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Everything posted by tjb_altf4

  1. I've found someone who says they can help!
  2. I would also note even if you had no XCH taken, that PS script likely got access to your private keys which means future earning could be stolen.
  3. I think I've cracked it!
  4. Drives successfully precleared and absorbed into the array, just in time!
  5. Also in the new house now, but the network needs some work, so sticking with wifi bridge for now. Unifi NanoHDs are still doing a great job with coverage and reliability. New house is on HFC (fiber), so was able to get on a 1Gbps plan, and while I'm not currently able to utilize it fully over the wifi bridge, I'm still getting +400Mbps.
  6. Finally got around to adding my LSI 9211-8i (H310) to the system, as I've been at capacity with onboard sata ports since last year. Luckily no issues with the HBA, I know some had issues when X399 was first released, I assumed later bios releases fixed that issue. Once the HBA was in, I added a couple more 10TB drives for good measure, which are currently preclearing, once done it will take the array (alone) up to 70TB. I hope to push past 100TB in the next few months, although if multi-array is not released soon, I might build a separate storage only machine with my spare unraid license.
  7. 1.1.6 docker update fixed my wallet sync issues (and I'm no longer in a double NAT situation). Good times!
  8. There was a new client released that moves to a dns based introducer, that should fix many sync issues. Official docker build has hit a few roadblocks, so its not released yet, but the new windows client seems to be running really well for sync.
  9. The container build is already in progress. on code that was released only a few hours ago, you guys need to chill haha
  10. Its a shim network created when you enable Docker > Host access to custom networks This allows containers to communicate with the host, which is normally blocked as a security measure for docker
  11. Tagged releases (comprised of many commits) are the only ones that will trickle down to docker and OS specific releases (e.g. Windows GUI client).
  12. @Squid do you have a sample script for adding dockerhub credentials ? Or is this making its way to the GUI anytime soon ?
  13. S to skip is what you want. As long as the chia has picked up the mnemonic correctly (shows in docker logs), you're all good
  14. I eventually found that I needed to run the command in the script as background task so the jobs could overlap. Sorted.
  15. You can filter and export to file using docker logs chia 2>&1 | grep ERROR > chia_log_error.txt The path to the containers full log can be found by running this command: docker inspect chia | grep log
  16. log_stdout: true means it no longer sends logs to log/debug.log, but instead dockers logging mechanism itself (log icon on container) This is how you can view logs in console or simply "docker logs chia" if you want to see everything
  17. You need to enable log rotation, do the following: Stop the docker service, go into Settings > Docker > Docker LOG rotation: Set to Enabled note: advanced view must be toggled on to see this option
  18. OK this seems to be fine when using the drop down schedules (scheduled Hourly), but as soon I use a custom cron schedule the script won't restart until after the running script finishes. Is this a bug to be resolved, or is there a work around I need to use? Currently wanting to run the script every 30 min with: */30 * * * *
  19. I've managed to solve my wallet not syncing issue by using the windows client in a VM and throwing a VPN client (PIA) to bypass all my current double NAT'd badness. Chia docker is still doing the hard work of harvesting, but now everything is synced up and working as normal in the windows client (pointing to chia smb share) I'm sure this can be done with docker networking, but I wanted a quick solution to tide me over.
  20. For anyone that has moved logs to stdout and is having issues using grep on logs, this is the command you need: docker logs chia 2>&1 | grep YOURKEYWORD
  21. Make sure you have port 8444 forwarded, if you know your ISP has CGNAT you might need a VPN as the double NAT my be causing the sync issues. I'm double NAT'd at the moment and have syncing issues with my wallet (only).
  22. There is also an offical faucet now too, although the official is a once off use as far as I can tell. https://faucet.chia.net/
  23. Should be on par, Linux versions in general are far better than windows by at least 10%, not sure if would be much between Linux distros. Unraid's strength for Chia farming is that it is already setup to manage the apps, the drives, and the tiered storage solution. If I happen to win a bingo coin (XCH), I'll probably build a dedicated farming rig with parts I have already. User scripts plugin (GUI for cron essentially) and at minimum this code running on a schedule is all you need to get going #!/bin/bash dirNew=$(date +"%H%M%m-%d%y") docker exec chia venv/bin/chia plots create -b 3840 -r 4 -n 1 -t /plotting/$dirNew -d /plots note "-it" has been removed (we don't want interactive mode), otherwise its the same as the normal docker command
  24. You need to restart the container before the changes will kick in. I don't think those warnings are anything to be worried about, but read through this if you're worried about the health of you farm https://github.com/Chia-Network/chia-blockchain/wiki/Is-my-farm-healthy---I-am-not-finding-proofs
  25. Are there any issues with overlapping jobs when scheduling? i.e. ~4hr jobs run every hour
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