as long to rebuild. How big is parity? I usually estimate 2-3 hrs per GB of parity.
  2. trurl

    Turbo write

    Your appdata, domains, and system share belong on cache.
  3. USB connections are not recommended in the array due to unreliability. Tools - New Config. Keep all drive assignments, then it will let you make changes before starting the array. Unassign the drives you want to remove, then start the array to rebuild parity.
  4. I think he was asking if the new version works without the command.
  5. If you're absolutely certain about the drive assignments then it will be fine. If there is any doubt don't assign parity. Your screenshot shows only 2 disks. Is that all you have?
  6. Your syslog has a lot of messages from several disks. I suspect a problem with your controller(s). And your controller(s) isn't passing SMART reports to Unraid which will make it difficult to monitor drive health. Is your controller(s) setup in a non-RAID mode? But your syslog isn't large enough to be taking up that much log space. Do you have atop installed? It is often the culprit for filling log space.
  7. Go to Tools-Diagnostics and attach the complete diagnostics zip file to your next post.
  8. You should have asked for advice sooner. Probably none of the disks were bad but you have bad communications with the disks due to bad connections or cables. These are by far more common than bad disks.
  9. Post your docker run command as explained in the very first link in the Docker FAQ pinned near the top of this same subforum.
  10. Total capacity is simply the total of all data drives. Doesn't matter if you have 1 or 2 or zero parity drives. Also each data drive is an independent filesystem, no striping. So each data drive can be read by itself in any Linux. Read speed is the speed of the individual disk. Write speed somewhat slower due to parity update. Unraid is not RAID. It has other advantages, such as the ability to read any disk without the others, the ability to easily add more disks without rebuilding, and the ability to use disks of different sizes together in the array.
  11. Actually, copy works as expected, it is moving that contains the surprise. This is just a specific example of the more general problem I outlined earlier in this thread, see item 2 here: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/61985-file-browser-in-webui/?do=findComment&comment=723474
  12. You can assign the disks however you want. Just be sure you don't accidentally assign a disk with data on it to the parity slot. Things will still work if you use the server during parity build, but it can slow things down considerably since all disks are read during parity build, and the sectors and tracks of the disk used for parity will not be the same as those you are trying to access for other purposes, resulting in a lot of seeking.
  13. Tools - New Config is the way to set drive assignments and build parity using the new assignments. Just accept all current assignments and then it will let you change the ones you want before starting. Unassign the empty drive, assign it as parity drive, then start the array to begin parity build.
  14. That looks OK. Normally your VM and dockers are in the User Shares named appdata, domains, system. These are cache-prefer by default, which means if they ever overflowed to the array then mover could move them back to cache. But mover can't move open files, so for that to actually work, docker and VM services have to be stopped. It is really simpler to just have those shares cache-only, but you have to be careful and not fill up cache (or any other disk for that matter) or it could corrupt. Each user share has a Minimum Free setting which Unraid uses to decide which disk to use when it begins writing a new file. It has no way to know how large a file will become when it chooses a disk to write. If a disk has less than Minimum Free it will choose another. You should set Minimum Free to larger than the largest file you expect to write to the user share. Cache also has a Minimum Free in Global Share Settings. If cache has less than minimum, Unraid will use this setting to overflow to the array, but that only works for cache-yes and cache-prefer user shares as explained in that link I gave.
  15. Actually, stopping the array will disable the docker service, so there is no way Krusader could invalidate parity, since it won't be running with the array stopped.
  16. You shouldn't move those to the array, and if you have those shares set to cache-prefer, they won't be moved to the array. Study this: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/page/2/#comment-537383 Then study what I said above again. Nothing about the user share settings, or mover, creates any backup. If you want to back them up, see the CA Backup plugin: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/61211-plugin-ca-appdata-backup-restore-v2/
  17. Are you asking about running Mac OS and Windows as virtual machines on Unraid?
  18. Unassigned Devices plugin: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/44104-unassigned-devices-managing-disk-drives-and-remote-shares-outside-of-the-unraid-array/
  19. This thread is about a very old release candidate. Is that the version you have?
  20. trurl

    New build!

    https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/#comment-480421 https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/#comment-480420
  21. Take a look at the Unbalance plugin: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/43651-plug-in-unbalance/
  22. SSDs are not recommended in the parity array but can be used in the cache pool. At least one data disk is required in the array.
  23. Probably should have posted this link: https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/page/2/#comment-537383
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